Blood in semen almost always indicates the onset of a serious illness. But many representatives of the stronger sex often ignore such signs, which is why they seek qualified help already at the stage when an irreversible mechanism has started.
In medical terminology, the condition when blood flows out with sperm is called hemospermia. After an alarming sign is detected, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialized specialist – a urologist. He will be able to establish why the patient has this phenomenon, how to fix it without significant problems for the quality of the reproductive function.
In most cases, in a man, the presented symptom indicates that the prostate gland, or seminal vesicles, has failed. The latter are designed to generate seminal fluid, so any reasons that prompted the vesicles to stop functioning normally threaten future infertility.
Another difficulty of the anomaly is the inability to track on an ongoing basis whether the blood comes out if the man does not use the barrier format of contraception.
What do changes in sperm indicate?
If an ichor appeared in the biological fluid, then this indicates a deviation in the natural functioning of the genital organs. In a healthy guy, the natural color of sperm is white with a yellowish tint, milky or grayish. But clots of a reddish hue signal the beginning of the inflammatory process of the urethra. The same thing happens if the prostate is affected.
In the most advanced cases, blood can be traced even in the urine. At the same time, the male biological fluid itself is often accompanied by a greenish, dirty yellow tint. This condition indicates the progression of the infection located in the organs of the genitourinary system, and the process of spreading pathogens is really fast.
The appearance of yellowish blotches against the background of red stains is a signal of the side effects of some potent drugs that include hormonal components. But even if a person does not take any pills, he is interested in whether there may be bloody inclusions simply due to age-related changes. This is possible, but usually blood is released after fifty years as a beacon of cancer.
Very dark semen and typically red streaks indicate inflammation in the vas deferens. It requires emergency treatment so that the inflammatory process does not affect neighboring internal organs. An experienced urologist will allow you to decide how to treat this deviation. Sometimes a patient is prescribed a biopsy, but not everyone knows what this term means. A biopsy allows you to determine the nature of the tumor, provoking the presence of strange additives in the male fluid.
Schematically, hemospermia can be divided into two categories:
- false;
- true.
In the first case, only bloody traces. The culprit of this picture is the urethra – the urethra, because of which the blood does not have time to mix with the seminal fluid before intercourse.
Brown sperm indicates that the representative of the powerful of this world has true hemospermia, during which blood is released, getting into:
- the prostate;
- testicles;
- seminal ducts.
But, regardless of the type of defeat, you should not try to independently look for what to do. Even a thematic forum will not help in compiling therapy. To successfully eradicate the disease, you will need the help of an experienced specialist, as well as an individually selected course of treatment, taking into account all the complaints of the applicant.
Causes of defeat and consequences
A relatively normal phenomenon in medical practice is only a bloody composition after abstinence for a long time. But in most cases, strange drops still speak of a number of characteristic pathologies:
- the vesicles;
- chronic prostatitis;
- benign, malignant tumor with localization in the prostate gland.
When the victim has discovered alarming symptoms, you should immediately contact the clinic to eliminate the risks of oncology. According to statistics, about 14% of all clinical cases where scarlet blood is present occur in malignant lesions of the genital organs. Clots make themselves felt among men who have crossed the forty-year mark, but exceptions are possible. Medicine knows cases when prostate cancer was found even in young men at the age of 18.
Difficulties are added by the fact that the disease is extremely difficult to detect in the early stages. People prefer to gloss over delicate issues, trying to be treated by reading dubious reviews. But over time, the droplets become more and more, because the tumor develops. Moreover, oncology of the reproductive organs affects even dogs.
Other causes of hemospermia include:
- prostatitis;
- epididymitis;
- urethritis.
All of the above are rarely asymptomatic. Often these pathologies are characterized by:
- pain during urination, ejaculation, orgasm;
- pain syndrome with localization in the lower back, groin;
- temperature increase;
- frequent trips to the toilet;
- urine with blood;
- dullness of sensitivity during sexual intercourse;
- erectile dysfunction.
Even if you delay a little with the provision of assistance, it will quickly turn into a guarantor of the formation of dark sperm, premature ejaculation, and fever. Against the background of the above, the victim shows general fatigue, a decrease in the working capacity limit.
Much less often, doctors record cases when the problem manifests itself after surgery. So, when taking material during a biopsy, you will have to suffer temporary inconvenience for about a week. To answer the question: is it possible to have sex in this state, only the attending doctor can.
Another infrequently noticed provocateur is mechanical damage, which leads to microtrauma of the urethra. This happens due to too rough sexual intercourse, the use of sexual toys of inadequate quality. But in this scenario, a lot of blood is not released, and the pain goes away after a couple of days.
Beet lovers who consume the root crop in large quantities should not panic. This will be reflected in the sperm with a barely red tint, which many, due to fright, take for a serious pathology.
How is the treatment?
Traditionally, men under forty usually have nothing to fear, provided that they do not have any pain, and bleed no more than once in a dozen ejaculations. But if the discomfort has touched an elderly person, or the picture is constantly repeated, then there is no need to delay visiting a specialist.
During the examination, the doctor will conduct a visual examination, as well as a digital examination. This will allow you to make a preliminary diagnosis. If necessary, to understand in more detail where the blood comes from, a test for infectious pathogens is carried out. This approach is aimed at eliminating sexually transmitted diseases from the primary sources of deterioration in well-being.
When an illness worries a teenager, then it will not do without an ultrasound examination of the prostate gland. Another effective method of laboratory testing is the spermogram. This is the name of the analysis of seminal fluid.
Not one diagnosis is complete without a general urine test. But checking the body for a prostatic allergen belongs to the category of specific diagnostic formats. Additionally, the relationship of leukocytes with a general deterioration in the situation is being clarified.
Together, this will allow you to choose the right medicine.
During the course of taking antibiotics, sexual intercourse is prohibited, and the patient is prescribed bed rest. At the same time, it is worth remembering that if we consider separately the question of whether the use of antibiotics causes blood in the semen, then a positive answer is possible in a minimum percentage.
A preventive approach for health
Regardless of whether an unpleasant abnormal sign caught a person with the HIV virus, or a relatively healthy guy, it is always better to work on prevention than to deal with the consequences later. Moreover, the preventive measures are extremely simple.
You should not wait to see if the ball or other object hits the groin area during active games. It would be more logical to work ahead of the curve, protecting all the weak parts of the body with special equipment.
The second item that helps prevent testicular pain includes visiting a urologist at least once a year, which is especially true for men of retirement age.
No less important point is a regular sexual life. Abstinence for several days is a completely normal break, but pauses of six months or more are an alarm signal that will significantly reduce the quality of life in the near future. To achieve high efficiency, doctors recommend not changing sexual partners very often.
Excellent prevention of adenoma includes following the precepts of an active lifestyle. This applies to those who, on duty, must be in a sitting position for a long time. Such an indirect cause can provoke the appearance of brown particles in the semen. It is not worth treating them with folk remedies. It is better to immediately make an appointment with a urologist.
The expert will advise an acceptable course of treatment for a delicate disease and help establish an optimal diet that will not allow a relapse to occur.