Bloody nose: how to stop? Video

Bloody nose: how to stop? Video

There are many blood vessels in the nose, and therefore seemingly harmless nosebleeds can not only seriously worsen the state of health, but also lead to large blood loss. That is why when nosebleeds appear, it is important to provide first aid in a timely and correct manner.

Bleeding from the nose: how to stop it?

The severity of nosebleeds is often underestimated, but this approach can pose huge health problems. Indeed, a completely healthy person can also bleed from the nose, but if the situation does not repeat itself for the first time, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of the pathology.

The most common causes of nosebleeds are:

  • mechanical injuries (blows, bruises)
  • damage to the mucous membrane after medical and diagnostic procedures and manipulations in the nasal cavity
  • the presence of a foreign body in the nose
  • inflammatory diseases of ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, etc.)
  • curvature of the nasal septum
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity (polyps, tumors, etc.)
  • high blood pressure
  • bleeding disorder
  • fragility of blood vessels
  • heat or sunstroke
  • hormonal disorders
  • sudden changes in barometric pressure (for climbers, divers, pilots, etc.)

You shouldn’t try to diagnose yourself on your own. In case of severe nosebleeds, especially recurrent ones, it is necessary to be examined by an ENT doctor, and, if necessary, by other specialists (therapist, hematologist, etc.).

Despite the fact that nosebleeds can occur in perfectly healthy people, it is important to try to find its cause and take preventive measures so that the situation does not happen again.

How to stop nosebleeds at home

The most common way to stop nosebleeds at home is to tilt your head back. However, experts do not recommend doing this in order to avoid accidental ingestion of blood into the respiratory tract. Since the blood from the nose is due to damage to the blood vessel, it is necessary to squeeze it by pinching the nostril with your finger. In this case, it is advisable to sit down, relax, tilt your head forward and breathe through your mouth. Sometimes a couple of minutes in such a position is enough for the nosebleeds to stop.

In case of severe bleeding, the nostrils should be clamped by first inserting cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide there. Vasoconstrictor drops (“Tizin”, “Nazivin”, “Naphthyzin”, etc.) also have a good hemostatic effect. You should not bury them in the nose as with a cold, it is better to apply them to a tampon instead of hydrogen peroxide or together with it.

Even if the bleeding has stopped quickly, cotton swabs with hydrogen peroxide or vasoconstrictor drops must be kept in the nose for at least 15-20 minutes

If the bleeding still does not stop, a cold compress can be applied to the bridge of the nose. To do this, you can use ice wrapped in a towel or a cloth soaked in cool water. Keep the cold near the nose for no more than 5 minutes. This time is too short for the occurrence of severe hypothermia and inflammation, but at the same time it is enough to stop bleeding.

If nosebleeds occur with enviable consistency, it is better to buy a hemostatic sponge at the pharmacy in advance. With its help, you can stop the blood in just a few minutes. To do this, just insert a small piece of sponge into the nostril and pinch it with your finger. The hemostatic sponge is sterile and completely safe. It is not necessary to remove it from the nose, it is completely absorbed in the wound cavity, stimulating the restoration of damaged tissues.

What if home remedies are powerless?

If home remedies do not work within an hour (and for a child, within 30–40 minutes), do not continue self-medication. In case of mild bleeding, you should consult an ENT doctor at the clinic at your place of residence or stay, or go to the nearest hospital where there are otolaryngologists. In case of severe bleeding, which threatens large blood loss, it is better to refrain from independent movement around the city. It is necessary to call an ambulance, describe the situation and wait for the arrival of a team of doctors who will provide professional assistance and hospitalized in a hospital.

In the hospital, as a rule, complex treatment of nosebleeds is carried out. Doctors can prescribe hemostatic drugs or do EHHF coagulation if conservative therapy is ineffective. In addition, they will conduct an examination, find out the causes of the bleeding and give recommendations to help avoid relapses.

Relapses of nosebleeds can be avoided by eliminating the causes of its occurrence. Hypertensive patients need to monitor the level of blood pressure and prevent it from rising. In the presence of inflammatory or neoplastic diseases of the nasal cavity, it is necessary to undergo anti-inflammatory or surgical treatment. In case of a violation of blood clotting, you should contact a hematologist, find out the cause of the disease and undergo drug treatment. As an additional method, you can use folk remedies, for example, a decoction of nettle.

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