Blackcurrant Titania

Long brushes with a rain of shiny, fragrant berries, black pearls, against the background of dense, bright, green foliage … The dream of every gardener was embodied in the Titania currant variety. Productive, frost-resistant, with high resistance to diseases, this dessert blackcurrant has been pleasing residents of cold regions with its vitamin fruits for almost half a century. The variety was bred in Sweden in 1970 on the basis of the Altai dessert and local Kajaanin Musta-Tamas currants. In our country, blackcurrant Titania began to spread in the 90s.

Blackcurrant Titania


The bushes of the variety are vigorous, reach 1,4-1,5 m in height, densely leafy, powerful shoots stretch upwards. The crown is rounded, one and a half meters in diameter. Large leaves are bright green, with a slightly wrinkled surface. Fruit clusters of currants are long, the stalks are located compactly, they carry up to 20-23 berries.

The rounded berries of the Titania currant are uneven: the brushes are larger on top, smaller on the bottom, weighing from 1,5 to 2,5 g, there are 3-4 g each. The skin is glossy, black, dense, but easily eaten. The juicy pulp is greenish, characterized by a dense texture, without wateriness. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour, with pronounced wine notes and a specific currant aroma. Titania blackcurrant berries contain 6,6% sugar and 170 g of ascorbic acid. Tasters rated the taste of the variety’s berries at 4,6 points.


The ripening of berries of a mid-season blackcurrant variety depends on the climate of the region where it grows. In the northern regions, the first Titania currant berries are enjoyed from mid-July, in warmer regions – a week earlier. In the south, the collection is carried out after the second decade of June. Berries hold firmly on the stalks, do not crumble for a long time. From one blackcurrant bush with a high level of self-fertility, from 2 to 5 kg of vitamin products are collected. On an industrial scale, the figures reach 80 centners per hectare. The blackcurrant variety is suitable for fields of intensive cultivation, since the berries have a dry separation from the stalks – they can be harvested by a combine, and good transportability due to the presence of a dense skin and pulp.

Blackcurrant Titania

Among the most popular varieties in the gardens of many countries is Titania. Currant has a great strength of growth of young shoots, a fruitful bush is formed in the second year after planting from a three-year-old plant. Seedlings adapt well to different climatic conditions, retaining all their valuable characteristic properties: the variety withstands frosts down to -34 degrees, tolerates heat, plants are not susceptible to common blackcurrant diseases. In one place, the currant bush gives abundant harvests up to 11-15 years.

Attention! Titania blackcurrant cannot be planted on heavy clay soils, swampy and acidic.

Titania currant berries are stored for a long time: they lie in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Versatile in use: berries are consumed fresh, frozen, compotes, preserves, jams are prepared.

Titania blackcurrant harvest overview

Advantages and disadvantages

The durability of the Titania blackcurrant variety indicates the advantages of the plant:

  • Large fruit and high productivity;
  • Dessert appointment;
  • The ability of ripe berries not to crumble for a long time;
  • Winter hardiness and drought resistance;
  • Transportability;
  • Immune to powdery mildew, anthracnose, spotting – brown and white.

The disadvantages of currant Titania include:

  • Different size of berries;
  • Low percentage of sugar content;
  • Rapid growth of numerous shoots;
  • The dependence of the quality and quantity of the crop on regular watering and fertilizing.

Blackcurrant Titania

How to plant a berry bush

Titania currants are propagated by cuttings and layering. It is believed that cuttings are the best way, because the shoots of the variety are prone to strong vegetative growth. Now most high-quality seedlings are sold with a closed root system, which are convenient to plant at any time in the development of the plant, in spring or autumn. For seedlings whose roots are not protected, a suitable planting time is autumn or early spring. Blackcurrant Titania is planted in late March or early April, when the buds are still dormant.

  • For currants of this variety, you need to select light, unshaded areas, from the south or south-west side of the garden, buildings or fences;
  • Currant prefers light, permeable, fertile soils;
  • Berry bushes grow well on slightly acidic or neutral soils;
  • It is better to place the Titania currant on a flat surface, avoiding lowlands and areas with a groundwater level above 1 m;
  • On acidic soils, planting pits are made wide, up to 1 m, the soil is mixed with sand and humus, adding 1 kg of dolomite flour.
Important! To increase resistance to diseases and pests, blackcurrants need to be fed with potassium preparations.

