Blood in the urine of a man
Urine in a healthy man is transparent, light yellow, so a change in color, and even more so an admixture of blood in the urine, is a reason to see a doctor. We will tell you what causes blood in the urine of a man, and how you can avoid this problem.

– Blood in the urine is an alarming symptom requiring medical attention. There are microhematuria, visible with microscopy of the urine sediment, and macrohematuria, visible to the naked eye. In 2,5% of people with microhematuria, the examination does not find any diseases. Macrohematuria may be a normal variant after a long marathon run or a long march in soldiers. In most cases, hematuria is a symptom of a disease. urologist Alena Lyublinskaya.

Symptoms of blood in urine in a man

As noted above, blood in the urine can only be detected during laboratory tests, and may be noticeable already when urinating – urine changes color from pink to red and even purple-brown, with flakes and clots. At the same time, the man himself may not experience any discomfort, and sometimes acute sharp pain. It all depends on the disease that caused the appearance of blood in the urine. For example, with urolithiasis and cystitis, acute pain intensifies during urination, the temperature may even rise, general weakness and malaise appear. Also, the patient may experience frequent urination or a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Causes of blood in urine in men

– The main causes of blood in the urine in adults are diseases of the urinary tract, prostate gland in men. Rare diseases leading to hematuria can be endometriosis of the bladder in women, the parasitic disease schistosomiasis, tuberculosis of the genitourinary system, says urologist Alena Lyublinskaya.

Among the main reasons are:

  • hemorrhagic cystitis – to the classic symptoms of cystitis (frequent painful urination and imperative urges), blood in the urine is added; treatment – antibiotic therapy, but in the diagnosis of mandatory cystoscopy to exclude bladder tumors;
  • oncological diseases in 25% of cases are detected with macrohematuria, and in the case of kidney or prostate cancer, macrohematuria will already be a sign of an advanced disease, but in the case of bladder or ureter cancer, this may be the first symptom;
  • urolithiasis can also be accompanied by gross hematuria, and it usually occurs after a painful attack – this is a kind of sign of the restoration of urine outflow;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • injuries (bruise, rupture of the kidney or bladder), foreign bodies;
  • glomerulonephritis – in this case, the urine may have a color like “meat slops”, in the analyzes there will be altered erythrocytes and a lot of protein, while edema and hypertension are often observed from the symptoms;
  • overdose of anticoagulants – occurs quite often in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation or artificial heart valves, forced to take warfarin; treatment consists of temporary withdrawal of drugs and sometimes transfusion of fresh frozen plasma.

Treatment of blood in urine in a man

Whatever the reason for the appearance of blood in the urine of a man, no matter what disease caused hematuria, this is an occasion to immediately seek the advice of a doctor, and in no case endure unpleasant symptoms and do not self-medicate.


– In determining the cause of hematuria, it is important to take an anamnesis, laboratory parameters (general urinalysis, bacteriological urine culture, Reberg’s test and daily protein loss in case of suspected nephritis), radiological research methods (ultrasound diagnostics, multiphase CT urography, MRI) and cystoscopy. The scope of the examination is determined by the doctor depending on the situation, – says urologist Alena Lyublinskaya.

Modern treatments

Treatment of hematuria in men directly depends on the disease that caused it, and is prescribed by a urologist after a comprehensive examination. Treatment may be conservative, and sometimes urgent surgery may be required (for example, for a ruptured bladder).

Infectious diseases (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis) are treated with a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, uroseptics are prescribed.

Urolithiasis can be treated both conservatively and surgically. For example, a doctor may prescribe lithotripsy, a procedure in which stones are first crushed and then removed from the body.

Injuries to the kidneys and bladder may also require urgent surgery, as the bleeding can be life threatening.

– It is important not to self-medicate, and at the first sign of blood in the urine, consult a doctor. Treatment depends on the cause of hematuria. In the case of cancer, treatment is usually surgical. With urolithiasis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, the appointment of any hemostatic drugs is not required. The underlying disease that caused blood in the urine is being treated, the urologist clarifies.

Prevention of blood in urine in a man at home

Prevention of hematuria in men primarily involves the prevention of those diseases that cause it. To keep your kidneys and genitourinary system healthy, follow a few simple rules:

  • avoid hypothermia (do not swim in cold waters, dress for the weather, keep your feet dry and warm);
  • if you want to urinate – do not endure, but find the nearest toilet, it is harmful to endure;
  • do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene;
  • monitor the amount of fluid consumed, do not forget to drink as much clean water as possible;
  • give up salty, smoked, spicy foods, a large number of spices, in general, a healthy diet is the key to the health of the body;
  • physical activity is always encouraged.

– Here it is also important to understand that hematuria is not a separate disease, but a symptom, therefore, prevention will consist in the prevention of diseases that cause it. With regard to oncology, this is, first of all, smoking cessation, body weight control, a full-fledged varied diet with a predominance of fatty fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits, – emphasizes urologist Alena Lyublinskaya.

Popular questions and answers

What are the complications of hematuria?

– Hematuria is different from bleeding. With hematuria, there will be no drop in blood pressure, a sharp drop in hemoglobin and the risk of death from blood loss. Hematuria can be a long-term symptom without affecting well-being. But in some cases, hematuria can be with the formation of clots or such a formidable complication as hemotamponade of the bladder, when a huge clot forms in the bladder and the process of urination becomes impossible. This emergency condition sometimes requires surgical intervention. With tumors of the kidneys or ureter, the formation of blood clots can cause a violation of the outflow of urine and an attack of renal colic. Prolonged hematuria in oncological diseases eventually leads to anemia, says urologist Alena Lyublinskaya.

When should you see a doctor if you see blood in your urine?

– Is always. Even after running or marching to rule out other possible causes of hematuria. For example, if a kidney is bruised, urgent hospitalization is necessary, in case of a ruptured kidney or bladder, urgent surgery is necessary, since you can die from blood loss or peritonitis, the specialist emphasizes.

Is it possible to treat hematuria with folk remedies?

– Depending on what we mean by traditional medicine. Phytotherapy has not passed the selection of evidence-based medicine. As a treatment for mild hematuria, urologists prescribe a decoction of nettle. But it is impossible to be treated with nettle alone. Now there are modern drugs and treatments for diseases that cause hematuria. And faith in folk methods usually leads to advanced forms of the disease, when doctors are already powerless, – says urologist Alena Lyublinskaya.

Why does blood in the urine of a man appear most often after sex?

– This statement is incorrect. It may be that in a particular man, blood appears in the urine after sex, but among male patients this dependence has not been noted. Here, most likely, sex should be considered as a physical activity. Here, blood in the semen can be a sign of a disease of the prostate or scrotum organs and requires additional examination. And the blood in the urine, even after sex, also requires diagnosis, you should not consider this as a variant of the norm, the doctor emphasizes.

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