Blood group and COVID-19. Does blood type affect coronavirus infection?
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For several months, it was believed that the blood type could have a real impact on the coronavirus infection, as well as the course of the disease it causes. According to scientists from Utah, there is no such connection. Researchers explain what the error could have resulted from.

  1. The world has been facing the coronavirus pandemic for over a year. Scientists are carrying out further studies to dispel doubts about the nature of the virus and the disease it causes
  2. Coronavirus resistance is a particularly important issue. Not everyone is infected with it, not everyone who is infected has a severe disease
  3. One of the factors related to resistance to the virus was supposed to be the blood group. People in group 0 were to be less susceptible to coronavirus infection. Scientists have long believed this thesis to be true. It turned out otherwise
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus and blood groups. What have the scientists discovered?

Last year, reports about the influence of blood type on the course of COVID-19 infection were received from various research centers around the world. Scientists from China, Denmark, Canada and the USA have tried to demonstrate the relationship. Moreover, the results of their research seemed promising.

They mainly resulted from the fact that people with blood group 0 less frequently suffer from a severe course of the disease caused by the coronavirus. In turn, patients with blood group A more often developed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Such people coped with the infection worse compared to patients with blood group 0.

Read previous reports on this topic:

  1. You have blood type 0? You are likely to be less likely to experience the acute course of the coronavirus infection
  2. People with this blood group have a higher risk of coronavirus infection, new study
  3. Big new research on blood groups. It is known who is least likely to be infected and who is severely affected by it

Research by scientists from Toronto, in turn, showed that people with blood group 0 (Rh-) are the most resistant to the virus. Rh- in every other blood group was also supposed to protect against a severe course of the infection to some extent.

Latest research: blood group has no effect on COVID-19

The latest research by American scientists refutes theses presented last year by experts from around the world. The team from the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Murray, Utah, focused on the issue of blood groups in the context of COVID-19 infection and the course of the disease caused by the coronavirus.

  1. The editorial office recommends: What can and cannot be done after vaccination against COVID-19? Dr. Fauci observes

As part of the study, 11 thousand. people, of which 76,9 percent. were women. The average age was 42. Scientists in Utah are sure: blood type is not a useful indicator when assessing the risk of COVID-19.

– Blood group was not associated with susceptibility to infection, including positive test results, hospitalization, or admission to an intensive care unit. Compared to people with blood group 0, people with blood types A, B, and AB were neither more susceptible to contracting the virus, nor more likely to suffer more severe COVID-19, the report reads.

Scientists are trying to explain why previous studies produced completely different results. In their opinion, this may be related, for example, to the specificity of previous variants of the coronavirus, but also to the smaller size of the studied groups or, simply, to randomness.

Also read:

  1. What is the risk of infection from vaccinated and healed?
  2. Quiet stroke. Can it be recognized and how can it be prevented? [WE EXPLAIN]
  3. Doctor: in hospitals, no declines in infections are visible, entire families are ill
  4. The expert tells what happens in the body after the “invasion” of the coronavirus

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