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Blood is a liquid connective tissue and circulates through the blood vessels. However, it cannot be said that everyone has the same blood. Everyone’s blood is differentiated because everyone has a specific blood type. What blood groups do we know today and what is worth knowing about their inheritance? What is blood type used for and what does it mean for human health?

Blood – general characteristics

Blood is a body fluid that circulates through the body of every human being. Blood is a connective tissue that is the only one, along with lymph, to be in a liquid state. The structure of blood is based on the liquid part, which is plasma, and on morphotic elements, i.e. cells. The main component of blood plasma is water, in which there are dissolved proteins, electrolytes, metabolic products, as well as nutrients.

Among the morphotic elements, however, there are mentioned erythrocytes, thrombocytes and leukocytes. Erythrocytes are red blood cells whose main role is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Thrombocytes are platelets that are involved in the clotting process. Leukocytes, on the other hand, are white blood cells whose main function is to support immune processes.

Blood in the human body performs extremely important functions. First of all, blood is responsible for transporting gases, nutrients, but also hormones between cells. In addition, blood is involved in the body’s defense processes, in thermoregulation and body temperature regulation processes. The doctor who deals with blood disorders is a hematologist, and the blood medicine section is hematology.

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If you want to know exactly what hematology does, check out: Hematology – what does it do and when is it worth going to a hematologist?

What is blood group?

Blood groups These are sets of antigens that are present on the surface of red blood cells and other blood cells.

We only learned that our blood is different from the blood of other people at the beginning of the last century. Well, in 1901, Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian physician, researcher and scientist, discovered that there are two antigens on red blood cells, which are responsible for the sticking of blood cells together. This phenomenon is called agglutination in hematology.

A few years later, Ludwik Hirszfeld and Emil von Dungern started learning about blood groups. It was they who introduced the groups known to us today, marked with the symbols A, B, AB and 0. These blood group designations were adopted all over the world only in 1928.

It is currently listed several blood group systems human, but among those that are of greatest importance in medical terms are AB0, Rh and Kell systems.

If you want to know your blood type, it is best to consult your family doctor who will refer you to appropriate specialists and issue any referrals. Contract visits via the portal without leaving your home.

What are the causes and symptoms of blood poisoning? Check: Blood infection – causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of bacteremia

Blood groups – AB0 system

AB0 system, which is read a-be-zero is the most important blood group systemwhich occurs in humans. In the case of the AB0 system, the antigens are distributed not only on erythrocytes, but also on all cells of the body, with the exception of nerve tissue cells.

Antigens appear around 5-6. week of the fetus’s life, but we are dealing with their full expression only from the 6th-18th century. month of the baby’s life. For this reason, you never mark yourself your baby’s blood group right after birth, because such a marking would be unreliable.

The presence of A or B antigens in cells is responsible for belonging to the primary blood group:

  1. group A – antigen A is present on the erythrocytes;
  2. group B – the B antigen is present on the erythrocytes;
  3. group AB – both A and B antigens are present on the erythrocytes;
  4. group 0 – the antigen is not present on red blood cells.

Importantly, the blood plasma contains natural antibodies directed against the antigen absent from the erythrocytes.

  1. group A – anti-B antibodies are circulating in the plasma;
  2. group B – anti-A antibodies circulate in the plasma;
  3. group AB – no antibodies are present in the plasma;
  4. group 0 – anti-A and anti-B antibodies circulate in the plasma.

In the AB0 system, antigens are polysaccharides, i.e. complex sugars that are attached mainly to cell surface proteins. Antigens are found on many cells and in all tissues except nervous tissue. For this reason, the antigens are not found in the cerebrospinal fluid. Antigens also differ depending on the gene alleles that were provided by the parents at the time of fertilization.

Also note that a given blood group is held consistently throughout life. An exceptional situation where a blood group change may occur is a bone marrow transplant.

What exactly are antigens and what role do they play in the immune system? Check: Antigen – characteristics and role in immunity

Blood group A – characteristics

Individual blood groups can be adequately characterized based on the history and genesis of their formation. Blood group A it was created on the basis of blood group 0 at the time when primitive man was beginning the stage of gathering and nomadism. During this period, primitive man increased the amount of plants eaten in his diet. Therefore, the digestive and digestive systems of people with blood group A are much better adapted to the processing and assimilation of protein, the source of which are legumes or fish.

