Bloating in a calf

A large belly in a calf is a fairly common occurrence on a farm. Young cattle are especially susceptible to various infections, which can be transmitted to them primarily with feed, as well as through interaction with other members of the herd. If the calf has a swollen stomach, it is necessary to provide him with specialized assistance as soon as possible, otherwise the animal may die.

Possible causes of bloating in a calf

Bloating (also tympania) is a pathological condition in which cattle experience a rapid increase in stomach volume. This phenomenon is based on the expansion of individual parts of the stomach (rumen, rennet, nets, books) under the pressure of gases accumulated in them. Ultimately, bloating in calves leads to the fact that their digestive processes are disturbed. When the treatment is started, the animals begin to starve, as the accumulated gas presses on the walls of parts of the stomach, deforming other sections, and thereby prevents the advancement and absorption of food.

Possible causes of bloating in young animals include:

  • transfer of animals to a new type of feed;
  • feeding cubs with low-quality food: musty damp hay, fermented foods, rot, food covered with hoarfrost;
  • unbalanced diet (consumption of fresh wet grass in large quantities, the predominance of highly concentrated feed over other products);
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, having intrauterine origin;
  • foreign object entering the esophagus or stomach;
  • the presence of parasites in calves;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Important! Bloating in young animals is often a side effect of dysentery or paratyphoid. Also, an increase in the sections of the stomach provokes traumatic radiculitis and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Diagnosing the problem

In the acute course of the disease, bloating in calves is diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • appetite disappears sharply;
  • chewing gum stops;
  • the general condition worsens, the calves become lethargic and lethargic;
  • scar activity gradually stops;
  • breathing becomes superficial and difficult, the young have shortness of breath;
  • the animal often coughs;
  • foamy secretions form in the oral cavity;
  • calves completely refuse food;
  • pulse quickens;
  • apathetic state is replaced by short-term periods of anxiety;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes is observed;
  • the hungry hole rises;
  • body temperature may drop;
  • the abdomen noticeably increases in volume, with a clear skew to the left side.

The calf, whose stomach is swollen, stands with its legs wide apart, strongly hunched over and, every now and then, turns on its sides. Despite the general apathetic state, the animal can react sharply to external stimuli, including humans. It often mooes and moves forward with its head, however, the work of the muscles in the chest area is difficult.

The chronic form of the disease is in many ways similar to the acute form, however, the symptoms are not so pronounced. With chronic bloating, the work of the stomachs is disturbed for 1-2 weeks, or even several months. Some of these symptoms are noted only after eating. At the same time, calves rapidly lose weight, grow poorly and are clearly lagging behind in development.

Important! Bloating in calves almost never goes away on its own. Violation of the stomach cannot be ignored, at the first sign of the disease, you must consult a veterinarian, otherwise the animal may die.

Bloating in a calf


If the calf has bloating, in no case should you self-medicate. Only a specialist can provide high-quality medical care.

Therapy for bloating involves an integrated approach. Treatment is aimed at:

  • suspension of the fermentation process in the stomach;
  • restoration of normal peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removal of gases accumulated in the stomach;
  • normalization of the general processes of digestion.

The algorithm for treating bloating in a calf is as follows:

  1. The animal is placed so that the front part of its body is on a slight elevation. This position facilitates the release of gases through the oral cavity.
  2. The left side of the calf is doused with cold water. Immediately after this, it is necessary to carry out a circular massage of medium intensity on the left side of the animal. During the procedure, a piece of dry grass is used.
  3. To prevent the animal from closing its mouth, mouths are put on it.
  4. When the mouth is fixed, you can start trying to cause a burp. To do this, manually rhythmically stick out the calf’s tongue. In addition, you can soak the rope in a strong-smelling solution and bring it to the muzzle of the animal. If there is no reaction, the palate of a sick cub is irritated with a rope.
  5. If attempts to cause belching did not bring the desired result, they proceed to the introduction of a probe into the stomach of the calf. To do this, his muzzle is fixed and a probe is inserted through the mouth. If an obstacle is encountered in the path of the probe, it is taken back a little, after which it continues to move. Properly performed probing provokes the release of gases from the stomach. In order to avoid clogging of the probe, it is sometimes cleaned.
  6. After the stomach of a sick animal is at least half cleaned, it is necessary to pour 1 liter of a mixture of water and vodka into the probe, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. If desired, this solution can be replaced with a solution of table vinegar. For this, 1 tbsp. l. substances are diluted in 1 liter of water and 1 tsp is added to it. ammonia (can be replaced with soap).
  7. Based on the weight of the animal, the veterinarian should prescribe Ichthyol (15 g) or Lyzol (10 ml) diluted in 1-2 liters of water to the calves.

If even probing of the stomach did not help, it is necessary to puncture the scar with a trocar in the region of the hungry fossa. When the gases come out, the trocar is not removed for some time. After removing the tube, the wound must be thoroughly washed with a disinfectant solution. The treatment of the hole is continued until it is completely healed in order to prevent infection.

The appointment of ruminator drugs, probiotics and enzymes helps to normalize the digestive processes after bloating. It is also necessary to carefully select food for calves in the first days after recovery. Food should not be too heavy.

You can learn more about the treatment of bloating in cattle from the video below:

Rumen tympania in calves. Bloating rumen in calves.


Prevention of bloating in calves comes down to the following measures and precautions:

  1. The diet of calves must be carefully considered. Do not feed animals succulent feed in large quantities. In addition, easily fermenting foods should be excluded.
  2. The quality of the food is just as important as the type of food. In no case should you feed calves with damp, moldy hay and rotten vegetables.
  3. Moist fresh grass is especially dangerous for calves, so you can not take them out to graze immediately after rain.
  4. New feeds are gradually introduced into the diet of calves so as not to cause stress in the animal. Portions should be small. At the first change in behavior, the new food is stopped. In this case, an alternative must be found.
  5. If the young animals are artificially fed, cheap substitutes for powdered cow’s milk should not be used to feed the animal.
  6. Before releasing calves to graze in an area with abundant grass, it is recommended to first drive the animals to an area with sparse vegetation.
  7. In the spring, you can not immediately introduce green fodder into the diet of calves in large quantities. After winter, animals should gradually get used to a new type of food.

Following these simple guidelines helps to avoid bloating in calves and adults.


A large belly in a calf is a fairly common phenomenon, often found in animals whose diet is not composed correctly. In addition, feeding poor quality food is among the most likely causes of bloating. At the first signs of bloating in calves, it is necessary to provide a sick animal with qualified medical care, self-medication is not allowed.

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