Bleeding with hemorrhoids, how to stop?

Bleeding with hemorrhoids, how to stop?

Bloody discharge coming from the rectum is a common symptom of hemorrhoids. The intensity of bleeding depends on the degree of inflammation of the hemorrhoids. You can temporarily stop it yourself, but you should definitely see a doctor.

How to stop bleeding with hemorrhoids?

Cold compresses

Cold is the first remedy you should turn to in an attempt to stop the bleeding of hemorrhoids at home.

The effectiveness of cold compresses is due to the following factors:

  • Reducing the permeability of the vascular wall, stopping the formation of tissue edema.

  • Narrowing of blood vessels.

  • Reducing pain attacks by reducing the sensitivity of receptors. Bleeding may not be accompanied by pain.

Ice candles – a recipe that is relevant in the fight against bleeding, the source of which is internal hemorrhoids.

  • To create a candle, you need thick paper, turned into a neat cone.

  • The container is filled with water, then placed in the freezer and kept in it until ice forms.

  • Instead of water, it is allowed to use astringent herbal infusions. With hemorrhoids, effective remedies such as chamomile, oak bark, which also produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • The frozen liquid forms an ice “candle”, which is removed from the refrigerator and completely peeled off the wrapper.

  • The introduction of the device into the rectum should be done slowly and carefully, as there is a risk of re-damage to the bleeding node.

The first application of the candle should not last more than 5 seconds, in the future you can keep it longer.

If bleeding is due to external hemorrhoids, it is worth applying a cold compress. The basis will be a sterile bandage soaked in low temperature water. It is placed on bleeding nodes. Water can be replaced by the aforementioned herbs, this will increase the effectiveness of the compress. Ice taken from the refrigerator is also relevant. It is necessary to place it in gauze and gently attach it to the affected area.

It is useful for a person who has been diagnosed with hemorrhoids to have a Krinus apparatus at home, which is useful for bleeding. The device simplifies cold treatment and becomes an effective replacement for traditional compresses. It is filled with a liquid that lasts longer than ordinary ice.

The device is made of plastic, which completely eliminates the contact of cold with the walls of the intestine. Treatment will cause a rapid cessation of bleeding.

Pay attention! The use of ice is not suitable for patients suffering from inflammation in the genitals. Under the influence of a compress, pathological processes can be activated, so it is worthwhile to dwell on another method.

Also, don’t forget that ice is a temporary measure! The ice simply constricts the blood vessels, as a result of which the bleeding stops, but the problem remains.

Hemostatic drugs

“Vikasol”, “Ditsinon” – funds that are effective as an emergency measure. You can not resort to them yourself for permanent treatment, their appointment is the task of the doctor. Preparations are made in tablets, injections. Each has features of use (for example, “Vikasol” is used in the amount of 2 tablets per day), side effects.

Injections are relevant for serious bleeding, in other situations it is recommended to stop on tablets.

With moderate bleeding, it is possible to use hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids ➤

Hemostatic sponges

Collagen porous sponges will also be useful for a patient who has bleeding associated with hemorrhoids. The plate, the average thickness of which is 6-8 mm, is made from dry collagen. It contains boric acid, furatsilin. A special agent absorbs blood, increases in size and presses the damaged vessels. Additional advantages of the method are the sanitization of the tissue, the activation of the recovery process.

If the bleeding is caused by internal hemorrhoids, simply applying a sponge will not work. The device is carefully placed inside the intestine. Extraction is not required, as the product has the ability to dissolve on its own. With an external form, it is enough to apply a sponge for 2-3 minutes.

Enemas with medicine

Bleeding with hemorrhoids, how to stop?

Drug-filled enemas are another option for dealing with hemorrhoidal bleeding on your own. With their help, stool becomes softer, tissue repair is activated, and the risk of re-damage to inflamed nodes is reduced.

The contents of the enema can be the following elements:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This remedy is relevant if the patient has pain in addition to bleeding. About a teaspoon of “medicine” dissolves in a glass of water, a quarter of the container is placed on the patient. It is recommended to repeat the manipulation three times, without missing a single day. It is advisable to stick to a diet in parallel, removing solid foods from the diet.

  • Herbal infusions. As a basis for them with hemorrhoidal bleeding, chamomile, calendula, blueberries are relevant. An enema can be replaced with lotions from these funds, if we are talking about external hemorrhoids.

  • 1% tannin solution. It is useful to use it for a patient whose bleeding comes along with itching, pain. Tannin activates the coagulation of blood proteins, forms an indistinguishable protective film. This has a positive effect on the state of nerve endings, causes a contraction of rectal vessels.


If the patient is concerned about bleeding with hemorrhoids, it is advisable to temporarily reconsider eating habits. Products should stimulate the liquefaction of feces, which simplifies the process of defecation. In this case, there will be no additional irritation of hemorrhoids, the healing process will accelerate.

During the first day, it is advisable to limit yourself to only one liquid. Then you can connect healthy cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

Even if bleeding with hemorrhoids can be stopped, you should definitely visit a doctor in order to avoid dangerous complications.

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