Due to such functionality of the digestive system, people with blood type A quickly notice that a vegetarian diet suits them best. Eating heavy meals ends up for people with blood type A constipation, flatulence, heartburn or plain heaviness.

People with blood type A, unfortunately, are not famous for their high resistance to diseases. This is because their immune system is quite weak, which results in frequent inflammation, but also metabolic diseases and cancer.

An interesting fact is the belief that blood group can affect a person’s personality. The idea of ​​the influence of the blood group on the human body and personality was born in 1920. According to this idea, people with blood type A are conservative, distant, perfectionist and patient. They are very stubborn people who are often intrusive because of this. They are commonly regarded as secretive and loyal people who keep their feelings to themselves.

What information about health does the morphology result provide us with? Check: You got it in your blood – what can you learn from the most basic test?

Blood group B – characteristics

The formation of group B is related to genetic mutations that have taken place over many years and were associated with changes in the climate in which our ancestors lived and functioned. The diet of the then inhabitants of the planet consisted of both plants and meat, and therefore holders of blood type B usually eat both, without serious consequences.

A characteristic feature of people with blood group B is a very strong immune system. The digestive system functions equally well, therefore people with blood group B find it much easier to achieve a shapely and athletic figure. Nutritionists also say that only people with this blood type can completely digest dairy products, which makes a diet rich in eggs, yoghurt or cheese is recommended for these people.

However, holders of blood group B have their drawbacks. Well, in stressful situations, the body of a person with blood group B secretes very high doses of cortisol. This, in turn, greatly influences the dysfunction of the immune system. Therefore, people with blood group B may more often than other people struggle with diarrhea, inflammation of the intestines or stomach.

What do specialists in human personality have to say about people with blood group B? Well, people with blood type B are considered to be creative, flexible and optimistic about the world around them. They are always passionate about their activities. They are empathetic, easily establish contacts with other people and understand their emotions very well. Despite so many advantages, people with blood type B are both irresponsible and forgetful.

What should I know about blood tests and interpretation of results? Read: Blood tests – how to read their results?

AB blood group – characteristics

The AB blood group is one of the youngest and the rarest blood groups in the world. It was established about 1000 years ago when the Caucasian group A moved with the Mongolian group B.

A characteristic feature of this blood group is that it behaves like a chameleon. Because depending on the situation, it displays the features of each of the other blood groups. In the context of the functioning of the endocrine system, it is most similar to group 0, while the digestive system works similarly to people with blood group A, with meat tolerance as in the case of people with group B. the diet of people with blood group AB is a combination of what is in the diets of people with groups A and B.

In addition, people with the AB blood plasma do not have A and B antibodies, which makes them more resistant to diseases associated with autoimmune mechanisms. In addition, these people are usually more physically fit and more often actively play sports.

People with the AB blood group are considered rational, indecisive and forgetful. They are distinguished by an undoubted personal charm, which makes them very popular in the company in which they hang out. In their daily decisions, it is reason that prevails over emotions and feelings.

What should you know about the structure and composition of blood? Check: Blood – composition and its functions

Blood group 0 – characteristics

Blood group 0 was developed at the earliest in the course of human evolution. At that time, they were hunters and gatherers who ate only animal flesh, insects and what they found in the forest, i.e. berries, roots and leaves.

People with blood group 0 are characterized by a strong immune system, often even too aggressive, which can cause attacks on their own cells. It is associated with much more common autoimmune diseases.

People with blood group 0 react much better to stress, they can boast an effective metabolism and high physical fitness.

It is also believed that people with blood group 0 are the most resistant to any kind of viral infection, as well as the development of parasites in the body.

In addition, people with blood type 0 are considered ambitious, self-confident and reliable. On the other hand, they are often arrogant, vain and insensitive people. People with blood group 0 have natural leadership tendencies, are not afraid to take risks and are constantly hungry for success.

