Blogger Aiza Anokhina told how she lost weight after giving birth: interview 2017

The beauty, who became the heroine of the project “Pregnant” on the channel “41-Domashny”, told Woman`s Day how she met the man of her dreams in Bali, and that during pregnancy she was drawn only to elite restaurants.

“I fell in love instantly!”

– With Dmitry – future husband (Dmitry Anokhin, surfer. – Approx. Woman`s Day) – I met in Bali, where I arrived in 2015 with my son Sam (from the first husband of Alexei Dolmatov, rapper Guf. – Approx. Woman`s Day). I used to be on this island, but did not think that I would come back again. Once I just dropped everything, packed my suitcase and left. It turned out not in vain.

I have friends all over the world, so in Bali I was living in a villa with friends, when he entered the room … I fell in love instantly. Once Dima asked me: “Are you generally happy?” I sat with lost eyes and did not know what to answer. Embarrassed, she blurted out: “Yes.” Six months later, Dmitry admitted that if I had said “no” then, he would have taken me and Sam and made me the happiest. In vain I was ashamed to admit that I was happy only with him.

We started dating in June 2015. Before that, Dima constantly came to visit us under the pretext of playing with Sam. They immediately fell in love with each other – it was very important to me. Their relationship was at first friendly, and then developed into a “father-son” level. They hung on the horizontal bar, constantly splashing in the pool: Sam jumped from Dima’s shoulders. And my boys still love to do it. Previously, my son did not swim well, but now, thanks to her husband, he is a pro.

Gradually Sam and I fell in love with Dima, and could no longer imagine our life without him. Then they decided to get married. Honestly, we would have registered our relationship earlier, but we wanted to hold the ceremony in America. And we got to Las Vegas only in October 2015. In the chapel where Elvis Presley married, Frank Sinatra and Demi Moore took our vows of eternal love.

I organized the wedding myself. It was necessary to first obtain documents, pay receipts, prepare wedding dresses. Everything is as it should be: before the wedding I had not seen the groom’s suit, and Dima had not seen the bride’s dress. We were together at the ceremony.

“The tests said there was no pregnancy …”

– We are thinking about a joint child. And as soon as planned, they immediately became pregnant. It was funny, but after two weeks she said to Dima: “I’m expecting a baby.” I did a test, went to an ultrasound scan – everything showed a negative result. But I was sure and kept repeating that I was wearing a child under my heart. I have a peculiarity – I acutely feel hormonal changes in the body. Dima said that I was crazy, but laughed back and stood his ground.

And when my pregnancy was confirmed, I sarcastically said: “Well, I told you.” And Dima replied: “I’m glad you said. I have been expecting this child for 37 years! “

I wanted a girl. But even in the first trimester I realized that there would be a boy: I was so bitchy – testosterone was raging. But Dima, of course, dreamed of a first-born boy. And on the ultrasound, which determines the sex of the child, I sobbed: “Damn, my girl’s penis has grown.” And Dimka was very happy (laughs)!

The fact that we were expecting a baby, of course, I hid at first – they confessed to parents after 15 weeks, and to subscribers – closer to the 6th month.

Dima was not afraid for a second, he was always there. It is an incredible feeling when you are confident in the future! Now my husband loves our child. She looks after him in the same way as I do, only less often. If I need to go away on business, I have no doubt that the child will be well-fed, healthy and cheerful. I used to think that a man should not be burdened with taking care of a baby, and this is what I did with my ex-husband. But now I know that the father is the most important element in raising a child. If you do not immediately accustom a man to responsibility, do not be surprised later by the lack of connection between him and the child. Everything turned out easy for us: Dima always cares about us. He used to be alone, but now he has a family. And even when I go to a beauty salon, he worries and asks why I need this, because I am already beautiful.

“My husband had an expensive pregnancy”

– The most important thing during pregnancy is to be happy. If your doctor hasn’t prescribed bed rest, live your life to the fullest. Personally, I worked actively – after all, it was then that I launched my own clothing brand. My husband cursed, and I continued to carry bulky bags of clothes until he sees. But, of course, not the most difficult ones – I thought about the baby.

Healthy selfishness must be present. Not so that you push everyone around, referring to your position, but just sometimes you should forget about things and do what the child and you want.

