Blackcurrant Perun

The history of such a berry as blackcurrant dates back to the tenth century. The Kyiv monks were the first to cultivate the berry bush, later they began to grow currants in Western Europe, from there it has already spread throughout the world. One can talk endlessly about the benefits of blackcurrant and its extraordinary taste: one thing is clear – every dacha must have at least one bush of sweet berries. One of the oldest and most popular varieties among the population is Perun, which does not give up its positions even with the advent of the latest hybrids and varieties. The advantages of this variety are considered high yield, unpretentiousness and excellent taste. There are some nuances that are better to find out at the initial stage of cultivation.

Blackcurrant Perun

Photos, reviews and descriptions of the Perun currant variety are given below. This article will talk about all the features of this crop and the rules for its cultivation.

View characteristics

Currant variety Perun is the brainchild of domestic breeders, it was bred by A.I. Astakhov back in the 90s. Since 1995, Perun has been included in the State Register and recommended for cultivation in the Central and Central Black Earth regions.

Blackcurrant Perun

Description of the variety Perun:

  • blackcurrant with medium-late ripening – the berries are ripe from the end of July to the first half of August;
  • bushes are medium-sized, but sprawling, dense;
  • young shoots are light green, slightly pubescent;
  • growing shoots are slightly curved;
  • leaves three-lobed, dark green, wrinkled;
  • buds on currant shoots are weakly colored, covered with short fluff;
  • Perun’s inflorescences are bisexual, therefore currants are considered self-fertile (other varieties of culture are not needed for pollination of flowers);
  • the flowers are very conspicuous, large, red-violet hue;
  • brushes of medium length, each of them from 5 to 11 fruits;
  • Perun’s berries are large, their average weight is 2 grams, there are specimens and 4 grams in weight;
  • the shape of the fruit is round, regular, the peel is shiny, black;
  • the commercial attractiveness of currants is high;
  • separation of dry berries – the fruits are not damaged during picking, therefore they do not flow and do not wrinkle;
  • tasting scores of Perun are very high – 4,9 points (out of a possible 5);
  • the aroma is pleasant, strongly pronounced;
  • currant has an average immunity to floury mildew, bud mites, anthracnose, almost never Perun bushes are affected by aphids;
  • the frost resistance of the plant is good – the shrub will withstand a decrease in temperature to -25 degrees without shelter;
  • Perun is not afraid of return spring frosts, its flowers perfectly tolerate a short-term drop in temperature;
  • blackcurrant yield at a high level – up to two kilograms per bush;
  • the crop is suitable for long-term storage and transportation;
  • You can propagate the blackcurrant of this variety in any way (by dividing the bush, cuttings, layering).

Blackcurrant Perun

Important! Purpose currant Perun has a universal: the berries are delicious fresh, they make excellent jams, conserves, compotes, marshmallows, fruits can be frozen or dried.

Advantages and disadvantages

A photo of currant Perun will attract any summer resident – the berries are large, glossy, approximately the same in size. It is not surprising that this old variety is still relevant, because Perun has many advantages, such as:

  • balanced taste and strong aroma;
  • ease of reproduction;
  • high yield;
  • resistance to common diseases and pests;
  • good frost resistance;
  • the ability of flowers to self-pollinate and normally tolerate return frosts;
  • suitability for long-term storage and transportation;
  • universal purpose of currant berries.
Attention! Despite the impressive list of advantages, not everyone likes the Perun blackcurrant variety. Not all reviews about this culture are positive.

Blackcurrant Perun

Perun is disliked mainly by those farmers who grow currants for sale. Although this variety pleases with stability, high yields and excellent taste, the size of its fruits is not the same – and this is something that buyers do not really like and spoils the presentation of the product.

Another nuance is the strong dependence of the size and quality of berries on weather conditions. For example, in a dry summer, Perun’s harvest will be worse, the berries themselves will be smaller, but the taste of the fruit will turn out to be sweeter and richer.

Agricultural technology and its features

The Perun variety cannot be called capricious – this blackcurrant will require no more care and attention than any other. But one should not forget about the great relationship between yield and climatic features of the region, the weather in a particular season, and the type of soil. The quality of berries strongly depends on the listed indicators.

Blackcurrant Perun

Advice! Not everyone lives in conditions with an ideal climate and nutritious soil. To achieve good yields, it is necessary to pay more attention to the Perun variety and take more intensive care of the bushes.

Shrub planting

Very often summer residents complain about the poor survival rate of currant cuttings. Indeed, this culture can be difficult to propagate and start on the site. For the result to be positive, you need to make some efforts and know some tricks.

Blackcurrant Perun

The first thing a farmer should know is currant seedlings cannot be sold with an open root systembecause such planting material will not take root. Variety Perun from good nurseries is sold in pots.

The second condition is the correct landing site. Blackcurrant loves the sun, therefore, it should be planted in a well-lit open area, without shade from trees and buildings. The earth should be nutritious, loose, well breathable, not retaining moisture.

