Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade: reviews, planting and care

Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade was included in the State Register in 2000. It was bred in the Oryol region, the originator of the variety is the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All- Research Institute for Selection of Fruit Crops”.

Description of blackcurrant Oryol Serenade

Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade: reviews, planting and care

The bush is medium tall, the shoots grow compactly, forming a neat crown. Green leaf plates are five-lobed, wrinkled, medium in size, flowers are brightly colored, fruit clusters are short. Flowering begins in May. The average ripening period for berries is July or early August. The variety is self-fertile, there are female and male flowers on the bush.

Berries of medium size, up to 1,9 g, with black, shiny skin, oblong-round shape. The pulp is dense, sweet and sour, with a strong aroma. It contains 8% sugar and 3% acids. The taste of the berries is excellent, tasting score 4,5 points.

The currant variety Orlovskaya Serenade is recommended for cultivation in several regions of Our Country:

  • Central;
  • Volga-Vyatka;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Middle Volga.

Currant Oryol Serenade is resistant to fungal diseases.


The characteristics of the variety include:

  • drought tolerance;
  • frost resistance;
  • productivity;
  • application area;
  • pros and cons.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The currant variety Oryol Serenade is winter-hardy. Tolerates frost down to -30°C. Since the roots are superficial, in the fall it is necessary to carry out mulching of the near-stem circle and water-charging watering.

Productivity of the variety

The yield of the currant variety Oryol Serenade is average. From one bush you can get 1,1 kg or from one hundred square meters – 100 kg. Due to the dry separation of the berries from the branch and dense pulp, they perfectly tolerate transportation.

When the berries ripen, it is important to water and fertilize with complex fertilizers in a timely manner so that the crop does not shrink and does not crumble from the bush. If the currant berries began to dry out, bake in the sun, the shoots may have been damaged by the glass. This is easy to check by cutting off a drying shoot, if it has a black core, then a glass larva lived inside. The branch is cut to healthy tissue.

Application area

Berries of blackcurrant Oryol Serenade have a universal purpose. They can be consumed fresh, make jams and jams, and freeze.

Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade: reviews, planting and care

There are many vitamins and mineral salts in the blackcurrant Oryol Serenade, it is sometimes called not a berry, but a medicinal culture. The content of vitamin C is 217,1 mg / 100 g.

Comment! In addition to berries, leaves are useful, they can be dried and used for brewing tea, added to marinades and pickles for flavor.

Pros and cons of the variety

The advantages of the Oryol Serenade variety include:

  • productivity;
  • excellent taste of berries;
  • resistance to diseases;
  • frost resistance.

It is suitable for growing in most regions of Our Country.

The disadvantages include an extended fruiting period.

Methods of reproduction

The Oryol Serenade variety is propagated by cuttings that remain after pruning the bush, or layering. Description of rooting cuttings in shkolka:

  1. For reproduction take shoots 15-20 cm long and not less than a pencil thick. Thin, green tops are not suitable, they will freeze in winter before they have time to take root.
  2. Cuttings are harvested during autumn pruning. On the bush, five annual, two-year and three-year shoots are left to grow.
  3. Good cuttings are obtained from strong annual and biennial shoots. The lower cut is made oblique at a distance of 1 cm from the kidney. 2 cm recede from the upper kidney, and a cut is made at a right angle. Remove all leaves.
  4. The direction of the row in the school should be from north to south, then the seedlings will be evenly lit by the sun during the day. For planting, they dig a small groove 25-30 cm deep, and add 1 bucket of humus, 50 g of nitroammofoska and 1 tbsp. ash per linear meter.
  5. Half an hour before planting, the shkolka is watered to a depth of 25 cm. Prepared currant cuttings are stuck into moist soil at an angle of 45 °. The distance between the seedlings is left 10-15 cm in a row, the row spacing is about 20 cm.
  6. After planting carry out abundant watering. When the moisture is absorbed and the soil settles a little, add some earth from above.
  7. For the winter, the shkolka must be covered with straw, with a layer of 3-5 cm.

It is also easy to propagate currants by layering. They begin to lay shoots for the formation of layering in early spring, as soon as the buds awaken. To do this, with the help of a chopper next to the bush, make a small groove. The extreme branch is placed in the groove, and pinned, covered with earth by 1 cm. The end of the branch is pinched to wake up the side shoots and form new seedlings. In autumn, young bushes can be dug up and planted in a new place.

