Bloating in a newborn baby

Bloating is usually seen in most newborns. This common problem most often catches new mothers by surprise and scares them. The fact that something hurts such a small and defenseless newborn makes the parents lose their heads, and the constant crying of the child and the kicking movements of the legs only increase the anxiety.

The main reason for bloating in infants is that their intestines are not yet fully developed. Most often, this problem is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen, called colic. It is because of them that the baby cries. By six months, the problem disappears, because by this time the intestines have time to “grow up” with the child, but until this age, almost all children suffer from bloating.

Symptoms of bloating in a newborn baby

It is not difficult to notice that a child has bloating. The colic that occurs because of it does not allow the baby to lie still after feeding. This does not happen immediately, but if after some time after eating the baby turns red and starts to cry sharply, and presses his legs to his stomach or knocks them, then most likely he has bloating. At the same time, the abdomen becomes firm and elastic.

Most often, the accumulation of gases occurs in the afternoon, and the spasm of the intestines lasts only about half an hour. But if the baby screams without calming down for several hours in a row, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Causes of bloating in a newborn baby

There are many reasons that can lead to bloating in a newborn. The main one is that by the time the child is born, the development of his gastrointestinal tract has not yet been completed and it is difficult for the incompletely formed intestine to digest food, since there is a lack of beneficial bacteria that help digest milk. In addition, the baby eats more and more milk every day, and it is difficult for the not fully developed intestine to digest it.

It is also possible that the child’s body lacks lactase, a special enzyme that helps to absorb lactose from breast milk. And with artificial feeding, perhaps the child is simply given a mixture that does not suit him.

Also, the cause of bloating can be the incorrect position of the baby during feeding. If, while feeding the baby, it is wrong to attach it to the chest, then he will certainly swallow air, which will cause him discomfort. Avoiding colic for this reason is very simple: just hold the child in an upright position so that excess air comes out.

There are cases when mothers themselves harm their child by not observing a lactation diet: eating legumes, radishes, and other foods that increase gas emission, or they begin to feed the child early with products that are not the most favorable for this – apple or pear puree, which irritate the mucous membranes. intestines, thereby causing inconvenience to the baby.

Sometimes bloating is due to E. coli or other pathogenic bacteria that a child can pick up anywhere, from the maternity hospital, children’s clinic and ending at home. As a result of their vital activity, these microorganisms increase gas formation in the intestine, leading to abdominal pain.

Treatment of bloating in a newborn baby

The body of a small child is still very weak and fragile, so the treatment for him should be gentle. Most often, to save the baby from bloating, use dill water or herbal teas from chamomile or fennel. You can also use special drops that reduce gas formation.

If the baby cries after eating, then most likely something is wrong with the feeding process itself. Change your baby’s position while breastfeeding and avoid foods that cause bloating.

Massage also helps to speed up the process of gas discharge. To do this, laying the child on his back, massage his tummy with gentle circular movements in a clockwise direction.

Do not forget that bloating can be not only a physiological problem. Young mothers, frightened by the continuous crying of the baby, get lost, panic and thus only make things worse. Therefore, it is very important to calm the child. Place it on your stomach or pick it up and wear it. Uniform swaying and the beat of the mother’s heart will calm the child, and he will quickly fall asleep. You can also put a warm diaper on the baby’s tummy, after ironing it with an iron. In this case, the fabric should be pleasantly warm, not hot.

The appearance of swelling in a child does not mean at all that he is sick. Colic can torment an absolutely healthy baby. But if he screams regularly, constantly and does not manage to calm him down, then you should consult with a specialist.

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