As you know, since ancient times, men have especially tender feelings for blondes. However, recent studies show that their rivals with dark hair are more successful not only at work, but also in love.
According to a survey of 3 thousand women, brunettes earn on average $ 8,5 thousand more than blondes. True, such a significant difference accumulates over a whole year of hard work.
Every seventh woman admits that she began to feel more sexy by changing her natural hair color to a darker one. In doing so, they became happier and more confident.
Every seventh respondent admitted that dyeing her hair helped her to become more sexy, and 20% of respondents said that they acquired confidence and love of life. A whopping 40% of women said they literally hated their natural hair color. Almost half of the respondents can no longer imagine their life without hair dye, and 15% claimed that they had completely forgotten how their hair looked in natural color.
According to a survey, most women start dyeing their hair at the age of twenty. On average, in her life, the fair sex manages to try
Most often, women begin their experiments with a redhead, but during the first two years the desire to shock the audience with bright hair comes to naught. Black color is usually held in favor among women for three years, and light brown – for four years. However, it is the light color that remains the most captivating – women are ready to use it for six years.
“It has always been thought that blondes are more attractive and therefore have better chances in their personal life and career,” says Camila Lobo-Guerrero, of Schwarzkopf & Henkel, a hair dye company.
However, in light of the current research, it is clear that for all their attractiveness, blondes are less successful on the love and business fronts. Perhaps employers and lovers simply trust blonde beasts less.
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