Currant Sibylla is one of the most large-fruited varieties of selection. Gives tasty, sweet berries weighing up to 5 g. They ripen in early July. The variety is winter-hardy, approved for cultivation in Central Our Country and the Far East.
History of breeding
Sibylla is a blackcurrant variety obtained by breeders Ilyin V.S. and Ilina N.A. The application for admission was sent in 1993. After passing successful variety trials, the culture was included in the register of breeding achievements of Our Country in 2008.
Currant Sibylla was bred on the basis of the South Ural Research Institute on the basis of two lines – Bredthorp and Golubka (seedling). It has good winter hardiness, so it can be grown in the regions of Central Our Country and the Far East.
Description of the Sybil currant variety with a photo
In the description of the variety, attention should be paid to the characteristics of the bush, size, shape, color of the berries. The main parameters are shown below.
Currant bushes Sibylla are low, moderately dense, medium spreading. Shoots of medium thickness, curved shape, green color. The kidneys are free, located one by one at an angle to the shoot. The color is brown, there is no pubescence, the leaf scar has a rounded shape.
The leaves of the Sibylla currant are five-lobed, medium, green and light greenish in color, wrinkled, shiny, soft, the plate is concave. The blades are sharp, while the middle one exceeds the side ones with additional protrusions.
The lateral lobes are moderately developed, they are uneven. There is a notch at the base of the Sibylla currant leaf, it can be deep. The teeth are sharp, medium. Petioles are long, thin, light green.
Inflorescences are small in size, narrowly shaped. The coloration is pale. They have free sepals of small length. They are bent, painted in pale yellow with a pinkish tint. Brushes of small length, from 4 to 6 cm, are located singly. Axes of medium thickness, green, curved, without pubescence.
The fruits of the Sibylla currant are very large in size – by weight from 1,9 to 5,0 g, which is a record for many varieties. The shape is round, the color is almost black, the berries are relatively one-dimensional, each contains seeds. The cups are closed, the stalks are long, green, thin.
Characteristic of the variety
Among the important characteristics of the variety, one should mention the taste of berries, yield, ripening time. The most significant parameters are described below.
The taste of Sibylla currant berries is very pleasant, with a balance of sweet and sour, it received 5 points in the tasting assessment. It has a pleasant pronounced aroma. Harvest can be used fresh and for the preparation of preparations – jams, jams, fruit drinks.

The fruits are large and very sweet.
Therefore, it is recommended to freeze some of the fruits. In this case, you can save all the useful substances, including vitamin C.
Terms of maturation
Currant Sibylla belongs to the varieties of early ripening, the first fruits begin to appear en masse in the early days of July. The crop can be harvested in several approaches. The variety is self-fertile, so the ovaries are formed independently – it is not necessary to plant pollinating bushes.
The yield of the Sibylla currant variety is moderately high – 2,8-3 kg can be harvested from one adult bush. With industrial cultivation 4,3 tons per hectare. However, this is not the highest figure – many other varieties consistently bring 3,5-4 kg per bush or more.
Frost resistance
The frost resistance of Sibylla currant is good – without shelter, the bushes can withstand up to -30 degrees. Therefore, they can be grown not only in the middle lane, but also in the regions of the Far East. Moreover, young seedlings should definitely cover and carefully mulch the near-trunk circle.
Resistance to diseases
The Sibylla currant variety has good resistance to powdery mildew, but is not resistant to bud mites. With improper care (excessive watering, lack of fertilizers), it can also suffer from other diseases and pests. Preventive measures must be taken regularly.
Advantages and disadvantages
The Sibylla variety is valued primarily for its very large and tasty fruits. They are sweet, juicy, with a pleasant aroma. In addition, the culture is winter-hardy, it can be grown even in regions with severe frosts.

Fruits of an attractive trade dress
- excellent taste of berries;
- can be grown for sale;
- high winter hardiness;
- the bush does not give many layers, compact – saving space;
- immunity to powdery mildew;
- early maturation.
- no resistance to kidney mites;
- productivity is not the highest.
Features of growing currant Sibylla
The variety is undemanding to care. But in order to obtain a stable crop, it is necessary to plant on fertile soils, regularly water and feed. The basic rules of agricultural technology are described below.
Rules of landing
Sibylla currants are most often planted in autumn from mid-September to the first decade of October (depending on the climate of the region). It is necessary to have time three weeks before the first frost. For cultivation, fertile loam with a loose structure and a slightly acidic or neutral pH of 6-7 is best suited.
The place should be lit, without a shadow. It is best to plant Sibylla currants on hills, since water periodically accumulates in the lowlands. If possible, the site should be protected from the wind from the north side of the garden.
A few months before planting, the soil begins to be prepared. It is dug up and compost or humus is added in the amount of 7-10 kg per square meter. If the soil is clayey, dense, it is necessary to close up sand or sawdust 2-5 kg each for the same area.
When planting a seedling of Sybil currant, they act like this:
- Several holes are marked with a depth and diameter of 70-80 cm with an interval of 1,5 m.
- A layer of small stones is poured to the bottom up to 10 cm high.
- Fertile soil is laid, for example, a mixture of soddy soil with humus, sand and black peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.
- Then a seedling is placed at an angle of 45 degrees and sprinkled with soil.
- Tamp down so that the root neck goes to a depth of 7-8 cm.
- Watered with settled water.
- Cut off all shoots, leaving 2-3 buds on each.
- A few days later, mulch with straw, hay, needles, sawdust or other materials. If winters are too cold in the region, the layer height should be at least 15 cm.
Care instructions
To get a good harvest, it is necessary to organize the proper care of the Sibylla currant. Young seedlings are watered weekly, adult bushes – 2 times a month, and also every week in drought. Water must first be defended – cold liquid will damage the roots.

Fertilizers are regularly applied to obtain a crop.
After watering or heavy rain, the soil must be loosened to ensure air flow to the roots. At the same time, weeds are removed. If you put mulch, there will be noticeably fewer of them, and the soil will stay moist longer.
Another important rule for caring for Sibylla currants is regular fertilizing. The first is given in early April – you can add urea 20 g per 10 liters or ammonium nitrate 15 g per 10 liters. Then, during flowering, superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulfate (30 g) are used. Instead, you can add a complex mineral fertilizer. It will not be superfluous to feed with organic matter – 2-3 times per season, the bushes are watered with mullein infusion 1:10 or liquid humate.
In early spring, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out. At the same time, Sibylla currant bushes are treated with fungicides, for example, Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-Peak. In the summer, as necessary, they are treated with insecticides or folk remedies for insects.
Currant Sibylla gives very sweet, beautiful berries. Its yield is not the highest, but the fruits are very large, they diverge well fresh. It is not difficult to grow bushes, they can be bred both for themselves and for sale.