Bloating and gas? These facts may surprise you

Do you feel bloated? Are you tired after eating? Do you have a bloated stomach after taking the supplements? The reason may be prosaic.

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Flooded belly

You are exercising and you know this requires a fluid intake. Cool! However, remember that drinking plenty of water before being active, may cause flatulence. Try to drink in small sips during and in front of exercises. Also, avoid carbonated drinks. The bubbles they contain inflate the stomach.

Sports flatulence

Active people often reach for nutrients, carbohydrate gels or protein bars. However, remember that they can contain a lot of fructose and lactose. They are especially problematic for people who do not tolerate them well. Moreover, maltodextrin and fructose are difficult for many to digest. Hence, after eating a carbohydrate gel, flatulence may appear. If you notice such a reaction, rather choose a banana or orangeswhich are also a source of simple sugars, but contain significantly less fructose.

You can also get vegan protein bars without the addition of dairy or gluten.

This can be a problem with protein bars addition of wheat and soybeans. Many people do not tolerate gluten, which can be manifested by excessive gas production. In the case of soybeans, in turn, as well as other legumes, flatulence is due to the content of gas-forming carbohydrates.

Lactose, fructose or polyols (mannitol, xylitol, sorbitol) will also get you in dietary supplements or vitamins. Therefore, always check their composition. Remember that manufacturers are not obliged to provide an exact list of ingredients, especially fillers and additives. So if you are tired of gut gas after studying the drug label, bet on a higher intake of vitamins in the form of foods.

Gases after eating

Do you feel bloated after eating? Most often it is the result changing your diet too abruptly. If you have eaten little fiber so far, you should increase your supply gradually. For example, you can add an additional portion of vegetables or fruit to one meal every week. This keeps your digestive system going will slowly adapt to changes. In the intestines, beneficial bacteria will multiply to break down fiber, and the amount of gas they produce will not be so uncomfortable. Remember that many products are often enriched with fiber, e.g. by adding inulin. So pay attention to how much dietary fiber you eat involuntarily. Also, do not forget about adding spices and herbs to meals. They will aid the digestion of bloating foods such as cabbage, beans and cauliflower.

In chewing gum, sugar is replaced with sweeteners. You can find in it both aspartame, acesulfame K as well as sorbitol, xylitol.

Sugar-free gum after a meal? It is good for your teeth, but chewing it excessively is easy way not only to flatulence, but even to diarrhea. The sweeteners (polyols) contained in it are not digested, thus favoring the appearance of intestinal gases. Additionally, when you chew, you swallow a lot of air, which is also important for your intestines.

Nervous bursting

Do you have an important speech? Are you in for a tough exam? Stress is not leaving you a step? Don’t be surprised if your stomach volume increases and the frequency of going to the toilet increases at an alarming rate. Stress hormones increase the work of the whole organism, including the digestive system. The effect of this can be foul-smelling gases and diarrhea.

Main photo is from: Just Another Wretch / Foter / CC BY-ND

The first photo comes from: WeGotKidz / Foter / CC BY

The second photo is from: Canned Muffins / Foter / CC BY

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