Blood morphology – when is it worth doing? Indications, the most important indicators, preparation for the test

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A blood count is a test that can quickly dispel doubts about a patient’s health. It is performed at the initial stage of diagnostics, but is also of great importance when interpreting other tests. Blood counts are recommended for prophylaxis, but there are many other indications for the use of this laboratory test. When is it worth doing a blood count?

Why is blood count important?

Blood morphology is one of the basic tests prescribed to patients for diagnostic purposes. It is based on the analysis of blood composition, taking into account both the quantitative and qualitative assessment of blood morphotic elements. This means that we get an overview information about red cells, white cells and platelets.

If parameters measured in morphology show abnormalities, may indicate various diseases. Their accurate diagnosis requires comparing the results with the patient’s symptoms, information collected during the interview, and with the results of other tests. Sometimes it is the morphology that indicates the need for further diagnosis, because it reveals latent diseases.

The main abnormalities that allow you to detect blood counts are:

  1. infections;
  2. inflammations;
  3. immune disorders – autoimmune diseases;
  4. blood diseases such as hemorrhagic diathesis;
  5. anemia;
  6. cancers, including leukemia.

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General indications for morphology

Basic blood tests are recommended for prophylaxis, even when no disturbing symptoms appear. It is worth going to the laboratory at least once a year, even if the doctor did not refer us to the morphology. The examination is short and inexpensive – blood count price does not exceed a dozen or so zlotys. It is recommended that you see your doctor with the morphology results so that he can interpret them.

Blood count is important in the treatment process as a form of health control, especially in chronic diseases. They should be done regularly during pregnancy. It is also recommended when symptoms such as:

  1. fatigue and feeling of chronic weakness;
  2. sudden and unjustified weight loss;
  3. frequently recurring infections;
  4. tendency to bruise;
  5. hard-to-heal cuts;
  6. bone pain.

Blood morphology in pregnancy

One of the indications for a blood count is pregnancy, even if it is normal. Monitoring the health of a pregnant woman is crucial in assessing the condition of the fetus, therefore laboratory blood tests are ordered at least five times during the course of pregnancy. On their basis, it can be assessed whether the future mother’s body is developing an infection or anemia that may adversely affect the child’s development.

First blood count in pregnancy is ordered up to the 10th week after conception, while the last one should be given at the end of the third trimester (between week 38 and week 39).

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Blood count in a child

Not only are preventive blood tests for adults, but also for children. Your doctor may recommend taking a child’s blood count at a follow-up visit or if symptoms appear whose source requires verification. In children, the norms of individual indicators differ from those adopted for adults, but also depend on the age of the child. Therefore, it is important that the interpretation takes place during the medical visit.

Blood counts can be performed already in the newborn. It is worth going for an examination with an older child if you notice poor appetite, frequent infections, pale skin or fatigue (e.g. compared to peers or increasing over the months). Multiple bruises may also be required for medical review, unrelated to falling or other injuries.

Blood morphology and anemia

Anemia, or anemia, is a group of disease symptoms that can be diagnosed during a complete blood count. It is also recommended to monitor the condition of a person suffering from anemia on the basis of morphology.

Although anemia is associated with an ailment resulting from deficiencies (including iron, folic acid or vitamin B12), which can be cured with adequate supplementation. If the cause of anemia is a poor diet, modifying it and reaching for medical devices can actually bring good results. However, it should be remembered that the correct medical diagnosis is crucial, as the underlying cause of anemia may be more serious health problems.

Morphological examination of anemia may indicate abnormal levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and erythrocytes. Your doctor may order additional tests, including iron and ferritin, to help determine the causes of your anemia.

Do you need interpretation of test results? Are you worried about your symptoms? Contact your doctor. Make an online teleconsultation with your family doctor at to get answers to your questions.

Blood morphology and infection

It is not recommended to collect blood for testing in a patient who has recently had an infection and suffered from a cold, for example. Even a minor disease causes changes in blood parameters, with particular emphasis on the level of leukocytes. This makes it impossible to obtain a reliable result, so it is best to check the morphology two or three weeks after the infection has healed.

Infection is not a contraindication to the examination, but it may affect the morphology result.

If we need test results as soon as possible, a recent infection is not a contraindication for laboratory testing. In that case, however, it is worth it after some time repeat the morphology. This will allow you to obtain reliable results, compare them with the previous ones and correctly identify any irregularities.

Also read:

  1. Lymphocytes – role in the body and deviations from the norms
  2. Erythrocytes (red blood cells) – norm, structure, function, diseases
  3. Thrombocytes. Platelets, bleeding disorders and other medical conditions

What to remember before morphology?

It is worth preparing properly for the planned morphological examination. The basic point in morphology is the need to donate blood on an empty stomach. You should come to the examination in the morning, but the last meal should be eaten 12 hours earlier. Already two to three days before the morphology, it is better to give up alcohol, as well as limit cigarettes and coffee. It’s also important not to exercise before the download and to relax while waiting for your turn.

On the day of the examination, you can drink a glass of still water. People taking solid medications should consult their physician about their use on the day of the examination and the day before it. Compliance is particularly important when an extended morphology is carried out, i.e. one with the determination of additional indicators (e.g. glucose).

Morphology – the most important indicators

In the basic morphology, not only the number of blood cells and platelets is checked in relation to the standards adopted for a given age group and sex. Their qualitative assessment is also important. It is worth mentioning the parameters marked as follows:

  1. MCV – Indicates the mean volume of the red blood cell. Above normal result may be associated with anemia, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, bone marrow and liver diseases, and a low result with thalassemia or neoplastic diseases.
  2. MCH – the average mass of hemoglobin in the red blood cell. An incorrect morphology result indicates the likelihood of: macrocytic or hemolytic anemia, hypothyroidism, liver disease, and alcohol abuse.
  3. MCHC – mean concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cell. Disturbances in the level of this indicator are most often associated with anemia or problems with the water and electrolyte balance.
  4. HCT – hematocrit is an indicator of the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the volume of the entire blood volume.
  5. RDW – erythrocyte volume distribution range. It often indicates anemia resulting from a deficiency of vitamin B12, iron and folic acid, while a low RDW also means the possibility of leukemia.
  6. P-LCR – the presence of large platelets. The abnormal number of these plaques (high) occurs in people suffering from autoimmune purpura, but also occurs in inflammation, anemia and cancer.

At Medonet Market you can buy packages in which you can order a home blood donation. Take advantage of surveys tailored to your gender or needs:

  1. Basic research for men – blood test package,
  2. Basic research for women – blood test package,
  3. Pre-consultation tests with a dietitian – home blood analysis,
  4. Inhalation allergy – a package of blood tests,
  5. Preventive examinations package – blood tests.

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