Blixa Japanese and its contents
In the aquarium, the blixa creates original dense thickets in which fish are hiding. It looks impressive and is not too demanding on conditions, but its content has some peculiarities.
What is remarkable about Japanese blixa?
This species is common in East Asia, where it grows in rice fields and ponds. Outwardly, it looks like grass, but if you look closely, you can see the central stem. On it there are rosettes with lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long and up to 5 mm wide, diverging to the sides, and having a pointed edge.
Blixa japonica grows strongly and should not be planted near the wall of the aquarium.
The roots of the plant are small but powerful. The stem grows rather quickly, and as the lower leaves die off, part of it remains bare. It is necessary to periodically cut the outlet and plant it in the place of an ugly trunk with roots, fixing it and not letting it float before rooting. With proper care, the plant constantly produces small white flowers on long stems.
The color of the leaves is bright green, but may vary depending on growing conditions. In intense light, it becomes reddish and turns brownish-green or crimson. But with a lack of iron, the green color remains regardless of lighting. This plant is planted in the foreground or middle ground, used as a backdrop in aquascapes to create bizarre bumps.
Not only the appearance of the plant, but also health depends on the conditions of detention. To make it look decorative and not die, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- Water. It should be of medium hardness and neutral acidity. The optimum temperature is +25 ° C. In a cooler environment, the plant will not disappear, but it will develop more slowly. Twice a month, you need to renew 20% of the water.
- Illumination. Be sure to need a backlight 12 hours a day. To do this, it is better to use an incandescent lamp and a fluorescent lamp at the same time. An interesting color effect is provided by uneven illumination of plants planted in a row.
- Top dressing. To make the leaves thicker and the color brighter, add a little oily clay to the soil. It is recommended to apply micronutrient fertilizers, especially ferrous iron, and supply carbon dioxide to the aquarium.
- Reproduction. It is enough to stick the cutting into the ground, and soon it will grow roots. It is advisable to add clay to the soil and observe that the seedling does not float up, tearing itself off the ground.
Young roots are very delicate, so plants should be transplanted carefully. It should be borne in mind that with a lack of iron, the roots do not develop or die off.
It is preferable to grow this plant with tropical fish that require similar conditions. Due to its small size, any aquarium is suitable for keeping.