Blood group calculator

What blood type can your child have? This is not an easy question to answer since the child inherits the blood type from both parents and there are several possible combinations. In determining blood groups, several factors are taken into account: the AB0 system and the presence of the Rh factor. It is worth checking what blood type the child may have, e.g. to check whether a serological conflict may occur during pregnancy.

Blood groups – calculator

The AB0 blood group system is the most important blood group system. The letters A and B stand for special molecules called antigens that exist on the surface of red blood cells. Blood group A means that antigen A is present on the surface of cells, blood group B means that antigen B is present on the surface, group AB means that both antigens are present, and group 0 means that neither antigen A is present on the surface of cells nor B.

Interestingly, the AB0 system begins to form already in the 6th week of pregnancy, but it fully matures only about 6-18 months after the baby is born. Therefore, in humans, the blood group is determined only when the child is two years old. It is also worth knowing that our bodies from birth contain antibodies that can detect A and B antigens. Antibodies are proteins that help our immune system recognize and then destroy pathogens in our bodies (e.g. viruses, bacteria and foreign antigens). Therefore, among others you cannot do blood transfusions between different blood groups. Below is a blood group calculator that shows blood group inheritance.

Are you expecting a baby? Perform basic laboratory tests to make sure your pregnancy is going well.

Rh system

The Rh blood group system is a very important blood group system, especially during pregnancy. Rh abbreviation stands for another type of antigen found only on red blood cells. When this antigen is present on our blood cells, the blood group is called Rh +, when it is absent, it is Rh-. This blood group system also develops around week 6 of pregnancy, but is very active right away.

Before pregnancy, it is also worth considering the purchase of a test package that will allow us to assess our health before we start trying for a baby.

The Rh system in blood groups is very important because it is mainly responsible for the serological conflict. A serological conflict occurs when the baby’s mother is Rh-deficient, i.e. her blood group is Rh-, and the baby in the abdomen has Rh-factor, i.e. the Rh + group. If the baby’s blood enters the mother’s body, for example during childbirth, the body produces antibodies. The antibodies can detect both the AB0 and the Rh systems, but only the Rh-detecting antibodies can easily cross the placenta. If this happens, there is a much greater chance of a serological conflict during the next pregnancy, which means that the mother’s immune system will start fighting the baby’s red blood cells, leading to hemolysis of the blood, i.e. its breakdown. Prevention of serological conflict consists in giving the mother a special drug (anti-D immunoglobulin) up to 72 hours after delivery, which will prevent the mother’s immune system from producing anti-Rh antibodies.

You can consult any doubts during a quick and safe online consultation with a gynecologist.

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