Blackhead acne – why does it appear? How to heal it?

Blackhead acne is a non-inflammatory, lighter type of acne. The lesions are most often located in the middle of the face and on the forehead. They take the form of closed or open comedones with seborrhea. Topical preparations in the form of a gel or cream are most often used in the treatment of blackhead acne.

Blackheads – definition

Blackhead acne is one of the lighter types of acne (common) acne, which is characterized by the appearance of blackheads. Their most common location is the middle part of the face and forehead, sometimes they can appear on the back and chest. What are blackheads? Blackheads are black dots that appear when a large amount of bacteria, sebum and callous epidermis have accumulated in the sebaceous gland canal.


See if the acne problem also applies to you

We can distinguish two types of blackheads:

  1. open blackheads – these are blackheads, the mouths of the follicles of the sebaceous glands are noticeable; their black color comes from the fact that they are filled with keratin oxidized on the surface;
  2. closed blackheads – they are white in color and resemble subcutaneous lumps; in contrast to the open comedones, the openings of the follicles of the sebaceous glands are invisible; inflammation may occur. 

For the care of acne-prone skin, we recommend Sevolium Cream for oily, acne-prone and spotty skin.

Where does blackhead acne come from?

The causes of blackhead acne are very similar to acne vulgaris. She is guilty of it excessive production of sebum, hormonal changes and keratinization of the stratum corneumwhich blocks the sebaceous glands. The tallow then, unable to find an outlet, turns into a soft plug.

Do you suffer from acne? Try a mask made of wild garlic. Dried wild garlic now buy at

Also read: Squeezing blackheads – is it allowed to do it? Home remedies to get rid of blackheads

Blackhead acne – symptoms

Blackhead acne occurs primarily in adolescents during adolescence. Lesions can disappear on their own within a few years if the skin is properly cared for. In turn, ignoring acne can cause it to persist even up to the age of thirty.

In the course of blackheads, blackheads appear (closed or open), most often around the middle of the face and on the forehead. In rare cases, it can affect the back or chest. In some people, acne may turn into purulent lesions. Then, in the middle of the lesions, bacteria begin to multiply, which can cause inflammation, lumps and cysts.

Supportive for acne-prone skin, you can reach for a colloidal silver tonic or a colloidal silver mist. It is also worth trusting the remarkable effects of herbs.

How to take care of skin with blackheads?

The most important rules of skin care with blackheads.

1. It is very important to thoroughly cleanse the skin of dead cells and sebum residues. Thanks to this, the risk of blackhead formation is minimized.

2. Before cleansing your face, remember to wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the possible transfer of bacteria to it.

3. In cleansing the face, special creams, gels and micellar liquids intended for acne-prone skin are the best.

At Medonet Market, you can now buy a set of hemp cosmetics that nourish the skin and prevent new acne lesions.

4. Dry your face with a paper towel, and then use an alcohol-free toner that tightens the pores and prevents excessive sebum secretion. Only after these steps are done, apply a moisturizing, non-fat cream to the skin. An example of the aforementioned cosmetic is the Orientana tonic for combination skin with ginger and lemongrass.

5. Every now and then, do a skin peeling to cleanse the epidermis. Ideally, it will be an enzyme peeling, which is much milder than a coarse-grained peel.

6. Moisturizing and oxygenating masks also have good care properties.

7. Make yourself a sausage once a week based on herbs, such as sage or horsetail, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Sausage can also dilate clogged gland openings. You can also drink tea recommended for acne, which has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, and additionally supports the regeneration of the epidermis and helps regulate the level of hormones.

8. Self-squeezing and cleansing the face of blackheads is contraindicated. This can irritate the skin and lead to infections, and even spread the lesions.

9. It is worth investing in cosmetics for make-up and care, which show non-comedogenic properties.

10. Antibacterial cosmetics are recommended for covering inflammatory lesions on the skin.

11. A proper diet is also important. It should contain a large amount of vitamin A-rich foods, e.g. fish, eggs. Vitamin B sources, for example, are bananas and whole wheat bread (they reduce seborrhea). It is worth enriching your daily diet, also with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

12. Avoid long-term stress to avoid excessive secretion of cortisol, which is responsible for disturbances in the hormonal balance.

13. Get enough sleep because too little sleep affects the appearance of your skin. It becomes more susceptible to the action of various microorganisms.

You can buy the skin care serum with symptoms of blackhead acne at Medonet Market. Vegetable retinol is also beneficial, so try a smoothing serum with Sylveco 1% bakuchiol. Orientana mask with Asian Luffa can be used to soothe irritations and conditions of problematic skin. Also try the Duetus washing gel for oily and combination skin with the addition of salicylic acid, which unblocks the pores, and the Duetus day cream for oily and combination skin with matting properties. Oleiq hydrolates may also be helpful, including:

  1. Oleiq aloe vera hydrolate, which contains salicylic acid – regulates the work of sebaceous glands and prevents the formation of blackheads and blackheads,
  2. raspberry hydrosol – reduces oily skin, reducing the problem of eczema, and additionally supports the regeneration of the epidermis,
  3. peppermint hydrolate – reduces the secretion of sebum, thus helping to prevent skin changes,
  4. calendula hydrosol, which regenerates the skin and prevents imperfections, such as acne and stretch marks,
  5. lavender hydrolate – has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It minimizes the problem of excessive sebum secretion, which reduces the risk of acne lesions.

Blackhead acne – treatment

In case of severe symptoms, a dermatologist should be consulted immediately. He will perform a sebum test and refer you to an endocrinologist if necessary. A dermatologist can also prescribe appropriate medications, which are available from a prescription pharmacy.

As a prophylaxis and treatment support, use appropriate cosmetics, eg EPTA AC cleansing cleansing fluid for oily and acne skin, which you can buy separately at Medonet Market or in the EPTA AC comprehensive set for cleansing and care of oily and acne skin.

Worth knowing

Usually, topical preparations in the form of creams or gels (most often tretinoins) are recommended for use. These types of measures should be applied at night because they can cause allergies to light.

In addition, in blackhead acne, benzoyl peroxide is used, which removes blackheads by unblocking the sebaceous glands. Azelaic acid is also used, which prevents the formation of blackheads. The dermatologist can also prescribe vitamins B1, B2, PP and vitamin A and zinc. In the most severe cases, isotretinoin is introduced, which narrows the mouth of the sebaceous glands and reduces the amount of sebum secreted.

Also read: Ointments for acne – calendula, with vitamin A. Ointments for acne with antibiotics

For blackheads, use RITUAL CARE Sensilis Tonic for enlarged pores, which regulates the secretion of sebum. We also recommend BIO Propolia BeeYes, a roll-on corrector with propolis for imperfections, which disinfects the skin and cleans it.

Lit .: [1] Bolognia JL, Jorizzo JL, Rapini RP: Dermatology. Mosby 2003, 533. [2] Braun-Falco O., Plewig G., Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC: Dermatology, eds. half. Gliński W., Wolska H., Wydawnictwo Czelej, Lublin 2002, 994-1006.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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