Bleeding gums in adults
Bleeding gums is an alarming sign that requires the attention of a dentist. This is the first symptom of inflammatory gum disease. And if you leave it unattended, then over time you can lose your teeth and health.

Unfortunately, this is a fairly common problem that often goes unnoticed. According to statistics worldwide, 98% of the population suffers from various periodontal diseases – a complex of tissues that surround the tooth and hold it in place.

According to WHO, severe inflammatory gum disease, and these are some forms of periodontitis, ranks 11th among the most common diseases. But even severe forms of the disease begin with mild symptoms – the appearance of blood on the brush when brushing your teeth or eating hard food.

What is bleeding gums

The oral cavity and gums, as part of the periodontium, are distinguished by an abundant blood supply. And damage, increased fragility of blood vessels causes blood to appear on the toothbrush.

But as long as the gums and blood vessels are healthy, do not differ in fragility, then mechanical pressure does not cause bleeding. Therefore, the appearance of bleeding is a symptom that cannot be ignored. After all, delay in treatment can cause serious consequences affecting not only the oral cavity, but the entire body.

Causes of bleeding gums in adults

All causes can be divided into 2 groups: traumatic and inflammatory. But in some cases, you can find combined ones, when the injury is complicated by bacterial inflammation.

Acute trauma caused by a too hard brush or a violation of the brushing process is not the rarest cause of bleeding. But if you take action and eliminate the provoking factor, then the consequences can be avoided.

The situation is more complicated with chronic trauma. Its source can be improperly installed prostheses, fillings, bad habits. This can cause not only the development of sluggish inflammation, but also more serious consequences, up to oncopathologies.

More often, bleeding gums cause inflammation, and the reason is the activation of your own oral microbiome, which leads to the following diseases:

Gingivitis. This is the mildest but most insidious form of inflammatory gum disease. Inflammation proceeds without involvement of the periodontal ligament and bone tissue.

Periodontitis. A very severe and dangerous form of inflammation, in which the formation of pathological periodontal pockets, suppuration occurs, this can explain the persistent, putrid smell from the mouth. Omission of the gums and dystrophic processes in the bone tissue are the cause of tooth mobility of varying severity. Periodontitis cannot be cured, it is only possible to maintain the remission stage, to restrain the progression of the disease. Bleeding gums can be the result of some somatic diseases, as well as pathological conditions:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • anemia, hemophilia, as well as blood clotting disorders, vascular fragility;
  • with a deficiency of vitamin C, which is rare in the modern world;
  • allergic reactions.

Symptoms of bleeding gums in adults

Whatever the cause of bleeding, it first appears during brushing your teeth, first from time to time, then constantly. It is worth noting that when changing a manual brush to an electric one, temporary bleeding may occur, because the principle of operation is different, and the degree of impact is stronger. However, symptoms should not persist for more than a few days. Otherwise, this indicates errors in its use, as well as diseases.

Gradually, bleeding gums appear when eating and even minor impacts on the gums. And this is a symptom of the progression of the underlying disease.

The following symptoms can be considered alarming:

  • persistent bad breath;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • decrease in the level of the gums, exposure of the necks of the teeth, which is accompanied by hyperesthesia – an acute reaction of the teeth to temperature stimuli.

Treatment of bleeding gums in adults

Treatment tactics require an integrated approach and the participation of dentists of various specialties, as well as other doctors. The main task of treatment is to calculate and eliminate the main provoking factor.

But regardless of this, the treatment takes place according to the following algorithm:

  • professional oral hygiene – removal of sub- and supragingival dental deposits;
  • the procedure of controlled brushing of teeth with an individual selection of means and hygiene items;
  • the imposition of antiseptic dressings;
  • the use of local anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • curettage of periodontal pockets;
  • depending on the condition and clinical picture, surgical treatment may be required;
  • splinting of teeth with their mobility;
  • bone tissue growth in case of loss.

