Blackcurrant marshmallow is not only delicious, but also an incredibly healthy dish. During the drying process, the berries retain all the useful vitamins. Sweetened marshmallows can easily replace sweets and serve as an original decoration for homemade baking.

Blackcurrant pastille at home

Useful properties of currant marshmallow

In the process of cooking, the berries are not exposed to high temperatures, so the marshmallow retains almost all the properties of blackcurrant. The high content of vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system and protect the body during viral diseases. Delicacy well cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Marshmallow is a good prevention of diseases associated with the work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. With regular use, the work of the digestive tract is normalized. At the time of the flu epidemic, the disinfectant and bactericidal qualities of berries allow you to stay healthy.

Also pasta:

  • tones up;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • cleans the blood;
  • improves appetite;
  • acts as a mild diuretic and diaphoretic.

Dessert is useful to use in its natural form without the addition of sweeteners to diabetics to reduce blood sugar levels. The delicacy is recommended for diseases of the lymph nodes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, beriberi, radiation damage and anemia.

Marshmallow can be added to tea, thereby obtaining a delicious drink that has a general strengthening effect.

Blackcurrant marshmallow recipes

For cooking, you need to select berries. Any size is suitable, the main thing is that the fruits must be ripe. Preference should be given to blackcurrant varieties with a thin skin.

For marshmallow, the fruits must be dry and whole, without visible damage. By color choose monophonic, saturated black. If there are green impurities or blotches on the currant, then it is unripe or sick.

If the aroma has impurities of foreign odors, then there is a high probability that the berries were not transported correctly or were treated with chemicals for preservation.

Advice! Overripe black currants are more sweet.

Pastila from currants in the dryer

The proportions in the recipe are based on a dryer with 15 trays. The pasta will be sour. If you want to get a sweet treat as a result, then the volume of honey should be increased.

You will need:

  • blackcurrant – 8 kg;
  • fat – 100 g;
  • flower honey – 1,5 l.

Method of preparation:

  1. Pick out blackcurrants. Remove all wrinkled and cracked fruits and ponytails. Pour the berries into a wide bowl. Pour cold water over and rinse. All debris will float to the surface. Carefully drain the liquid and repeat the process 2 times.
  2. Sprinkle onto a towel. Leave to dry for an hour.
  3. Transfer to a deep container and beat with a blender. The mass should be homogeneous.
  4. Lubricate the pallets in the dryer. It is animal fat that will not allow marshmallow to stick to the base.
  5. Divide all the necessary ingredients, except for fat, into 15 parts. As a result, pour 530 g of puree into the blender bowl and add 100 ml of honey. Beat, then spread evenly over the pan. Repeat the process 14 more times, filling the entire dryer.
  6. Turn on the device. The temperature will need + 55 ° C. The process will take 35 hours. Periodically, you should change the pallets in places so that the marshmallow dries evenly.

If the amount of honey is increased, the drying process will take longer. Accordingly, if the sweetener is excluded from the composition or its volume is reduced, then less time will be required.

Blackcurrant pastille at home

Blackcurrant marshmallow recipe in the oven

The finished dish is moderately sweet. If you sprinkle blackcurrant marshmallows with powdered sugar, then the pieces of delicacy will not stick together.

You will need:

  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • blackcurrant – 500 g;
  • fine granulated sugar – 300 g.

Method of preparation:

  1. Sort and wash the berries. Be sure to remove all twigs and dry the blackcurrant on a paper towel. Excess moisture will increase the cooking time.
  2. Beat the fruits with a blender. Put on fire and cook for a few minutes without boiling. The mass should become hot.
  3. Pass through a sieve. This procedure will help make the puree smooth and tender.
  4. Pour in sugar. Mix. Boil the mass to a state of thick sour cream.
  5. Remove from fire. When the puree has completely cooled, beat with a mixer. The mass will increase in volume and become lighter.
  6. Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet. Lubricate with a silicone brush with any oil and lay out the currants in a layer that should not exceed half a centimeter.
  7. Send to the oven. Set the temperature to 70°C.
  8. After 6 hours, cut the workpiece into rectangles and continue drying.
  9. When the delicacy does not stick to your hands and begins to spring when pressed, you can take it out of the oven.
  10. Sprinkle the rectangles with powdered sugar on each side.
Warning! If you overexpose the blackcurrant marshmallow in the oven, it will become hard and dry.

Blackcurrant pastille at home

Recipe for homemade currant marshmallow without sugar

Most often, a sweetener is added to the marshmallow, but you can prepare a natural delicacy that has a pleasant sour taste. It is ideal for people on a diet.

For cooking, you can use any amount of black berries.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to sort and wash the fruits. Then beat with a blender until smooth. Put on fire.
  2. Simmer over low heat until the mixture thickens. Pass through a sieve.
  3. Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes lighter and increases in volume.
  4. Spread in an even layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180°C, then lower the temperature to 100°C. Place a baking sheet with currant puree. Cook for at least 6 hours. The door must be kept open at all times.
  6. Cut into rectangles and roll. Wrap the finished rolls with cling film.

Blackcurrant pastille at home

What else can be added to currant marshmallow

Currant pastille at home can be prepared with the addition of various components. Chopped nuts, citrus peel, coriander and ginger will help diversify the recipe.

Blackcurrant goes well with all fruits and berries. Often it is combined with red currants, apples, grapes and even zucchini. If you put another fruit puree in the form of stains on the berry mass, then the appearance of the finished dish will become much more appetizing.

Banana will help to make currant marshmallow more tender and soft. Add it in a 1:1 ratio. There are no coarse veins and bones in the banana pulp, so the delicacy will acquire a natural sweetness. It is not recommended to add sugar and honey to such marshmallow.

A mixture of grape and apple pulp, added to blackcurrant, will fill the marshmallow with an incredible smell and plasticity.

For more sweetness, do not add too much sugar. Its excess will make the structure inhomogeneous due to the formation of crystals and rigid. It is better to add honey for sweetness. Ideally rapeseed. Do not use acacia honey. This variety will not let the marshmallow harden.

Caloric value

Blackcurrant marshmallow, cooked at home, has a different calorie content. It depends on the amount of sweetener used. Pastila with the addition of honey in 100 g contains 88 kcal, with sugar – 176 kcal, in its pure form – 44 kcal.

Terms and conditions of storage

After cooking, you need to properly fold the treat to increase the shelf life. Each layer is recommended to be cut into rectangles and twisted into tubes. Wrap each individually in cling film. This will prevent the pieces from sticking together. Put in a glass jar and close the lid. With this preparation, pastille retains its properties throughout the year.

If you close with vacuum lids, then the shelf life will increase to 2 years. Store in the refrigerator or in the basement.

Also, the berry preparation is allowed to be frozen, having previously packed it in an airtight container. When warm, it quickly becomes sticky and soft.

Advice! Ready marshmallow easily moves away from parchment paper. If it separates badly, then it is not ready yet.


Blackcurrant pastille is a versatile dish. Sliced ​​into slices, it serves as an excellent delicacy for tea. It is used as a layer and decoration for cakes, added to ice cream instead of jam. Meat sauces are prepared on the basis of sour marshmallow, and delicious marinades are obtained from the soaked delicacy. Therefore, in the process of harvesting, one should make part of the marshmallow sweet and the other sour.

Black currant pastille in the Walter 1000 electric dryer.Pastille black currant

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