Blackthorn compote is a fortified drink with excellent taste and rich nutritional composition. The fruits of this plant in themselves are not very tasty, but they have proven themselves well in home-made preparations. They are very useful, help to strengthen and maintain immunity, are recommended for use in many diseases. The turn is the same plum, only with thorny bushes and sour fruits with a tart taste.

Blackthorn berries contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients
What is useful blackthorn compote
Our ancestors knew about the benefits of blackthorn compote, who used it not only for harvesting, but also for medicinal purposes. All parts of the plant: fruits, flowers, bark, leaves can be used to prepare remedies for many diseases. Blackthorn helps relieve unpleasant symptoms associated with the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on diarrhea, intestinal and stomach disorders, kills bacteria and microbes, relieves nausea, vomiting. The berry is considered a good diuretic, helps with fever during colds. It is used for mild dysentery, colitis, food poisoning, used as an auxiliary treatment for the kidneys, liver, metabolic disorders, neuralgia. Fruits can help with beriberi. Regular use of blackthorn compote helps to strengthen the immune system, protects against flu and colds.
Useful properties of blackthorn compote are due to the presence of substances such as:
- vitamins (C, B, E);
- carotene;
- organic acids;
- pectin;
- nitrogen-containing compounds;
- cellulose;
- flavonoids;
- mineral salts;
- tannins;
- fixed oils.
In addition, blackthorn has a high content of fructose and glucose (up to 8,8%). The calorie content of the product is 43,9 kcal per 100 g.
Contraindications to the use of blackthorn compote
Before you start making blackthorn compote, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for its use. The berry has a high acidity and the product made from it can not be consumed by everyone. With caution, the blackthorn drink should be drunk by people with the following diseases:
- gastritis with a high level of acidity;
- tendency to allergies;
- ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
It is forbidden to try nectar with individual intolerance to fruits.

Due to the acidity of the fruits, their consumption should be limited to a certain category of people.
Features of the preparation of sloe compote
Brewing a drink from wild plum fruits is easy. But in order for useful substances to be preserved in it for a long time, you need to follow some instructions:
- Be sure to thoroughly sort and wash the berry before use. Even slightly cracked fruits are not suitable for harvesting.
- Treat the container for seaming with soda, sterilize if necessary.
- Do not leave the blackthorn compote in the pan, but immediately close it hermetically.
- Store open nectar in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
How to choose and prepare the turn
To make the compote more tasty, you should choose the main component correctly. Use only ripe and fresh blackthorn berries. They have a dark blue color and a slightly pronounced white coating, a dense texture. The pulp of the fruit should be green, fragrant, slightly sour, tart in taste. Before using the turn, it should be washed very well, sorted out, rotten and wormy specimens removed, freed from the stalks.

You can not put berries in jars even with slight signs of spoilage
Container preparation
It is more convenient to roll compote from blackthorn into jars of small volume, but those who have already tried this drink and love it can also prepare three-liter containers. Before starting the technological process, for long-term storage of nectar, glass containers should be carefully prepared:
- wash with soda;
- rinse well with water;
- warm in the oven, microwave or over steam for 10 to 30 minutes (the duration of the procedure depends on the volume of the container).
How to cook blackthorn (thorn) compote for the winter
Compote from the turn is easy to prepare at home. Housewives have been brewing such a drink since ancient times, and over the years many different harvesting options have accumulated. From 1 kg of sloes, approximately 6 liters of a healthy drink are obtained.
A simple recipe for blackthorn compote for the winter
According to the classic recipe, blackthorn compote is made from slightly frozen berries. They retain a maximum of useful substances.
- turn – 0,5 kg;
- sugar – 150
- Sort the fruits, wash each berry, dry.
- Thoroughly wash the container for compote, sterilize with steam.
- Fill the jar with thorns, fill to the brim with water at a temperature of 100 0C, leave for 20 minutes.
- Pour the cooled nectar into a saucepan, boil with sugar until it is completely dissolved.
- Pour the syrup into the jar to the very edge and immediately roll up the key.

Store a drink prepared in this way in a cool place.
Blackthorn compote for the winter without sterilization
You can also close compote from blackthorn for the winter using a simple method without sterilization. For three liters of water you need to take:
- turn – 1 kg;
- sugar – 400
Technological process:
- Sort the berries, remove debris, stalks, rotten specimens.
- Rinse well, let dry.
- Pour berries into a clean three-liter jar, they should be no more than 1/3 of its volume.
- Carefully, so that the container does not burst, pour boiling water into it, cover with a lid, leave for a quarter of an hour.
- Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, bring to a boil, mix.
- Pour the syrup to the berries, roll up the containers, turn upside down, wrap.
- After cooling, take it to the cellar.