If you want to know more about blood group 0 read: Blood group 0 – the universal blood of the world

Blood groups and Rh system

The Rh group system is the second essential blood system in humans. There are various types of antigens on erythrocytes, and as many as 49 of them are listed in the RH system. Nevertheless, the most important and the most immunogenic is the D antigen. If a person has D antigen in their blood, then they are Rh-positive. On the contrary, in a Rh negative person, the D antigen is absent. The presence of these antigens or not is independent of the presence of A and B antigens.

85 percent people in the world have factor D., in the remaining 15 percent. D antigen is absent. Each of the AB0 groups can be Rh + or Rh-. This means that, for example, the erythrocyte in people with the blood group AB Rh + will contain A antigens, B antigens and D antigens.

In the Rh system, antibodies to Rh antigens arise from contact with foreign blood cells. Therefore, if, for example, a person who has the blood group Rh- is given blood from an Rh + donor, the anti-Rh antibodies will start to appear in the plasma.

Do you know what homeostasis is? Check: What is homeostasis?

Serological conflict and Rh factor

Serological conflict can be defined as a reaction of the mother’s immune system. A serological conflict occurs when the mother is Rh-, the father is Rh +, and the child inherits the Rh + factor from the father. It is enough for a small amount of erythrocytes from the baby’s fetus to go into the mother’s blood for her immune system to recognize them as hostile against which she will start producing Rh antibodies. Only 0,2 ml of fetal blood in the mother’s bloodstream is enough to trigger this reaction.

The serological conflict is so serious that it can lead to the development of haemolytic disease of the fetus or newborn, and consequently the death of the child. This is because the fetal blood cells, when attacked by the antibodies, start to break down. This phenomenon is called hemolysis. The child develops hemolytic anemia in this process, and the level of bilirubin also increases. In such a situation, the liver cannot cope with such a rapidly progressing haemolysis and it leads to its failure and, consequently, to severe jaundice.

Pregnant women should take special care of their safety and health. The ideal solution is to perform pregnancy tests as part of home blood collection.

If you want to know more about serological conflict, check out: Serological conflict

Which blood type is the most common in Poland?

Unfortunately, not every Pole knows about his blood type. However, based on the marked blood samples, it can be concluded that in Poland, the largest number of people, as much as 32 percent. has blood group A Rh +. People with the blood group 0 Rh + are in second place, because 31 percent. marked Poles.

The third place is taken by people with blood group B Rh +, they constitute 15 percent. Polish society. It is followed by the groups AB Rh + (7%), O Rh- (6%), A Rh- (6%), B Rh- (2%) and AB Rh- (1%).

What are the rules for donating and drawing blood? Check: Blood sampling – when you need to get stabbed

Blood group – what is the Kell system?

The Kell system is another important blood group system that stands out in humans. The Kell system consists of 28 antigens that are encoded by genes located on the seventh chromosome. The Kell system contains the K antigen which is characterized by very high immunogenicity. The K antigen may cause a serological conflict, a post-transfusion reaction, but also a haemolytic disease in newborns.

Anti-K antibodies are generated in cases of blood transfusion where the recipient K-negative receives K-positive blood.

What should you know about blood transfusions? Check: Transfusion – what is it?

Inheritance of the blood group

Inheritance of the blood group is system dependent. In the case of the AB0 system, the inheritance of the blood group is presented in the table:

I 0 0 0
0 i A 0 the A
0 i B 0 the B
0 i AB A or B
A and A 0 the A
A and B 0, A, B or AB
A i AB A, B or AB
B and B 0 the B
B i AB A, B or AB
AB and AB A, B or AB

Rh inheritance is as follows:

Mother fatherDD (Rh+)Dd (Rh+)dd (Rh-)
DD (Rh+) Rh + Rh + Rh +
Dd (Rh+) Rh + Rh+ or Rh- Rh+ or Rh-
dd (Rh-) Rh + Rh+ or Rh- Rh-

On the other hand, in the case of the Rh system, the symbol D means the presence of the antigen, while d means the absence of the antigen. If a child inherits the D antigen from one of the parents, it will be Rh + group. Importantly, there are cases when the parents have the Rh + system and the child is born in the blood group Rh-. If each parent is Rh-, the child will also lack the D antigen.

If you want to know what a child’s blood group calculator is, check out: Blood group calculator

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