Blackcurrant Myth is a relatively new variety of domestic selection with high characteristics. The saturation of berries with vitamins and microelements, the versatility of their use attracts gardeners. The popularity of the variety is growing every year, especially since it is unpretentious and unpretentious in care.

History of breeding

Blackcurrant Mif (Mif) obtained by crossing two varieties:

  1. Rita (Rita) – medium ripening, with large berries.

    Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

  2. Titania (Titania) – a high-yielding species of Swedish selection.

    Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

The originator of the currant Mif is the Horticultural Selection and Technological Institute (Moscow), its authors are Sazonov F. F. and Kazakov I. V. The variety was included in the State Register in 2016 and is recommended for cultivation in the Central regions of Our Country.

Description of the currant variety Myth

Currant bush Myth is medium tall. Its shoots are straight, slightly spreading, with matte gray-brown bark without pubescence. The kidneys are narrow, pointed at the ends, strongly deviated from the branches. Leaf plates are bright green, shiny, convex, with medium wrinkling. The edges are serrated, slightly bent. The shape of the leaves is five-lobed, asymmetric. Their cuts are small, the tops are sharp, the angle between the lobes is straight.

The root system of the Myth currant variety is powerful, the diameter exceeds the projection of the crown by one and a half times, the central roots can go deep from 60 cm to 2 m.

Fruit raceme of medium size, white flowers with a greenish tinge. Berries after ripening are rounded, black, with dense skin. The average weight is 1,5 g. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pronounced aroma. Tasting score – 4,5 points. The pulp is juicy, sugar content – 3,8%, acid – 2,4%.

Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

In addition to taste, blackcurrant berries are high in vitamins A, C, PP.


Blackcurrant Myth acquired from the crossed maternal varieties Rita and Titania good taste qualities, friendly ripening. In addition to these advantages, it has other features.

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

Despite the fact that blackcurrant is moisture-loving, the Myth variety easily tolerates temporary drought, the berries do not crumble during this period. This feature is explained by a powerful root system that can provide the plant with moisture.

Winter hardiness of currant Myth is high, freezing of bushes in central Our Country occurs in case of abnormal frosts and sharp temperature deviations. Damage to the kidneys from recurrent frosts is extremely rare.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Currant Myth is self-fertile. For her, the presence of pollinating varieties is not necessary, but it is desirable to plant several bushes on the site, thanks to which the pollen carried by the wind increases the yield. The variety is mid-season. Flowering begins in May, the ripening stage occurs in late June – early July. Dates vary depending on the weather conditions of a particular year.

Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

In each brush of currant from eight to ten ovaries

Productivity and fruiting, keeping quality of berries

Productivity per bush – 2,7 kg. When grown on an industrial scale – 59,2 kg / ha. The collection lasts about two weeks and ends in August. The achievement of full ripeness by the berries can be judged by the rich black color, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The crop of currant varieties Myth is harvested in several stages, as it ripens. You should choose a dry warm day for work and remove the berries from the bush along with the stalk. In this form, they can be stored and transported for a longer time without loss of quality. No more than 3 kg is placed in each container.

The currant bush of the Myth variety is upright, therefore it is suitable for both manual and mechanized harvesting. Berries do not bake in the sun, crumble after they are completely overripe. The keeping quality is average. Fresh in the refrigerator, they can be stored for up to two weeks, provided that they are packaged in small containers in a thin layer.

Disease and pest resistance

The authors of the Myth variety note that it is rarely affected by diseases and pests. Although the currant is highly resistant to pathologies and has strong immunity, low temperatures, prolonged rains and other adverse conditions can lead to the spread of fungal and viral infections:

  1. powdery mildew – spreads from diseased plants to healthy ones, manifests itself in the form of a white coating on stems, leaves and berries.

    Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

  2. Terry – a viral disease leading to complete infertility of the bushes.

    Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

  3. glass rust – manifests itself in the form of yellow spots on the back of the foliage.

    Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

  4. Septoriosis – a fungal disease in which the foliage turns yellow and the yield decreases.

    Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

Among insects, the bud mite brings the greatest harm to the plant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Currant berries contain a large amount of fiber and little sugar, so they are suitable for those who want to lose weight. Bushes of the Myth variety are resistant to most diseases.

Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

Berries contain natural antioxidants that protect against aging and cancer


  • bush compactness;
  • ease of maintenance and harvesting;
  • winter hardiness;
  • drought tolerance;
  • self-fertility;
  • high yield;
  • good taste of berries;
  • the possibility of their transportation;
  • versatility of use.

There are not so many shortcomings in the Myth variety. These include:

  • variety of berries;
  • short shelf life fresh.

Features of planting and care

The optimal time for planting blackcurrant varieties Myth in central Our Country is the second decade of October or mid-April. The kidneys should be at rest at this moment. The plant loves moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil. The landing site should be well lit by the sun, but location in light partial shade near fruit trees is acceptable. Normal soil acidity for currants is 4-5,5 pH.

The earth is dug up to the depth of the bayonet and organic fertilizers, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added to it.

Planting is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Dig holes with a width and depth of 0,6 m.
  2. Lay on the bottom of the drainage of fine gravel.
  3. Pour a mixture of humus (5 kg), wood ash (one glass) and superphosphate (100 g) onto the bottom.
  4. Pour soil on top.
  5. Install the seedling in the center.
  6. Fill the hole and voids with earth and lightly tamp.
  7. Mulch the soil under the seedling with peat.

Important! When planting currants of the Myth variety in the autumn, it is necessary to spud its base high before the onset of winter cold.

Further care consists of watering, periodic feeding, pruning and preparation for winter.

Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

For planting choose seedlings with a well-developed root system and no signs of disease.

Watering and top dressing

For the first time after planting, currant bushes need to be watered frequently. Humidification is carried out by sprinkling or from a watering can late in the evening so that young foliage does not get burned. Fertilizers are applied in the second year after planting twice per season – nitrogen in the spring, and phosphorus in the fall.


Currant bushes of the Myth variety are very compact, erect, not prone to lodging, so the plant does not need to be tied up. The first pruning is carried out immediately after planting, shortening the shoots by half. Next spring, damaged, twisted and dry branches are removed, and later on, old ones that are more than five years old.

Preparation for winter

Currant variety Myth is frost-resistant, so it does not need shelter for the winter. As a preparation for frost, you should remove the fallen leaves, water the bushes abundantly and mulch the tree trunks.

Blackcurrant Myth: description, planting and care

The root neck is deepened by 5-6 cm


Currant Myth is an excellent variety for planting not only in the central regions of Our Country, but also in more northern and southern regions. It winters well, gives annual harvests of good quality berries. By planting several bushes, you can provide your family with vitamins for the whole year.


Gazieva Albina, 40 years old, Tula region
I planted currants of the Myth variety on my site three years ago. The bushes are not so big yet, but the harvest is decent. The berries are not very large, both sweet and sour come across. Perfectly preserved frozen, the jam is obtained with a rich, bright taste. So far, I haven’t had to deal with the disease. I hope that the plant will remain as resistant to them in the future.
Krykin Andrey, 57 years old, Roslavl
Myth purchased currants four years ago. Planted in the spring. Already that year it was a hot, dry summer. Although I watered the seedling, there was not enough moisture. Despite this, the bush developed, although the foliage was small. It overwintered well, and the next year gave a good increase. I’ve had a steady harvest for two seasons now. The berries are firm and tasty.

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