Blood group 0 – the universal blood of the world. What blood groups do we distinguish?

Blood group 0RH- is the most universal blood in the world. It can be combined with any other group when transfused. What else should we know about people who have blood type 0?

Blood groups – a scientific discovery

The person who noticed that not all blood is the same is Karl Landstainer. In 1901, he discovered the reason why some blood transfusions were successful and some were not. He noticed that there are antigens on red blood cells, i.e. substances responsible for stimulating the immune system.

Antigens determine agglutination – the phenomenon of blood cells sticking together. The names of individual antigens (A, B, AB, 0) were recognized by all countries of the world in 1928.

Blood groups

Blood groups were divided according to antigens and RH index. The blood group is a constant feature, it stabilizes around 2 years of age. The only time a group change can occur is when the bone marrow is transplanted as it produces blood cells with donor antigens.

There are 35 types of combinations of antigens. The most popular ones, however, are A, B, AB, 0. The presence of particular antigens determines the blood group. Stands out:

  1. group A with A antigens,
  2. group B with B antigens,
  3. AB group with A and B antigens,
  4. group 0 without antigens.
  5. group A – anti-B antibodies,
  6. group B – anti-A antibodies,
  7. group AB – no antibodies,
  8. group 0 – anti-A and anti-B antibodies.
  9. Use the child’s blood group calculator. Check what blood group inheritance looks like

Blood group 0

  1. to group A +: 0-; 0+; AND-; A +;
  2. to group A-: 0-; AND-;
  3. to group B +: 0-; 0+; B-; B +;
  4. to group B-: 0-; B-;
  5. to group AB +: all other types;
  6. to group AB-: 0-; AND-; B-; AB-;
  7. to group 0+: 0-; 0+;
  8. go group 0-: only the same.

Blood group – serological conflict

  1. Why is it worth testing blood, or what does our morphology say?

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