Unusual blue-gray color in common laying hens is very rare. If you see many of these birds, do not hesitate: they are all bred by breeding. Among blue chickens, there are different breeds that differ in both appearance and purpose of breeding.
Do not think that blue chickens were bred exclusively for decorative purposes. Breeders from different parts of the world were interested not so much in external attractiveness as in the benefits of content. This means the ability to produce eggs and meat.
Blue chickens acquire beautiful plumage by two months of age.
Of course, the unusual color of the plumage is striking and distinguishes these birds favorably. But among them there are different breeds:
- decorative;
- egg-laying;
- meat;
- fighting.
It is difficult for an ignorant person to understand what kind of bird is in front of you. But in fact, the blue thoroughbred chickens have everything different: the life cycle, and the color of the eggs, and the character. Moreover, an unusual color may appear in a hen born in an ordinary village courtyard or in a poultry farm. This is a typical mutation. Moreover, the bluish color of the feathers appears only by two months of the life of the hen or cockerel.
The differences between different breeds of poultry are significant. Chickens bred by breeders from different countries of the world are completely different.
- The Andalusian breed is a layer with bright plumage. Each feather has a dark border around the edge. Andalusians rush even in the cold season, but they do not know how to look after the offspring.
- The Kokhinhinsky breed is recognized as a meat breed due to its large size and weight, reaching 7 kg. Chinese breeders have made their furry giants caring parents, although these chickens run very badly.
- Aurora was bred by Russian scientists as a laying hen, which is absolutely not afraid of frost. Her first egg appears already at the age of 5 months, during the year she manages to lay about 220 eggs. The large weight, and the birds of this breed reach 3 kg, makes it possible to classify the Aurora as a meat breed.
- The Orpington Chicken is a versatile English breed. This is a decorative large beauty, which is bred for both meat and eggs. It has a very fluffy plumage. Farmers are forced to cut the feathers in a certain way in order for the chickens to breed. In a year, one laying hen is capable of producing up to 180 eggs, while weighing 2-4 kg.
- The Australorp is another versatile breed native to Australia. It belongs to the egg-meat species. The average weight of this bird ranges from 3-5 kg, it lays up to 220 eggs per year.
- Araucana is an amazing chicken that lays turquoise eggs. Her ancestors are fighting chickens, which were formerly bred by the Indians. Outwardly, this bird is completely unlike an ordinary hen: it does not have a tail, but it has sideburns. The breed is bred mainly for obtaining eggs.
The description of blue chicken breeds suggests that breeders around the world have made efforts to create unique varieties of domesticated egg and meat birds.
Chickens with bluish-gray plumage are very beautiful. However, farmers value them mainly for their ability to carry and provide meat. You can meet a bird with unusual plumage in different parts of the world.