The first trimester I was tormented by toxicosis: I felt sick and it seemed that everything smelled terribly. I could not hide anywhere from this, and lay under the air conditioner for three months.

And even during my second pregnancy, I wanted to eat exclusively in expensive restaurants! With Sam, I could not calmly look at fries and burgers – I was drawn to such food, and with the second one presented exclusively truffles in beautiful plates in a good restaurant. Fortunately, in Bali, where most of my pregnancy took place, they are. We can say that an expensive pregnancy stood out for my husband!

Far from the metropolis, it was fine for me: I enjoyed my condition, everything inspired me. There is a favorable environment, and no one is pulling, there is no need to go anywhere. You just get high.

During my first pregnancy, I was married to a creative person, and this a priori meant some instability. And she herself is to blame: she was a lot nervous, doubted whether someone else needed a child besides me? Now the opposite is true. I never blame, I am not angry with anyone. Probably, she just became more mature, and I have a reliable man next to me. I’m sure I’ll give him another face.

– Our baby was born on October 3, 2016. The name for the elder was chosen by his father Aleksey Dolmatov, for the younger – Dima. We fought for a long time about the name, but when he said “Elvis” – it was bingo! It suits our boy this way.

Elvis is such a creator: he just loves to sit and look at something. We are even afraid to leave him alone: ​​when he wakes up, he does not cry like other children, but begins to play with himself. A very calm child, unlike his active older brother. And also patient, like a bear. We even grew two teeth without hysterics and temperatures.

But I still can’t sleep. For the past four days, for example, I have only had seven hours of sleep. It’s good that Sam is helping me – the best nanny and personal toy of Elvis! He recently returned from his grandmother and the first thing he did with a cry rushed to his brother. He also keeps Elvis busy while I tidy up, helps to bury him in his nose during illness, etc. They are best friends.

From the very beginning, the elder was not excommunicated from us, even as close as possible. As soon as I returned with Elvis from the hospital, we all slept in the same bed.

– During pregnancy, I gained 12-15 kilograms – this is within the normal range. There was more with Sam. But not because I ate less in my second pregnancy, just over the past few years I have radically changed my taste habits: I used to eat a lot of bread and loved dumplings with potatoes. Now my favorite food is buckwheat with mushroom gravy in a creamy sauce, which my husband makes. So it came into shape automatically! Although I still have a lot of work to do: tighten my skin and build muscles. But when you sleep a little, there is no energy for sports. So for now – time out. Later I plan to train at home – I don’t like gyms. My friends Olya Marquez, the creator of the Sekta ideal body school, and Anya Tsukur, a fitness coach, have developed a personal training program for me.

Recently, a lot of work has accumulated, and now Dima and I are temporarily apart – I and my children are in Moscow, and Dima lives in Bali, because he is a surfer. In Russia, my parents and Dima help me with the children. Besides, I don’t cook, so I depend on restaurants and relatives for food. I have no time for entertainment: after work I immediately run home to the children. We used to love to walk in parks, but without Dima it became not interesting.

– At the end of August 2016, I was offered to take part in the “Pregnant” project. Dasha Pynzar, one of the heroines and my friend, also called and persuaded: “Imagine how great it will be …”. I immediately agreed. Then it was the 7th or 8th month of my pregnancy.

I didn’t know what I was subscribing to, but I understood that I needed to be as open as possible. And I’m not ashamed to talk about my past mistakes – who doesn’t have them? I do not pretend to be “Mrs. Ideal”. Dima, of course, was not delighted with such publicity, but I already agreed, which means that people cannot be let down. My husband was afraid of cameras, Sam just can’t stand them, Elvis didn’t understand anything … But you know, everything went well! So easy and natural that I can’t even remember now where the shooting took place, and where – our life. Everyone was comfortable.

But the shooting of the end of the project was remembered: we were in Bali, and had to film our family tunnel along the beach and rocks – a beauty! As soon as a storm came abruptly, the ocean began to rage. I with Elvis in my arms and Sami ran away, otherwise we would have been beaten by the wave. And Dima did not budge, and as a result, a wave covered him with his head! Spectacular ending!

“Pregnant. After”. From April 17 at 23.30 at 41-Domashny

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