Kele’s lobe is a rare species of mushroom. In Latin, it is called Helvella queletii, a synonymous name is Helvella Kele. Belongs to the genus Lopastnikov, the Helwell family. Named after Lucien Kelet (1832 – 1899). This is a French scientist who founded the mycological community in France. It was he who discovered this type of mushroom.

Blade Kele (Helvella Kele): description and photo

What do Kele’s gelwells look like?

Young mushrooms have cup-shaped caps, flattened on the sides. Their edges are slightly bent inward. Mature lobes become saucer-shaped, with even and entire or serrated edges.

The skin on the upper surface is painted in pale grayish-brown, brownish, yellow-gray shades. When dry, the cap becomes light gray, it shows a whitish or gray granular coating, which is a bunch of short hairs. The inner surface is smooth, darker, can be from gray-brown to almost black.

Blade Kele (Helvella Kele): description and photo

The leg is slender, even, not hollow, grows 6-10 cm in length. Some sources provide information that its thickness can reach 4 cm, but more often it is thinner, about 1-2 cm. Its shape is cylindrical or club-shaped, it can expand slightly towards the base.

The leg is ribbed. The number of ribs is from 4 to 10, the direction is longitudinal. They do not break off at the transition point of the cap to the stem. Its color is light, whitish, in the lower part it is darker, in the upper tone it is reddish, grayish, brownish, often coinciding with the color of the outer part of the cap.

Blade Kele (Helvella Kele): description and photo

The pulp of the mushroom is light in color, brittle and very thin. Emits an unpleasant odor. Has no taste value.

Helvella Kele belongs to the category of marsupial mushrooms. Propagated by spores located in the fruiting body, in the “bag”. They are smooth, elliptical in shape, with one drop of oil in the center.

Where kele lobes grow

Gelvella is found in forests of different types: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. She prefers well-lit areas. Grows on soil, rarely on rotten wood or deadwood, usually singly or in small groups.

The species is distributed on several continents. Mushrooms can be found in Eurasia and North America. In some countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark – Helwella Kele is listed in the Red Book. On the territory of Our Country, it is not protected. Its distribution area is extensive. The species is found in many regions of the country, especially often in the Leningrad, Moscow, Belgorod, Lipetsk regions, in Udmurtia and Stavropol.

Helvella Kele appears early. The ripening period begins in May. Fruiting lasts until July inclusive, and in the northern regions it drags on until the end of summer.

Is it possible to eat gelwells Kele

In scientific sources, there is no evidence that Gelvellu Kele can be eaten. The species is not even classified as conditionally edible; there is no description of its nutritional value and belonging to one or another taste category.

At the same time, information on the toxicity of mushrooms is also not provided. In Our Country, cases of poisoning with Helwells were not noted. Nevertheless, the small size and the unpleasant smell of the pulp make the blade unsuitable for human consumption.

Important! Mushrooms should not be used for cooking.


Helvella Kele are spring mushrooms that appear in forest areas as early as May. Sometimes the species grows in urban areas. But to find it, it will take a lot of effort – Kele’s vane is not common. Collecting it is pointless and even dangerous. In European countries, cases of poisoning by lobes have been recorded.

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