The tactics and course of treatment is determined on an individual basis. But if you do not normalize the level of hygiene, then the effect of treatment is reduced to zero.


Timely diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid serious complications and consequences, to prevent the progression of the underlying disease. Diagnosis begins with an examination of the oral cavity, assessment of the condition of the gums by performing some dental tests and determining hygiene indices, signs of gum disease.

Additionally, the condition of prostheses, crowns, orthodontic structures, fillings is assessed, whether there are overhanging edges that can injure the gums or mucous membrane.

Be sure to evaluate the condition of the periodontal ligament, periodontal pockets, their depth. With the help of instrumental methods of examination, the mobility of the teeth is assessed, and radiography – the state of the bone tissue.

Based on these data, it is possible to make a diagnosis, determine the cause of bleeding, identify complications and, of course, draw up a plan for effective treatment.

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Modern treatments

Modern dentistry offers effective methods for treating bleeding gums. And the sooner treatment is started, the easier it will pass, and the prognosis will be predictable and positive.

VECTOR-therapy allows you to effectively remove dental deposits under the gums, to refuse surgical methods of treatment. The advantage of the technique is that in addition to removing the cause of gum inflammation, the device has an antiseptic effect.

Plasmolifting procedures stop the symptoms of inflammation of the gums, including bleeding, and stimulate the regeneration of soft, as well as bone tissue.

Photodynamic antibiotic therapy also aims to eliminate the main cause of inflammation – bacteria. The advantage of the technique is the rapid onset of the effect and a small number of contraindications.

Recently, they try to refuse surgical methods of treatment. And to restore the level of the gums, hyaluronic acid preparations are used, which stimulate the growth of gum tissue. Practice shows that injections of hyaluronic acid into the gums helps restore lost gingival papillae and, in general, improve gum tissue.

Prevention of bleeding gums in adults at home

Satisfactory oral hygiene is the basis for the prevention of numerous gum diseases. After all, plaque is the main cause of bleeding gums. At the same time, it is important to use not only standard means and hygiene items: a medium-hard toothbrush, paste, but also additional ones – dental floss, irrigators, rinses.

Unfortunately, not a single toothbrush and paste will provide 100% removal of plaque, therefore, 2-4 times a year, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive oral hygiene procedure in the dentist’s chair, which involves preventive procedures to strengthen teeth and gums. Regular examinations of the gums will help to identify the symptoms of inflammation in a timely manner and begin treatment.

To prevent bleeding gums, you need to monitor nutrition: give up snacks on the go, fast food. In the diet, you need to limit the consumption of sweets, and include more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Popular questions and answers

Bleeding gums is an alarming symptom that requires attention from a doctor, otherwise the consequences can be very serious. Just about the consequences, as well as the features of the treatment of bleeding gums, will tell Natalya Rogova, a dentist at the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

What are the complications of bleeding gums?

Gum disease, as the main cause of bleeding, has serious consequences and affects not only the oral cavity, but the whole body. The most likely complication of untreated bleeding is progression of the disease and loss of teeth due to their mobility.

But there are other consequences affecting the whole organism as a whole. Recent studies have shown a link between prostatitis and gum disease, and periodontitis-causing bacteria have been found in blood clots that cause strokes. Numerous studies have proven an increased risk of heart and vascular disease.

When to call a doctor at home for bleeding gums?

The appearance of bleeding is an alarming symptom and when it appears, you need to consult a dentist. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. Indeed, in the case of chronic injury, the likelihood of developing tumor formations of the oral mucosa may increase.

Is it possible to treat bleeding gums with folk remedies?

Among all folk remedies for the treatment of bleeding gums, phytotherapy has proven itself especially well. After examination and diagnosis, the doctor may recommend rinsing, irrigation and baths with decoctions or tinctures of medicinal plants.

The use of decoctions of medicinal herbs with the help of an irrigator will help enhance the effect. This household appliance will help wash pathological periodontal pockets with solutions with different directions: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, etc.

Such methods of treatment can be effective only as part of complex therapy.

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