Planting and care

Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade: reviews, planting and care

The blackcurrant variety Orlovskaya serenade grows well on fertile, light soil, does not like clay, heavy, acidic soil. Bushes are undemanding to lighting, but in an open, sunny area, the harvest will be greater.

The further development of the bush and the amount of the crop depends on the correct planting of blackcurrant. One of the keys to success is the right landing pattern:

  1. The row spacing is at least 1,8 m, and about 1,5 m is left between seedlings in a row.
  2. You can plant currant Oryol Serenade in October or April-May. In October, it is advisable to plant currants after leaf fall, until frosts begin, and in spring – before the leaves bloom.
  3. If the land is fertile, a medium-sized planting hole is made, about 40 cm deep and of the same diameter. They bring into it: a bucket of well-rotted manure, 100 g of nitroammophoska, 1 tbsp. wood ash.
  4. It is advisable to plant the currant Oryol Serenade with a deepening of the root collar by 5-10 cm. The first buds at the base of the shoots need to be covered with earth, branches will grow from them that will take root and allow the bush to grow quickly.
Important! Immediately after planting, the plant is pruned, leaving 5-7 buds from the ground.

In order for the planted currant to winter well, it is mulched with humus. When frosts come, you can additionally cover the trunk circle with hay.


In the spring, it is necessary to remove all weeds around the bush, loosen the soil. Currant Oryol Serenade loves moisture. On dry and hot days, under one adult bush, you will need to pour 3-4 buckets of water.

After watering, the bushes are mulched with humus, nutrient soil or peat. For each bucket of mulch add the following components:

  • 2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska or superphosphate with potassium sulfate – for top dressing;
  • 1 st. wood ash or 2 tbsp. l. chalk – for alkalization of the soil;
  • 1 st. l. dry mustard with top – for the prevention of pests.

For a large currant bush Oryol Serenade, you need 3 buckets of mulch. To make the berries larger, during flowering it can be fed with potato peelings. To do this, the cleaning is laid out around the bush in the root circle, and sprinkled with a layer of mulch.

Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade: reviews, planting and care

Cutting off all unnecessary, they form a crown so that it is not strong

thickened, weak and broken shoots are removed in the spring. Summer pruning of currants is carried out after harvesting. During it, 2-3-year-old branches are cut out, leaving only strong, young shoots. This procedure speeds up fruiting next year. Strong young shoots in the spring will give a good harvest. The cut is made over a strong kidney that looks outward.

In autumn, it is desirable to carry out water-charging watering so that the bushes endure the winter well, and mulch the near-stem circle. The currant Oryol Serenade has fibrous roots located close to the surface of the earth, a layer of mulch will help the plant to endure frosts well.

Advice! If the trunk circle is covered with hay, poison for rodents is placed under it in order to keep the currant shoots intact.

Pests and diseases

With good care, currants grow in one place for 15-17 years. In spring and autumn, after leaf fall, it is desirable to carry out the prevention of the most common diseases:

  • anthracnose or brown spotting;
  • septoria, white spotting;
  • powdery mildew.

For prevention in the spring before flowering, treatment with copper-containing fungicides is used (Amigo peak, Bordeaux mixture). In the future, spraying is repeated 3-4 times using modern preparations: “Skor”, “Ridomil Gold”, “Fitosporin”, “Previkur”.

Fungicides are used to prevent and control pests. The safest are biologically based preparations, for example, Fitoverm.


Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade is suitable for growing in small household plots and industrial plantations. Due to the good quality of the berries, it is in demand in the market, and quickly pays for itself. The variety is easily propagated by cuttings, resistant to diseases and frost.

Currant, cultivation and care.


Olga Soldatenko, 49 years old, Kirov
Blackcurrant Oryol Serenade grew up with a friend in the country. She generously shared a seedling with me. I planted it in the sunniest place in the garden, next to strawberries, and the next year I picked a mug of berries. Now the plantation has grown, the bushes are strong and strong, once aphids settled on them, but I quickly coped with it. Every year I close 10-15 liter jars of blackcurrant jam, we love it very much. The variety propagates easily with the help of layering. I was able to significantly expand my plantation.
Sergey Borovoy, 36 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Acquaintance with the blackcurrant variety Oryol Serenade happened to me several years ago. I bought seedlings from a nursery and have never regretted it. The plant is strong, healthy, well resists all sorts of adversities – cold weather, diseases, pests. We have never been left without a harvest, the berries are large, tasty and very fragrant. I advise everyone the variety of currant Oryol Serenade for cultivation.

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