Blocked ear in an adult
When the ear is stuffed up, a person’s hearing deteriorates, and the sounds become muffled. Usually, ear congestion lasts for a few seconds, although it can last for several days. We will find out what can cause an ear block in an adult, and what to do in this case

Why is the ear blocked in an adult

Most often, ear congestion in an adult occurs due to the formation of sulfur plugs. Sulfur production is a natural process that provides moisture to the ear canal and protects it from pathogenic microflora. Sometimes the production of sulfur can increase, and then it accumulates in the ear canal and forms plugs. This can also happen due to the physiological characteristics of the body – for example, if the ear canal is too tortuous1.

Other causes of ear congestion include:

  • Adverse reactions when taking drugs. For example, antiallergic medicines provoke a decrease in pressure in the ears. Some antibiotics have the same effect.
  • Mechanical trauma to the ear or other influences. Bumps or bruises to the head can affect hearing.
  • Too loud sound can cause acoustic injury. In this case, congestion is accompanied by noise or ringing.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes in the ears and other ENT organs. For example, with a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose entails a narrowing of the lumen of the auditory canal2.

It can lay the ears when water gets into the auricle. This phenomenon also appears during air travel. During takeoff and landing of an aircraft, the pressure in the environment and in the inner ear are very different. From this temporarily lays the ears3.

What to do at home if the ear is blocked in an adult

Symptoms of ear congestion in adults can be quite unpleasant. You can reduce their manifestation by adopting the following tips:

  • The reason for congestion in the change in pressure? Make a few swallowing movements and blow your nose.
  • Congestion appeared in a normal state of health? You need to widen your ear canal. Close your nose and exhale intensely.
  • Is the problem caused by a runny nose or sinusitis? Rinostop, Tizin and other decongestants will help relieve the blockage of the sinuses that provokes stuffy ears.
  • Congestion may cause a headache. Ibuprofen will help relieve pain, and at the same time reduce inflammation.

Popular questions and answers

Do I need to call a doctor if my ear is stuffed up, what complications can be, and also answers other popular questions Candidate of Medical Sciences, ENT doctor Yuri Tyukin.

When to call a doctor at home if your ear is blocked?

– Common causes of ear congestion are sinus pathologies, a cold, or the influence of irritants from the outside. In such situations, the problem disappears without outside intervention in a maximum of a few days. You should immediately seek help from a specialist if:

• body temperature rises;

• there is a pain syndrome;

• there is swelling that does not go away on its own;

• ear congestion persists for more than 7 days.

There are situations when the congestion of the ears goes away, but then comes back again. This may indicate the occurrence of chronic processes that also require a visit to the doctor.

What complications can there be if the ear is blocked?

– Advanced disease can lead to partial or complete hearing loss. For example, the inflammatory process can move to neighboring tissues. First, otitis media develops. Then an infection of the nasopharynx or oral cavity joins. Pus begins to accumulate in the ears. If the underlying disease and comorbidities are not treated in time, the inflammatory process can reach the brain tissues.

How to blow out the ears with a cold?

– Blowing out the ears is a procedure that is carried out under the guidance of a doctor. It can not be done with viral and bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A contraindication to the procedure is also inflammation of the eardrum. Before prescribing ear blowing, the otolaryngologist conducts a thorough examination to identify all possible contraindications.

A runny nose is a symptom accompanied by an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes. If you blow out your ears in its presence, the risk of developing otitis media increases. In this case, taking vasoconstrictor drops will help to cope with stuffy ears.

First you need to remove the swelling and blow your nose after 5 minutes. The nostrils are closed in turn and see if there is a discharge. If they are not there, you can try to get rid of congestion by blowing. First take a breath. Then close the nose. Then exhale into closed mouth and nose. In this case, the air will go into the ears. The procedure must be repeated about 5 times. After that, ear congestion goes away.3.

What to do if the ear is stuffed up from sulfur?

– One of the causes of ear congestion is the formation of sulfuric plug. To fix the problem, you need to see a doctor. Self-extraction of wax from the ear canal can lead to serious injury. In the absence of damage to the eardrum, the doctor flushes the plug with saline or furatsilin. If the cork is not deep, and the doctor can visually control the process of its extraction, special tools are used – hooks, a medical spoon, ear forceps. After removing the sulfur, a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic is placed in the ear.

Can hydrogen peroxide drip into my ear?

– Hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the ear during procedures performed by a doctor. It can be used independently only as prescribed by the otorhinolaryngologist, strictly following his instructions. In this case, a 3% solution of the agent is used. Hydrogen peroxide is used to soften earwax plugs, and it is also prescribed for otitis media and for cleaning the ear canals.


  1. Many-sided sulfur plug. Morozova S. V., Volkova K. B., Karpova O. Yu. Medical Council Journal, 2018.
  2. Diseases of the middle ear: a guide for physicians. Tarasov D.I. M.: Medicine, 1988.
  3. Modern ideas about the middle ear and its mathematical models (review). Mareev G.O. Saratov Scientific Medical Journal, 2012.

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