Blackcurrant Titania

Selection of seedlings

When buying Titania currant seedlings, you should listen to the reviews of gardeners who recommend purchasing tall plants. When planting, the bushes are placed obliquely for better shoot formation, and from above, currants need another 15-20 cm to feed.

  • The volume of the roots of the seedling is not less than 10-15 cm;
  • Roots and stems are fresh in appearance, elastic, not withered;
  • Seedling height from 50 cm.


In the garden, vigorous bushes are placed at a distance of up to 1,8-2 m. Cultivation of the Titania variety in large areas requires the placement of bushes in a checkerboard pattern, retreating 1 m between rows.

  • When processing the site, the roots of weeds, especially wheatgrass, are carefully removed;
  • For each square meter, 150 g of nitroammofoska, a glass of wood ash, a bucket of humus are scattered, embedding all fertilizers into the soil;
  • Dig a hole up to 40 cm deep, 50 cm wide;
  • The earth is mixed with humus, a tablespoon of superphosphate and a glass of wood ash;
  • The hole is filled with 5-7 liters of water, and then the seedling is placed obliquely so that the root neck is 5-7 cm under the ground;
  • The trunk circle is watered and mulched.
Advice! After planting, the bush is cut off, leaving 6 buds on the shoots.

Blackcurrant Titania


The near-trunk circle of the Titania currant bush must be kept in order: loosen up to 6-7 cm, remove weeds. The bush is watered in time, fed and inspected to see if pests have settled on it.


For currants, scheduled watering is important, depending on the growing season.

  • If there is not enough natural precipitation, currant bushes are watered during the creation of ovaries;
  • The second mandatory watering – after picking berries;
  • In October, water-charging irrigation is carried out;
  • 30 liters of water are spent on the bush so that the soil is moistened to a depth of 0,5 m;
  • During the dry period, additional watering is carried out, up to twice a week, especially when the leaves hang down.

Blackcurrant Titania

Additional fertilizing

For good vegetation and a plentiful harvest, blackcurrant Titania must be provided with rich nutrition.

  • During spring tillage, 30 g of urea or other nitrogen-containing top dressing is applied under each bush, fertilizer is added dropwise and watered well;
  • In autumn, the soil under the Titania currant bushes is fertilized with humus (5 kg), embedded in the soil in a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate;
  • Blackcurrant gratefully accepts foliar feeding with various complex fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron and other trace elements.
Comment! Titania currant plantings on poor peat-marshy, sandy and loamy soils should be taken carefully, and the bushes should be regularly fed with solutions of manure, bird droppings and wood ash.


Currant bushes periodically rejuvenate by removing old branches.

  1. The first 3 years, the Titania bush is formed by cutting off the thickening shoots in the spring and shortening the tops of the remaining branches by 10 or 15 cm to increase productivity.
  2. 2 years after planting, the bush grows up to 20 fruiting shoots.
  3. Now only sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring, removing old, 6-year-old branches that have overwintered unsuccessfully.

Blackcurrant Titania

Preparation for winter

The Titania variety is frost-resistant, but in conditions of the return of severe cold after a winter thaw, it may suffer. In autumn, a thick, 10-centimeter layer of mulch made of humus, peat, and sawdust is placed under the bushes. In the northern regions, the branches are bent to the ground and covered with a material that allows air to pass through.

plant protection

Weak Titania blackcurrant bushes affected by waterlogging, drought or growing on poor soil without fertilizers can be affected by fungal diseases. Compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology for the variety is vital. Against the bud mite, the bush is treated with acaricides, new generation preparations.

A culture with a high content of vitamin C, pectins and trace elements useful for humans, known for its adsorbent properties, requires minimal attention. By watering and feeding the berry bush, you can stock up on healing products for the whole year.

CORRECT pruning of BLACKCURRANT is the key to a BIG HARVEST!


Boris Yakovlevich, 67 years old, Pskov region
I purchased the Titania variety 10 years ago. Now there are 4 bushes on the plot, planted with cuttings. They settled down well. The berries are not as sweet as those of other varieties, but the bushes do not get sick, which means that it is not necessary to treat them with chemicals.
Natalia, 29 years old, Torzhok
I grow a variety of Titania in the country. There is no trouble with it, the variety is resistant to diseases, and it tolerates winters well. For top dressing I use organic matter, and in the fall I also fertilize with potassium sulfate.
Anatoly, 36 years old, Kimry
Titania remained at the dacha by inheritance. While left, we look at it. Two powerful bushes bear fruit every year. The berries are small, but the yield is stable, up to 2,5 kg.

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