Bleeding during pregnancy – is it always a sign of danger?
Bleeding during pregnancy – is it always a sign of danger?

Most women who have been pregnant have experienced a bleeding episode at some point. It does not always mean the emergence of danger and threat to the pregnancy. However, it always requires a quick consultation with a gynecologist. Why bleeding or spotting occurs early in pregnancy and sometimes in the second or third trimester. What should be done to quickly solve the problem of bothering questions? When to go to the gynecologist and should you always be worried?

Bleeding in early pregnancy

In the first days after fertilization, when the process of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus takes place, there may be slight bleeding for several days. Mostly, the mother-to-be does not associate it with danger or even pregnancy, because she does not yet know that she is pregnant. Such bleeding is perceived as unusual menstruation.

What kind of bleeding can be a threat?

Another type of bleeding occurs at a time when menstruation would normally occur. It is not dangerous, it is rather associated with scanty spotting. However, it requires gynecological consultation, as it may be associated with other ailments. Bleeding can also indicate an impending miscarriage. It results from too low levels of progesterone or defects of the uterus and its abnormal structure. What should be done to minimize the risk. The most important thing is time and quick contact with the doctor.


Every mother-to-be thinks about the danger of miscarriage with horror. How to recognize them and what to do in such a situation. Bleeding with pain in the lower abdomen on one side may be due to an ectopic pregnancy and requires urgent medical attention. When the pain increases and is very intense, or when the bleeding lasts more than three days and resembles a normal period, a visit to the office is urgent and necessary. A phone call to the attending physician will be a quick solution to dispel doubts.

Bleeding in advanced pregnancy

Bleeding in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is much less frequent than in its early stages. As at the beginning of pregnancy, bleeding can be one of its symptoms and result from fatigue and changes in the reproductive tract. However, even you should be vigilant. Why does bleeding occur at this time? The appearance of blood may be due to:

  • the risk of premature birth – then there is severe pain in the abdomen or lower back. Appearing contractions can be stopped if the expectant mother goes to the hospital at the right time.
  • uterine insufficiency – the cervix dilates, not accompanied by contractions, but this condition can lead to miscarriage or childbirth. A quick visit to the hospital is necessary.
  • inefficient placenta – in the case of placenta previa, the expectant mother must be hospitalized and her treatment consists in eliminating cramping and bleeding. This is the case when the pregnancy has to be carried to term, or in the last weeks of pregnancy, it has been completed by caesarean section.
  • detached bearing – bleeding is accompanied by severe pain, weakness and shortness of breath – this is a condition that threatens the health and life of the mother and child and requires a caesarean section.

The mucus plug means that labor is approaching

The mucus plug appears a few days before delivery and is accompanied by a pink or bloody discharge from the genital tract. This is due to the unblocking of the cervix, which is ready for the next stages of childbirth.

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