Blood test for coagulogram

A coagulogram is the result of a comprehensive laboratory study of the blood coagulation system (hemostasis). The information obtained is drawn up in the form of a table or graph, after which it is transferred to a specialized specialist for further study, correction and diagnosis. In modern laboratories, many coagulological tests are carried out, which indicate the functionality of the entire coagulation cascade and its individual links. Why take a blood test for a coagulogram, how to properly prepare for the study and decipher the results?

General characteristics of the method

All modern laboratories offer patients comprehensive blood tests. One of these studies is a coagulogram. This is a set of blood parameters that help evaluate the functionality of hemostasis. Hemostasis is the biological system of our body, which ensures the preservation of the liquid state of the blood, the creation / dissolution of blood clots and the stop of bleeding. Venous blood is used as a material for research. Its study provides information about the degree of blood clotting, the risk of developing a blood clot or internal bleeding.

Each of us at least once could observe the functionality of hemostasis. For example, if a finger / any other part of the body is damaged, a bleeding wound forms on the surface of the skin. The appearance of a wound turns on the blood coagulation system and makes it work with a vengeance. The body stops bleeding on its own (if it is insignificant) and forms a thrombus that closes the damage in the vascular wall. The better and more intensively the hemostasis system works, the faster the tissues can regenerate, and the person can return to the usual rhythm of life.

The blood clotting system is also responsible for menstruation in women, placental abruption after childbirth, and any damage to the blood vessels. Its functionality can be impaired, so with excessive activity of hemostasis in the body, too many blood clots form, which clog blood vessels and lead to heart attacks, strokes, and thrombosis. Insufficient activity of hemostasis is fraught with increased bleeding, a tendency to bruising, and prolonged regeneration. To assess the functionality of the system, possible risks for the patient and determine the correction of violations, a coagulogram is used.

The analysis is prescribed for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Contact your general practitioner for advice and to determine the appropriateness of the study.

Indications for a coagulogram

The study is prescribed in such cases:

  • frequent bleeding;
  • the formation of bruises even with minimal tissue trauma;
  • preparation for surgery (to assess the possible risks of surgery);
  • pathology of the liver, cardiovascular system (for the preparation of a therapeutic course and the selection of medicines);
  • violation of the protective function of the immune system (to study the possible causes of the disease);
  • pregnancy (monitoring the condition of the mother and child).

Study indicators

A coagulogram is a whole complex of various studies of the blood coagulation system, which give an idea of ​​​​its work. According to the number of indicators required for the study, there are 2 types of coagulogram – standard and extended. A standard analysis is prescribed for general health monitoring, but an extended one is necessary during pregnancy, before surgery, to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

Venous blood is placed in a test tube with a specific anticoagulant. It prevents blood from clotting and allows you to study the specific reactions of the fluid. If any indicators of the coagulogram are outside the norm, the specialist monitors the stage at which the violation occurred and proceeds to its detailed study. Each indicator of the state of the blood is closely related to the next. It is this connection that helps to track the norms / pathologies of the coagulation system.

The main parameters of the coagulogram include:

  1. Prothrombin time and its derivatives. These are laboratory indicators that evaluate the external pathway of blood clotting. They help determine the effectiveness of anticoagulant therapy, the degree of impaired liver function, and the saturation of the body with vitamin K.
  2. Activated partial thromboplastin time. A measure of the effectiveness of the intrinsic and common clotting pathway. Helps evaluate the effectiveness of anticoagulant therapy. Always used in combination with prothrombin time test results.
  3. thrombin time. Reflects violations of the final stage of coagulation. Measures the rate of conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin by examining citrated blood plasma.
  4. fibrinogen. A colorless protein that is found dissolved in blood plasma. As soon as bleeding opens in the body, regardless of intensity, the protein undergoes cleavage by thrombin and turns into fibrin. Fibrinogen is produced in the liver and eventually turns into a clot, completing blood clotting.

How to prepare for material collection?

The material for the study is venous blood. To get the most accurate result, the patient must adhere to specific preparation rules. They cannot be ignored, because the price of an erroneous analysis can be a human life. The first and most important rule is that blood is taken on an empty stomach. Approximately 12 hours before the test, the patient should stop eating food. Alcoholic or energy drinks are prohibited 24 hours prior to sampling. The ban also applies to tea, coffee and freshly squeezed juices. The patient can drink only filtered water, which will not affect the composition and functions of the blood.

On the eve of the sampling of the material, it is impossible to expose the body to stress. Give up training in the gym, hard work or a long showdown. Take a day off or try to relax as much as possible at your usual pace. Medications should also be discontinued before starting the study. Does your body need medication to keep you alive? Notify your doctor in advance. He will assess the situation and determine the appropriateness of the coagulogram.

If you feel headache, dizziness, general weakness before / during blood sampling, be sure to notify the medical staff about this.

Is it necessary to take a coagulogram for children and pregnant women?

Yes, children and pregnant women may be prescribed a blood coagulation test. A referral for analysis is issued by a specialized doctor, if necessary. To determine the hemostasis of the child’s body, the parameters included in the standard coagulogram will be quite enough. Pregnant women need enhanced health monitoring, so they are prescribed an extended coagulogram.

Blood testing during pregnancy is a standard mandatory practice for every woman. A coagulogram is necessary both in the normal course of pregnancy and in the presence of pathologies. During the development of the fetus, blood counts can change significantly. The differences between hemostasis during the first trimester and a few weeks before delivery are enormous. So the body prepares for future stress, large blood loss during childbirth and subsequent recovery.

Deciphering coagulogram analyzes during pregnancy

The volume of circulating blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases by about 20-30%. This contributes to the filling of the placenta and fetus with blood. In fact, the woman’s body provides the blood supply to the mother and child, which is allocated a certain amount of fluid. An increase in blood volume is directly related to an increase in the level of substances of the coagulation and anticoagulation system. Their number and activity normally increases by 15-30%.

It is important to understand that a coagulogram is prescribed for pregnant women in order to track the risk of thrombosis and conditions that can harm the mother and baby. Among them are placental abruption, intrauterine fetal death, miscarriage, preeclampsia. The study does not carry any other information (for example, about diseases of specific organs). Any infections and inflammations in the mother’s body must be stopped before pregnancy, as they can lead to the death of both the woman and the baby.

If one or two indicators of the coagulogram of a pregnant woman are outside the norm, this does not indicate placental abruption or a threatened miscarriage. On the contrary, the system works in the mode that it needs and does not indicate the presence of severe pathology. You should only worry about the condition of a pregnant woman if all coagulogram indicators are above or below normal.

A blood test for a coagulogram is a standard laboratory test that is performed to assess hemostasis. The results of the study can be useful to absolutely all groups of patients, regardless of age, gender and specific characteristics of the body. Before taking the test, you should consult with a general practitioner. He will help prepare for venous blood sampling, evaluate the results of the coagulogram and prescribe a therapeutic / preventive course. Enjoy the benefits of modern medicine and be healthy.

Sources of
  1. Kochetov A.G., Lyang O.V. Coagulogram. Tests and their diagnostic significance PFUR, Department of Hospital Therapy with a course of clinical laboratory diagnostics, 39 p.

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