Blood clots can appear not only because of COVID-19

Blood clots and related so-called Thromboembolic events due to vaccination against COVID-19 and the disease itself have recently made a greater impact on the consciousness of society. However, these ailments occur regardless of the coronavirus and vaccines. These are serious health problems. Find out what you should know about blood clots to save your life in case of an emergency.

  1. Thrombosis is the disease that precedes venous thromboembolism
  2. Thrombosis and pulmonary embolism is the third most common acute cardiovascular disease:
  3. COVID-19 infection greatly increases the risk of thromboembolic complications
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Thrombosis and pulmonary embolism – how common are they?

Venous thromboembolism may occur as deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs or pulmonary embolism. Experts emphasize that it was quite widespread in our society even before the COVID-19 pandemic, when it occurred on average in our country in one person per thousand per year.

– I think that this is an underestimated problem at all. Let’s assume that thrombosis and pulmonary embolism is generally the third most common acute cardiovascular disease: after stroke and after coronary disease causing heart attacks – emphasizes Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk, a specialist in internal diseases, cardiology and hypertensiology from the Medical University of Warsaw, admitting at the same time that the COVID-19 pandemic increased social awareness of thromboembolic complications.

– COVID-19 infection alone increases the risk of thromboembolic complications. Based on my own clinical observations, I can say that every eighth, every tenth, every fifteenth patient lying in the covid ward will have thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. In the intensive care unit, almost every second COVID-19 patient has thrombosis or pulmonary embolism – says Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk.

Why is this happening?

COVID-19 is a disease of both the respiratory system and blood vessels. Simply put, it can be said that it is a kind of vasculitis, where local blood clots can appear – explains Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk.

  1. Thrombosis can be a side effect of many medications. What kind?

In this context, it is worth adding that among people particularly at risk of thromboembolic complications (regardless of COVID-19) there are, among others:

  1. elderly people, 
  2. people immobilized (e.g. during a long journey – a long flight or a journey by car or coach without breaks for a walk or stretching!), 
  3. people “burdened” with a hereditary (family) tendency to develop blood clots and embolisms, 
  4. people after operations, 
  5. people after injuries (e.g. with a leg in a plaster cast),
  6. people with cancer (thrombosis may be favored by, for example, some cancer drugs). 

Warning symptoms of blood clots and embolism

The key symptoms of pulmonary embolism are shortness of breath and chest pain. However, there are many possible causes of dyspnea, which means that you can confuse pulmonary embolism with other health problems, e.g. pneumonia or exacerbation of coronary artery disease – emphasizes prof. Piotr Pruszczyk.

It manifests itself completely differently deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities.

A typical symptom is unilateral pain in the leg, particularly in the calves or thighs, with an increase in their circumference and redness.. So, if someone has a painful, asymmetrical swelling in these places, e.g. after a long journey or after severe dehydration in hot weather, then he should think about thrombosis – says the specialist, emphasizing at the same time that the occurrence of such symptoms should not be taken lightly: respond quickly to the emergency room or at least to the doctor!

  1. Thrombosis – a silent killer who attacks unexpectedly

Why? If it turns out that the cause of the pain and / or swelling is a thrombus moving in the vein, it can be a direct threat not only to health, but also to life.

– If a thrombus that “sits” in the venous system is not treated properly with anticoagulants, the clot likes to grow larger. It can reach several centimeters in length, break away, flow into the lungs and clog large vessels, even causing fatal, fatal pulmonary embolism – warns Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk.

Congestion and blood clots – how to prevent them?

Fortunately, the development and complications of this dangerous disease can be prevented not only with the use of appropriate drugs (when the disease is already diagnosed), but also at a much earlier stage – through various pro-health changes in your lifestyle. What exactly can help?

– You have to move as much as possible, not be obese, do not smoke, do not become dehydrated and eat well – such a prescription is given by prof. Piotr Pruszczyk.

  1. Thrombosis. How is it related to COVID-19 and the AstraZeneki vaccine? The doctor explains

Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk, like other recognized experts, encourages people who are still unvaccinated to make decisions about the earliest possible administration of the vaccine, because the risk of serious complications related to COVID-19 disease is disproportionately higher than the risk associated with possible undesirable post-vaccination reactions.

It is worth knowing that the specialist encourages – under certain conditions – to vaccinate against COVID-19 also people at risk of thromboembolism. However, they should then remain under “special” medical supervision, but most importantly – they can only be those who do not have an active form of the disease (this must be “treated” and controlled before vaccination, usually with a 3-month anticoagulant treatment).

Wiktor Szczepaniak,

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  1. Side effects of the vaccine. When to see a doctor?
  2. How many adverse reactions have been reported in Poland after the COVID-19 vaccine?
  3. «We are dealing with a tsunami of advanced cancer»
  4. How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect Polish oncology?

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