Weigela is a shrub belonging to the Honeysuckle family. The culture got its name in honor of the German botanist Christian Ehrenfried von Weigel. A photo and description of the weigela shrub will help gardeners when choosing a plant for the garden.

Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

What does weigela look like

Weigela is a frequently used decorative element, which is the link between tall trees and stunted shrubs.

It is a profusely flowering plant from May to July. Weigela is a shrub reaching a height of three meters. The leaves are bright green, do not fall off for a long time. There are red and brown foliage colors. The flowers are large, tubular, up to 3 cm long, collected in inflorescences located on lateral shoots.

How weigela grows

Characteristics of the environment necessary for the successful growth of weigela:

  • windless place;
  • fertile soil;
  • the shrub develops ideally in the sun or in light partial shade;
  • overmoistening is undesirable.

If these rules are observed, the plant achieves optimal growth, demonstrating decorative qualities.

Part of the weigel gives wide crowns, so it is permissible to carry out a slight pruning of the shoots to give the plant the desired shape. Some varieties grow slowly – no more than 10 cm per year, others give abundant, rapid growth, due to which the plant matures in a short time.

Important! A shrub selected without taking into account local climatic conditions may die when extreme situations occur for the variety.

Varieties of weigela

There are eight common, non-hybrid varieties of weigela:

  1. Weigela middendorffiana – blooms in spring and autumn with yellow flowers with orange spots. Shrub height – up to 1,5 m, planted singly, on lawns, under trees with sparse crowns.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

  2. Weigela japonica – a plant not higher than 1 m. Leaves up to 10 cm long, slightly pubescent. In the middle lane, culture needs shelter, but freezing is possible even after warming.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

  3. Sweet weigela – a variety growing on the Kuril Islands, in Primorye, on Sakhalin. Rarely cultivated. The flowers are pink-violet, pink inside. The height of the shrub is 1,3 m.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

  4. Weigela precocious – common in North Korea, in the south of the Ussuri Territory, prefers rocky slopes. The flowers are bright pink, white with a yellow tinge in the throat. It is recommended to plant in groups, singly on lawns, like a hedge.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

  5. Weigela coraeensis – a Korean shrub that can grow up to 5 m. For the winter, it is necessary to insulate the planting, the seeds in the middle lane do not ripen. Flowers reach 3,5 cm in length, pink.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

  6. Weigela hortensis – Japanese plant, similar to the Korean variety. It is desirable to cover young specimens, adult bushes are frost-resistant.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

  7. Weigela maximowiczii – shrub no higher than 1,5 m, yellow, large flowers. Distributed in the middle lane, begins to bloom in May.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

  8. weigela florida – common in Europe, garden forms have colored foliage. Flowers are pink.

    Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

Important! Weigela varieties are much more than varieties. This is a narrower concept. Choose what to plant in your summer cottage, preferably focusing on the variety.

Weigela varieties with photos, names and descriptions

The photo and name of the weigela, with or without flowers, will help you choose the right variety, or identify an existing one. Each group of varieties has its own characteristics. So, hybrids look more impressive, undersized ones can be placed in flower beds, and winter-hardy ones do not have to be covered in autumn.

Low-growing varieties of weigela

Weigela dwarf varieties do not exceed 1,5 m in height. Most often the bushes are even lower.

Minor Black

Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

The height of the bush of representatives of this variety of weigel is not more than 0,75 m, the maximum width is 1 m. The shoots are red-brown, the leaves are shiny, medium-sized, the same color as the shoots. Inflorescences appear in June, flowers are 2,5 cm in diameter, dark pink.

Monet (denial)

Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

The height of the bush of this variety of weigela never exceeds 0,5 m. Leaves give the plant a special decorative effect. The leaf plate is painted in various shades – from green to red-pink. In summer, a white-pink border appears. In autumn, the border darkens. Blooms with light pink flowers.

Nana Purpurea

Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

The shrub never grows above 1 m. Weigela leaves are dark red, medium-sized. Flowering begins in June. Inflorescences of various pink shades are striking against the background of red foliage. Planting a variety is recommended singly (as a color accent).


Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

In all respects, this weigela is similar to Nana Purpurea – no higher than a meter, dark red crown, compact. The leaves are medium-sized, the inflorescences are pink, of various shades. The size of the flowers is proportional to the growth of the bush – no more than 2–2,5 cm. It is permissible to plant Victoria and Nana Purpurea weigels in a group.