To make the taste of the drink softer, it can be diluted with water before drinking.
Seedless blackthorn compote
The fruits of the turn for harvesting compote for the winter can be used both with and without seeds. The latter option requires more cooking time.
For compote you will need:
- turn – 0,7 kg;
- sugar – 2 glass;
- lemon – 3 slices.
Cooking process:
- Wash the berries, free from seeds.
- Put them in a sterile jar, cover with sugar, add lemon.
- Bring water to a boil, carefully pour into a container, leave for 15 minutes.
- Drain the syrup, boil again, add to the fruits, roll up.

The recipe for a pitted blackthorn drink is the most difficult
Blackthorn and apple compote for the winter
If you cook compote from blackthorn and apples, then its taste will turn out to be sweeter and more pleasant. As raw materials, you can use any variety of fruits.
- apples – 1 kg;
- turn – 1 kg;
- granulated sugar – 0,3 kg per 1 liter of water.
Step-by-step recipe:
- Rinse the raw materials well, cut the apples into slices (if desired, you can remove the peel from them).
- Fill with fruits a third of the volume of the container, pour them with boiling water.
- After 15-20 minutes, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar to it, bring to a boil.
- Pour the nectar into the jar, close.

To make the juice stand longer, you can put a pinch of citric acid in it.
A recipe for thorn compote for the winter with zucchini
Compote made from blackthorn with the addition of young zucchini is considered quite original. For this combination you will need:
- turn – 0,4 kg;
- zucchini – 0,6 kg;
- sugar – 0,5 kg;
- water – 3000 ml.
Cooking process:
- Sort the berries, rinse, peel the vegetable from seeds and peel.
- Cut the zucchini into small cubes.
- Put all the ingredients in a deep container, put on a minimum fire.
- Cook the mixture after boiling for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Arrange the turn and zucchini in sterile jars, pour in the syrup, roll up.

Zucchini gives the nectar an interesting subtle taste that true gourmets will appreciate
Blackthorn compote with berries
Wild plum goes well with different berries, so cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, apples and sea buckthorn can be added to sloe compote to taste. Additional components will give the drink a delicate aroma and rich color, as well as a pleasant astringency.
On a three-liter jar they take:
- a mixture of different berries – 0,2 kg;
- wild plum – 0,5 kg;
- apples – 3 pcs.;
- sugar – 0,3 kg.
Harvesting process:
- Rinse the raw materials well, chop the apples, remove the core.
- Fill the jar with ingredients, pour in boiling water, insist for half an hour.
- Strain the nectar, let it boil.
- Pour concentrated liquid into a jar, cork.

Almost all fruits can be put in a berry mix with sloes
Plum sloe compote with cherry plum
A drink made from cherry plum alone is unappetizing in appearance, has a pale color and does not cause a desire to take a sample, and with the addition of blackthorn becomes rich and attractive.
- turn – 0,2 kg;
- yellow cherry plum – 0,2 kg;
- sugar – 2 glass;
- water – 3 l.
Cooking process:
- Bring water to a boil, add sugar to it.
- Wash the fruits, place in boiling syrup, cook for a quarter of an hour.
- Pour the syrup along with the ingredients into jars, close with metal lids.

Fruits in compote should not be boiled
Frozen blackthorn compote
For those who prefer fresh compotes over canned ones, a frozen blackthorn recipe is perfect. Berries lie perfectly in the freezer and retain all valuable properties.
The composition of the drink:
- frozen blackthorn fruits – 200 g;
- sugar – 1 glass;
- water – 2 l.
Harvesting process:
- Remove the berries from the freezer, leave at room temperature for 1 hour.
- Bring water to a boil, add sugar and fruits to it.
- Simmer for 30 minutes.

Frozen blackthorn compote will turn out tastier if you add strawberries or raspberries harvested for the winter
Terms and conditions of storage
If you strictly follow the technology of rolling compote from blackthorn, then its shelf life will be 12 months from the date of preparation. With longer storage, the drink will not lose its taste, but will be filled with harmful substances that secrete the seeds of berries. The place where the preservation is placed should be dark and cool, without a sharp temperature drop.
Blackthorn compote is a pleasant-tasting, refreshing and invigorating drink that is easy to spin for the winter. There is a wide variety of his recipes, and everyone can find an option according to their preferences. In addition to a pleasant taste, nectar benefits the body, the turn contains vitamins and nutrients that are stored in it even after heat treatment.