Blood transfusion. Whom can blood save a life for?

Blood is used primarily in the treatment of chronic diseases, and not only during planned or emergency surgeries. Experts reassure that there are practically no problems with blood shortage in Poland at present, but they are concerned about the future. Who can become a donor? Find out.

  1. 2/3 of blood transfusions are due to chronic problems, for example in the case of anemia or neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic system, e.g. myelodysplastic syndromes
  2. The demand for blood is enormous, an average of 1 in 10 hospitalized people needs it. In Poland, 1,7 million transfusions are carried out annually
  3. Blood cannot be produced. The only way to get it is to get it from an honorary donor.
  4. In 2017, 600 people had the status of an honorary blood donor. Poles, however, this number is falling
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page 

Blood transfusion – when is it needed?

Poland is a self-sufficient country when it comes to blood, but it is not given once and for all – said prof. Iwona Hus, its president and head of the Department of Lymphatic System Diseases, Department of Hematology, Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine.

It is really about the demographic changes taking place in our country, i.e. the increasing population of people over 65, and the decreasing – of the younger ones. As a result, it should be expected that there will be fewer potential donors (blood can be donated until the age of 65), and more potential recipients (the older we are, the more diseases we have in which blood transfusion is necessary).

As many as 2/3 of blood transfusions take place due to chronic problems, for example in the event of anemia (not the most common in the population, resulting from iron deficiency, which is usually treated by other methods) or neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic system, e.g. myelodysplastic syndromes. Some of these patients must have blood transfused almost regularly.

  1. June 14 – World Blood Donor Day

However, blood transfusion is not an indifferent procedure for health, so it should be performed only when there is no other possibility of delivering oxygen to the tissues. (the carrier of oxygen is hemoglobin; if there is not enough of it, as a result, the operation of all our systems is disturbed due to insufficient oxygen supply).

Repeated transfusions pose a risk of serious organ damage, and complications may become apparent even after several years. As the professor points out, with frequent, long-term transfusions, for example, various organs may be “overloaded” with iron, such as the liver, heart or thyroid gland.

Anemia – what are the causes?

At the same time, administration of this unique drug, which is blood, gives a quick and visible improvement in the quality of life of patients who struggle with anemia.

Dr. Bożena Budziszewska, voivodship consultant for hematology in Mazovia, emphasizes that the basis for treating anemia is always finding its cause and treating the underlying disease.

  1. “You do not become an honorary blood donor because of chocolate”. Who are the people who donate blood?

– The decision to transfuse always depends on the patient’s clinical condition and is made only when there is no alternative option, he adds.

A large group of patients, including those with non-iron deficiency anemia, even dependent on blood transfusions, are those who suffer from myelodysplastic syndromes – bone marrow tumors. They are a group of a wide variety of diseases that share a commonality with a reduced number of peripheral blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells and / or platelets) as a result of their abnormal formation in the marrow.

– Already at the time of diagnosis, half of the patients must have frequent blood transfusions – noted the doctor.

  1. Only 60 percent. the collected plasma is suitable for administration to patients. Who cannot donate? [WE EXPLAIN]

It would seem that in the XNUMXst century there should be drugs available to replace blood.

– This has been talked about for 20 years. Particular hopes were placed on stem cells. Unfortunately, blood production proved impossible. We still need blood collected from honorary donors – emphasizes prof. Grzegorz Basak, head of the Department of Hematology and Oncology at the Medical University of Warsaw.

Hence, he emphasizes, it is necessary, on the one hand, to increase the number of donors, and on the other – to expand the base of drugs that strengthen the process of blood cell production in the bone marrow. Thanks to such drugs, some patients can avoid transfusions

Who can become a donor?

Blood donors are an elite group – currently they constitute 1,5 percent. our society. It can be joined by people aged 18-65, regardless of gender, but with a body weight over 50 kg. Of course, they must be in appropriate health. The qualification for donating blood is handled by doctors in blood donation stations, and the potential donor will be subject to appropriate examinations and tests.

The frequency, type and volume of donation is determined by the doctor, taking into account the general health of the donor. However, it is generally accepted that men can donate blood no more than six times a year, and in the case of women – no more than four times a year. The interval between downloads should not be shorter than eight weeks. Typically, you donate 450 ml of blood at one timei. It takes an average of about eight minutes, but the total stay at the place of blood collection from registration to the end of donation is about one hour.

  1. There is always a shortage of blood during the holidays

For donating blood during a pandemic, you are entitled to two fully paid days off (previously it was one day). Donating blood, provided that all the required safety procedures are followed – and this is the case at Polish stations – is completely safe for health.

For more information, visit or contact your local donation center website.

Justyna Wojteczek,

Read also:

  1. Do you have blood type A? Check what makes you different from others
  2. Why are some people immune to the virus? Several factors decide
  3. Blood group and COVID-19. It is known who is least likely to be infected

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