Blockage of the capillary tube of the refrigerator, elimination

A common cause of problems with domestic refrigerators (and not only) is a blockage of the refrigerator capillary tube. Immediately dot the “e” and ask do not confuse capillary tube with drainage. If the drainage system serves to remove moisture from refrigerators with a “weeping” type of evaporator, then the capillary system is in refrigerators of any design and serves to circulate freon.

Clogging of the tube in the capillary system can occur due to the penetration of impurities through the filter drier. Also, blockages after the burnout of the motor-compressor are not ruled out. Another reason for the breakdown is the “handicraft” repair of the cooling circuit of the refrigerator by unskilled specialists. The smallest particles of moisture circulating in the system can cause blockages, because the inner diameter of the pipes varies from fractions to a couple of millimeters (depending on the brand and model of refrigeration equipment).

In the event of a blockage, it must be removed immediately, otherwise the operation of the refrigerator will be blocked.

Where is the capillary located and how does it work

To understand the nature of the malfunction, you will need an understanding of the design of the refrigeration circuit of the equipment. To make it clear to you how this system works, take a look at the diagram:

The motor (1), working under high pressure, pumps the refrigerant, which at this moment is in a gaseous state due to heating. Freon enters the condenser (a large grate on the front outer panel of the refrigerator) – there it is cooled (3) and goes into a liquid state. From there, freon condenses into a filter-drier (4) and passes into a capillary (5), from where it goes to the evaporator of the freezer compartment (7). In the freezer, under the influence of negative pressure, freon boils, so the evaporator cools. After the freezer evaporator is cooled, the liquid gas goes to the main compartment evaporator (6). From there, getting into the return pipeline (8), freon runs to the compressor, being already in a state of cold gas.

Note! Looking at the diagram, you will see that the capillary (5) is soldered into the return pipe (8). This design ensures heat exchange – a warm capillary heats the return pipeline, which is cooled by gas, so freezing is excluded. It is this nuance that makes home repairs a utopia.

Another reason that prevents domestic intervention in the design of the refrigerator is the impossibility of soldering copper (tube) with aluminum (evaporator).

Important! If the master with a smart look advises you to throw out the refrigerator due to a clogged capillary, you can safely refuse the services of such a “professional”. A competent master can easily cope with such repairs.

Why is the tube in the refrigerator clogged

When moisture or small particles of organic origin enter the “cold” circuit, this blocks the way for freon. As a result, the cold performance in the chambers decreases, and the system inevitably overheats, which causes the motor to heat up. The latter, due to blockage, can lose performance and fail altogether. It would seem that blockage is not a serious problem, but it can lead to capital consequences.

Important! Keep in mind that the listed symptoms may indicate not only a blockage of the capillary pipeline, but also other failures not related to the circuit. So, overheating and a decrease in cooling capacity occur in the event of a breakdown of the evaporator.

Additional symptoms that may accompany a clogged tube include:

  • slightly freezes the freezer compartment;
  • no cooling in the main chamber;
  • ice grows or a snow “coat” on the back wall of the chamber and does not thaw;
  • there is no freezing, but there is a lot of moisture on the wall, and the compressor does not turn off.

Blockage of the refrigerator “Atlant”: how to eliminate

The problem of capillary clogging is relevant for almost all models of Belarusian-made Atlant or Minsk refrigerators manufactured before 2005. The contour is their most vulnerable place. In refrigerators of other brands, such as Samsung or Indesit, this breakdown is rare, but not excluded, especially during long-term operation of the equipment.

If you are sure that the problem is a blockage in the capillary tube, you should immediately take repair measures. We cannot hide from you the nuances of repair, although it is practically impossible at home, so we will briefly describe the process for the sake of familiarization.

Before you start cleaning the circuit yourself, you should arm yourself with the necessary tools, refrigerant and equipment for refueling the circuit with freon. If you are unable to find such equipment, you should contact a specialist – he will quickly remove the blockage and replenish the refrigerant level in the system.

If you still risk self-repair, follow one of the possible repair schemes:

  1. Refuse to clean the capillary tube – cut off the part of the circuit in which the blockage has formed. The cut should be made a few centimeters from the place where freon enters the capillary. The method will be useless for cases where the blockage is much further from the gas inlet.
  2. Purge the tube by directing a jet of compressed nitrogen into it. You need to act in the direction opposite to the rate of freon in the tube. In this case, you will need a blow press.
  3. Cut off the tube from the filter. From the side of the cut end, solder a small piece of copper tube with a diameter of 6 mm. Attach a rubber hose and a pressure gauge to it, after which attach it all to the discharge outlet of the motor. Before doing the last step, fill the hose with about 10 cubes of solvent using a syringe. Push the hose firmly onto the tube and start the engine. After a level of 25 atmospheres is reached, turn off the motor. If the tube is still clogged, repeat the procedure. Sometimes it takes up to 20-30 of these cycles to get rid of the blockage, so you will need patience.
  4. Purge did not bring results? Remove the evaporator (if the refrigerator has such a possibility). Heat the part by immersing it in hot water, then purge the system again.

If none of the above methods has borne fruit, and a dense plug has formed in the circuit with a consistency similar to plasticine, there is only one way out – a replacement of the capillary is required. In this case, the most important thing is to choose the original tube that matches the marking of your model. With refrigerators “Atlant” or “Minsk” there will be no problems finding a part, and for an imported model you will have to look for a “native” analogue, up to ordering a part from abroad.

“Pitfalls” in self-cleaning

Please note that in 90% of cases, when cleaning the system, it is also required filter drier replacement, because blockage often occurs precisely through the fault of this part. If you do not dismantle the inoperative element and do not install a new one, even with successful cleaning, the problem may resume.

The second point is that when working with a capillary, as in other serious repairs, you need to fill appliances with freon. This requires the system to be evacuated to prevent further blockage.

As mentioned above, if you do not have the necessary experience and the necessary equipment, it is easier to contact the service. And you can use our review as a “cheat sheet” in case an unscrupulous master decides to “sell” you non-existent or unnecessary services. Now you know everything about the clogging of the capillary – the causes, symptoms of breakdown and solutions. Successful repair!

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