Blown neck: first aid and advice from doctors
Often, neck pain appears in the summer – due to drafts and air conditioners. What to do if your neck is blown out, how to get rid of discomfort, pain and stiffness, and how to recover faster at home?

It can happen anywhere: at home, in the office, in nature. If you have been in a draft, sat under the air conditioner, and suddenly there is a sharp pain in the neck, it hurts to turn or tilt your head – most likely you have myositis. This inflammation of the muscles, which is associated with hypothermia, is accompanied by aching, very unpleasant pain and limited mobility.

Neck pain symptoms

As a rule, the pain appears in the morning – if you slept in a draft or under an air conditioner, or just on an uncomfortable pillow. If it blew at work or in transport, discomfort will occur after a few hours.

The main symptom is asymmetric neck pain, that is, the pain occurs on one side of the neck. It becomes difficult to keep the head straight, it hurts to turn it, it is difficult to bend over. The intensity of the pain increases with pressure on the muscles or during movement.

The muscles of the neck seem to swell, any movement is accompanied by aching pain, which can radiate to the temple, forehead, shoulder, palm or even fingers. A protective tension appears in the muscles of the neck, which leads to limited mobility.

There are difficulties in performing the most common household activities. If nothing is done, the pain and stiffness may persist for several days.

What can be an additional cause of neck pain, contribute to its appearance?

  • Postponed neck injuries.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Stress, nervous tension.
  • Incorrect position during sleep or when sitting at a computer, in the office, driving, in transport.
  • If you carry heavy backpacks, uncomfortable bags.
  • Recent infectious diseases.
  • You warmed up your muscles, for example, by playing sports or working in the country, and then cooled off in a draft.

How to treat neck pain at home

At home, the treatment of neck pain can be as follows:

  • To improve well-being, you can use a dry warm compress: for example, attach a scarf or scarf heated with an iron.
  • If there is no inflammation of the lymph nodes, light self-massage can improve the condition.

Medical supplies

  • The neck can be rubbed with ointments, gels and creams, which have a warming and irritating effect, block pain, distract from it, and relieve muscle spasm.
  • It is advisable to apply creams with analgesic and anti-inflammatory components to the site of pain localization.
  • Wrap a warm scarf around your neck and lie down comfortably.
  • If the temperature rises, we take antipyretic drugs.
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What to do if the pain does not go away

Usually the treatment of neck pain lasts from two days to two weeks. And yet, experts strongly recommend that if you have a blown neck, see a doctor.

If severe pain does not go away for more than three days, as a rule, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in combination with B vitamins. If this does not help, blockade with novocaine is done. But at the same time, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and accurately determine the cause of the pain.

Doctors often refer patients with neck pain to physical therapy, such as magnetotherapy.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

Preferably immediately after blowing the neck. And certainly, if the pain does not go away within a few days.

Often the question arises, which doctor should I contact if my neck is blown?

At the first symptoms, it may be your primary care physician or neurologist. They will prescribe initial treatment and examination. And in the end, they can send you to a rheumatologist or surgeon. A massage therapist and a physiotherapist can also participate in the treatment.

When the pain in the neck passes, you can do physical therapy as a preventive measure, preferably under the supervision of a specialist instructor.

Prevention of neck pain

Is it possible to protect yourself from neck pain? Yes, you certainly may.

In order not to blow your neck in the future, it is worth:

  • Avoid drafts in the rooms where you spend most of your time. Don’t overcool. Monitor the operation of the air conditioner, do not put it on blowing and low temperature in the heat.
  • Avoid prolonged and frequent stress. They lead to muscle clamps and, among other things, can turn into pain in the neck.
  • Watch your posture, especially if you have a sedentary job.
  • Do exercise and sports. In particular, for the prevention of neck pain, doctors recommend swimming.
  • Get fit, get enough sleep and try to eat right.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with the neurologist Olga Zincheva, how dangerous the appearance of pain in the neck is, whether it can be dangerous diseases, and also decided which drugs can be used to provide assistance.

Why is neck pain dangerous?

Pain in the neck, as a rule, people do not attach much importance. At best, they are written off as banal osteochondrosis, tension headaches. But behind this symptom, very serious diseases can be hidden, including:

• herniated discs;

• cervical myelopathy resulting from prolonged compression of the spinal cord by a hernia, which leads to a violation of the spinal circulation;

• injury of the cervical spine (very common in road accidents);

• infectious diseases such as spinal tuberculosis.

The clinical picture in these diseases can be varied: local pain in the neck and arms, weakness in the limbs, dizziness, numbness in the limbs, twitching in the muscles of the body, fever, and others.

I would like to remind everyone who has any of these symptoms – you need to see a doctor! It is he who will be able to understand the causes of pain, prescribe the necessary amount of examinations and choose the right treatment.

What ointments, drugs can be used to relieve pain?

To alleviate the condition, in the absence of contraindications, the local use of ointments such as Pentalgin, Traumeel can. At night, you can apply ointments with a warming effect, such as Finalgon, Kapsikam and others.

A positive effect is the use of orthopedic orthoses for the cervical spine.

Is it possible to use massage, warm compresses, applicators, physiotherapy?

When the diagnosis is established, the cause of pain in the neck is known, then, I emphasize once again, in the absence of contraindications, it is possible to carry out massage, use applicators, heat compresses and other physiotherapeutic procedures as prescribed by the doctor.

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