Blooming Decembrist: why it doesn’t bloom
“Decembrist” is a type of needleless cactus. It got its name from the bloom in December. But there are other names: crayfish neck, barbarian color, zygocactus, schlumberger. Its height is 30-50 cm. Inflorescences are attached to the ends of the shoots. The root system is weak. Differs in the ability to absorb moisture from the air, which helps the cactus maintain a favorable growth environment. The color of the flowers is white or red.
Reasons affecting the flowering of zygocactus
Inexperienced growers are faced with the fact that “Decembrist” either refuses to bloom, or throws off the buds that have already gained color.
Blooming “Decembrist” can throw off its buds at the slightest movement of the pot
The most common reasons are:
- Lack of light. To avoid this problem, place the pot on a window that faces west.
- Lack of nutrients. In winter, you can limit yourself to the usual feeding for cacti, but in the spring it is better to replace the soil with a fresher and more nutritious one.
- Insufficient watering. Irrigation should be carried out depending on the moisture content of the soil. In winter, water should be watered no more than once a week. It is important to maintain constant moisture in the summer, so it is best to switch to watering twice a day.
- Lack of transplant. To make the zygocactus happy with its flowering every year, transplant it no more than once every 5 years.
- Incorrectly selected pot. Schlumberger roots are small and the extra space negatively affects their condition.
- Root system disease. The main feature is the withered appearance of the plant. To avoid this, follow the rules of care.
Knowing the reasons that affect flowering and its duration can help avoid many problems. An important step is timely diagnosis and application of recommendations to eliminate the problem.
Often “Decembrist” appears on the windowsill as a blooming gift. Many hobbyists are wondering how to make the plant bloom. The answer is a few simple tips for caring for the plant:
- Moderate light. Place the cactus out of direct sunlight.
- Maintaining a favorable climate. The average air temperature should be 12-16 degrees at the time of budding.
- Transition to the mode of moderate watering with the onset of autumn.
- Root system ventilation. Make holes in the bottom of the container for air movement. For better circulation, place charcoal or crushed brick in the base of the soil.
- Timely transplant. Replant Decembrist every 5 years, checking the root system. Remove damaged appendages if necessary.
If you follow all of the above tips, you can grow an annually blooming “Decembrist”.
Rules for caring for the “Decembrist”
Experts say that in addition to proper care, fresh air affects the flowering of the zygocactus. For this reason, take the Decembrist out to the balcony or terrace more often.