Blackcurrant Perun

And the third criterion for a successful landing is time. It is recommended to plant blackcurrant only in autumn.. In central Our Country, the second half of September – the beginning of October is considered the optimal time for planting the mid-late Perun.

Attention! In extreme cases, currants can be planted in the spring, but this should be done as early as possible. As soon as the earth thaws, they start planting Perun. Starting in May, the bush will have to be protected from the scorching sun and constantly monitor the degree of soil moisture.

Blackcurrant Perun

The very planting of currant Perun is simple:

  1. A couple of weeks before the proposed planting, a hole is prepared with a depth of about 45 cm.
  2. The soil taken out of the planting pit is mixed with a bucket of humus and 100 grams of superphosphate.
  3. If there are several bushes, an interval of 180-200 cm is observed between them, since Perun is a sprawling shrub.
  4. The seedling is set in the center of the pit and its roots are gradually sprinkled with earth.
  5. The aerial part of the cutting of Perun must be cut to two buds – this is a very important requirement that should not be neglected.
  6. After planting, the bush is watered abundantly, it is recommended to mulch the soil with a thick layer of organic matter (peat, humus, sawdust, dry foliage).

If you do not cut the shoot of a freshly planted currant, the plant will not have enough strength to develop the root system – all the activity of the cutting will be directed to the growth of shoots.

Advice! Experienced gardeners recommend leaving 2-3 blackcurrant buds underground during planting – this way the Perun bush will take root better and give lateral roots faster.

Blackcurrant Perun

Before the onset of severe cold weather, the currant stalk is insulated, covering it with agrofibre, a bucket, falling asleep with covering material or soil. Before wintering, Perun must receive a sufficient amount of moisture, so watering should be plentiful and frequent, with the first frosts they are stopped.

Proper care

Blackcurrant Perun is not the most capricious “inhabitant” of the garden. There is nothing special in caring for a shrub, it is only important to follow the schedule of events and not neglect the recommendations of specialists.

You need to care for chokeberry Perun like this:

  1. Watering black currant should be regular and frequent. Perun tolerates drought well, but the yield will be significantly higher if a drip irrigation system is installed near the bush. The summer resident should pay special attention to watering during the formation of the crop, the ripening of berries and immediately after harvesting the fruits. Autumn watering is very important, since the survival of the shrub in the winter will depend on the state of the root system.

    Blackcurrant Perun

  2. Fertilize chokeberry Perun will have to infrequently. It is quite enough autumn or spring top dressing once a year. If fertilizer is applied in the fall, you can focus on organic matter such as manure, bird droppings, wood ash, compost. In the spring, it is better to fertilize the Perun currant with minerals, with special emphasis on nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
  3. shrub needed form during its growth and development. Annually, it is advised to carry out sanitary pruning, which involves the removal of dry, damaged and diseased shoots.

    Blackcurrant Perun

  4. Currant roots lie shallow, so it is important remove weeds around the bushes of Perun and regularly loosen the soil to ensure air access to the root system. Mulch will help protect the roots from overheating and drying out.

    Blackcurrant Perun

  5. Resistance to diseases in the blackcurrant variety Perun is average. Therefore, in early spring you need to spend preventive treatment shrubs, repeating it before flowering and after flowering. If insect pests are noticed, additional spraying of Perun’s bushes with insecticides will be required.
  6. In most of the country Perun hibernates without shelter. In regions with a temperate climate and snowy winters, the frost resistance of the variety will be quite enough. In more northern regions, it is better not to grow Perun blackcurrant, since its ripening time is quite late (the berries may not ripen before the onset of cold weather).

    Blackcurrant Perun

Attention! As practice shows, a thick layer of organic mulch laid at the end of autumn will not harm currants in any way. On the contrary, it will become an additional protection of the shrub from the cold.

Write Your Review

Sergei Ivanovich
I have been growing blackcurrant Perun in my dacha for many years. In principle, I like everything about this variety, especially the delicate taste of berries. For those who are just thinking about planting this currant, I can advise the following: • Every spring, do powdery mildew prevention (I lost the first Perun bushes precisely because of this misfortune); • plant currants in an openwork shade, for example, under a sprawling tree or near a wooden fence (the scorching sun leads to overheating of the bushes, which simply drop all the leaves); • do not get carried away with top dressing – due to excess nutrition, young shoots grow strongly, and productivity decreases. If everything is done correctly, Perun’s harvest will be quite decent, and the berries will be about the same size.


Even negative reviews about blackcurrant varieties Perun indicate that this crop is still not forgotten and is in demand among farmers. Twenty years is a decent period for any kind of cultivated plants, because in the modern world every day new varieties and hybrids appear.

Perun has crossed the twenty-year milestone and continues to delight summer residents with abundant harvests of large and very tasty berries. This blackcurrant definitely deserves attention.

Blackcurrant lesson 1 Planting.

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