Blood group 2 diet: permitted and prohibited foods for those with a second blood group
Today – more specifically about the diet for blood group 2. For representatives of each blood group, there is a special diet. What foods, according to D’Adamo, are suitable for a diet for the second blood group, and which should be excluded from it?
The diet for the 2nd blood group, first of all, differs in that it almost completely excludes meat and dairy products from the diet. Peter D’Adamo believed that vegetarianism is not as ideal for anyone as it is for people with the second blood group, since the first carriers of this group appeared precisely at that period of history when mankind entered the era of agriculture.
Recall: according to the author of the blood group diet, Peter D’Adamo, nutrition based on a particular blood group contributes not only to rapid weight loss and normalization of metabolism, but also to the prevention of the development of many diseases. Even such severe ones as stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes mellitus and others.
List of allowed foods in the diet for the second blood group
The following foods should be present in the diet for blood group 2:
Vegetables in all their variety. They should become the basis for a diet for blood group 2, along with cereals. Vegetables ensure the smooth operation of the digestive tract system, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, improve metabolism and prevent the absorption of toxins.
Vegetable oils. They help to restore the water-salt balance, improve digestion and, with a lack of meat and fish, provide the body with valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Cereals and cereals, with the exception of those with a high gluten content. People with blood group 2 digest especially well such cereals as buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, amaranth.
Of the fruits in the diet for the 2nd blood group, preference should be given to pineapples, which significantly increase metabolism and assimilation of food. And also useful are apricots, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums.
It is best to drink water with the addition of lemon juice, as well as apricot or pineapple juices, with a diet of the 2nd group of shelter.
Eating meat, as already mentioned, is not recommended at all, but cod, perch, carp, sardines, trout, mackerel are allowed from fish and seafood.
Blood Type 2 Diet: Foods That Promote Weight Gain and Poor Health
Of course, the restrictions in the diet for the 2nd blood group are not limited to meat alone. It is also undesirable to use the following products:
Dairy products that drastically inhibit metabolism and are poorly absorbed.
Wheat dishes. The gluten they contain reduces the effect of insulin and slows down the metabolism.
Beans. For the same reason – it slows down the metabolism.
Of vegetables, you should avoid eating eggplants, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes and olives. From fruits, oranges, bananas, mangoes, coconuts and tangerines are “prohibited”. As well as papaya and melon.
The blood group 2 diet is referred to as the “Farmer” type. Almost 38% of the inhabitants of the Earth in our time belong to this type, that is, they have a second blood group.
Their strong features – they have a strong digestive system and excellent immunity (provided that they do not eat meat, replacing it in their diet with soy products). But, alas, there are also weaknesses – among the representatives of the second blood group, the largest number of people with heart diseases and cancer patients.
Therefore, adherence to the blood group 2 diet is of particular importance for them – perhaps this is the only effective way to protect themselves from future development of the disease. In any case, naturopathic doctor Peter D’Adamo was convinced of this.