Important! Low-growing varieties are often not hardy enough. Winter shelter is desirable, especially for varieties less than 1 m tall.

Frost-resistant varieties of weigela

Winter-hardy varieties of weigela do not require shelter during an ordinary winter. Extremely cold, little snow is also tolerated well, but additional insulation may be required.


Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

Shrub 1,5 m high, has a spreading, wide crown. Foliage is either greenish-bronze or red-green. It blooms profusely, the inflorescences are dark pink. An alternative name for weigela is Vine and Roses (wine and roses).


Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

Tall, fast growing weigela. The maximum height of the bush is 2,3 meters. The leaves are painted green, have a yellow border. The flowers are dark pink, bell-shaped. Because of the height, this variety is advised to be planted singly or in groups.


Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

Plant up to 1,5 m tall, crown dense, sprawling, up to 2 m wide. Foliage changes color depending on the season. In spring, the leaves are red-brown, dark, then change color to a brown-green (red-green) shade. The flowers stand out strongly – bell-shaped, dark pink on the outside, light inside.


Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

Relatively undersized winter-hardy variety, not higher than 1,3 m. The crown is dense, compact. This variety of weigela belongs to varieties with dark leaves. Abundant flowering, tubular flowers, deep pink. This variety is frost resistant.

Important! Cold-resistant weigel varieties are able to bear fruits in the middle lane, which ripen, however, no matter how attractive they are in the photo and description, the seed boxes of the bush are not edible.

Varieties of hybrid weigela

Varieties of hybrid weigela (below in the photo) come in different frost resistance, the description must include an indication of how well the bush will endure the winter.

Bristol Ruby

Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

The largest among hybrid varieties up to 2,8 m high, the crown is sprawling, up to 3,5 m in diameter. The shrub is a fast-growing one. Bright green leaves are large, sometimes glossy shiny. Flowering occurs in June, the inflorescences are ruby ​​red. In winter, the ends of the branches often freeze slightly, but the plant quickly recovers.


Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

Tall shrub (2 m) with a compact crown, not wider than 1,2 m. The foliage has a light green color. Flowering begins at the end of May, the flowers are bell-shaped, large, snow-white. The color of the leaves, flowers, remains unchanged. Weigela Candida is a frost-resistant variety that can overwinter in central Our Country without shelter.

Eve Rathke

Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

Low-growing (up to 1 m) bush, characterized by a wide, sprawling crown. The growth rate is average. Bright green foliage contrasts with carmine red on the outside, light pink on the inside. The shape of the flower is tubular. Flowering is long, from June to mid-August. The variety has an average winter hardiness.

Naomi Campbell

Blooming weigela shrub: photo of flowers, how it grows, varieties

The bush belongs to the dwarf weigela hybrids, the height is not more than 0,6 m. The crown is compact, equal to the height of the plant. The leaves are dark purple, bronze. Purple-red flowers appear in late May. The variety is winter hardy. This hybrid can be planted in flower beds, borders, flower beds.

Important! Minor sanitary and aesthetic pruning is acceptable, but it is desirable to keep the haircut to a minimum.

How to choose the right variety

The choice of flowering weigela or another variety should be made not according to the photo, but according to the description and individual characteristics of the landing site.

  1. For the middle lane, northern regions, frost-resistant varieties are recommended. Heat-loving varieties do not survive the winter even with shelter.
  2. For alpine slides, flower beds, borders, it is better to choose the smallest varieties. An exception is complex multi-tiered compositions. In that case, a medium-sized shrub with a not very spreading crown is planted.
  3. In dry climates, it is advisable to choose a shrub when watering is possible. Large specimens will require abundant, regular irrigation, especially varieties designed for mid-weather conditions.
  4. When it is planned to plant a weigela under the windows, in a small front garden, you should choose a variety that does not grow above the windowsill. Also take into account the light-loving variety, because some do not tolerate the shadow.

An additional important condition is the soil. If the site is located on sandy, clay soils, you should refrain from buying. The plant will either die or will constantly get sick, which will affect the decorative qualities.

Important! If in doubt about the possibility of growing a particular variety, it is advisable to clarify the details with the seller of the seedling.


The photo and description of the weigela shrub give a complete picture of the plant when it is necessary to decide whether it is worth growing it in personal plots. However, it is important to remember that proper care gives the bush a decorative look. Even a varietal specimen can become unattractive if ignored.

Weigela from the Garden of your dreams

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