Currant Naughty is a variety of ultra-early ripening, which is one of the first to yield. The plant was bred in VNIIS them. Michurin. Parental varieties were Dikovinka and Detskoselskaya. In 2006, minx currant was included in the State Register of the Federation.

Description of currant variety Naughty

According to the description of the variety, the minx blackcurrant is a short, slightly sprawling bush. Its shoots are straight, thin, shiny, gray-brown. The kidneys are medium in size, reddish, elongated. They are located on the branches one by one.

Variety Shalunya has five-lobed leaves of medium or small size. At the same time, they are convex, wrinkled, located on the shoots at an angle. Their blades are sharp at the edges, the middle part is longer. Petiole – medium size, anthocyanin color, slightly pubescent at the base.

The flowers are goblet-shaped, medium in size. The sepals are pale in color, with purple stripes along the edges. The brushes are short, straight, 4 to 6 cm long.

The blackcurrant variety Shalunya is recommended for the Central Black Earth region. When grown in other areas, the bush may freeze in winter.

Important! In colder climates, fruits do not have time to collect sugar.

Description of blackcurrant berries Naughty:

  • round shape;
  • black skin with a slight wax coating;
  • large sizes;
  • weight from 1,5 to 2 g.

Berries of the Shalunya variety have a good sweet taste. Their tasting score is 4,8 – 5 points. The composition of blackcurrant includes dry and P-active substances, ascorbic acid, pectin. Fruits gain up to 11,5% sugars.

Blackcurrant Minx: planting and care, cultivation


Before buying a blackcurrant Minx analyze its characteristics. Particular attention is paid to resistance to drought and cold, productivity, quality of berries.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Blackcurrant Minx has an average resistance to drought. To obtain a crop, the bush is regularly watered. Its frost resistance is high. Plants do not freeze when the temperature drops to -30 ° C.

Productivity of the variety

The currant of the Shalunya variety gives a harvest in the very early period. The first berries ripen in early June. Up to 3,5 – 4 kg are removed from one bush. The fruits do not bake in the sun and do not crumble. Over time, the size of the berries does not decrease.

Variety Shalunya refers to self-fertile. The ovaries are formed without cross-pollination. All berries are aligned, the same size. Their value does not change during the growing season.

Advice! To increase the yield of bushes, at least two varieties are planted that bloom at the same time.

Application area

Blackcurrant Naughty universal purpose. Berries are used fresh for vitamin cocktails, healthy breakfasts, pie fillings. The variety is also suitable for processing into jams, jams, compotes.

The berries of the Shalunya variety tolerate storage and transportation well. At the same time, they retain their taste and do not emit a lot of juice.

Pros and cons of the variety

Benefits of Black Currant Naughty:

  • precocity of young bushes;
  • high yield;
  • self-fertility;
  • sweet dessert taste;
  • susceptibility to disease.

Disadvantages of currant varieties Minx:

  • the need for care;
  • medium resistance to spider mites.

Methods of reproduction

Vegetative methods are used to propagate the blackcurrant of the Shalunya variety:

  • Cuttings. In the spring, on the bushes, deciduous shoots 5-8 mm thick are selected. They are shortened to a length of 20 cm, an oblique cut is made from above, and a straight cut from below. The stalk is stuck into light fertile soil so that two buds remain above the surface. All season they are watered and fed with mineral complexes. In autumn, currants are dug up and transplanted to a new place;

    Blackcurrant Minx: planting and care, cultivation

  • Layers. From currant Minx take a strong and healthy branch, which is lowered to the ground and fastened with staples. Soil is poured on top so that the top of the shoot remains above the surface. Layers are regularly watered, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil. In autumn they are separated and planted from the mother bush;
  • Division of the root. This method is used when transplanting minx blackcurrant or to rejuvenate the bush. The rhizome is dug up and divided into parts with a knife. The resulting seedling should have several shoots and strong roots. Slices are sprinkled with wood ash. Seedlings are transferred to a prepared place.

Planting and care

In warm climates, blackcurrants are planted in autumn, October or November and wait for the end of leaf fall, when the plants go into a dormant state. If less than 3 weeks remain before the onset of cold weather, then the work is chipped off in the spring. The seedling is buried in the ground, sawdust or humus is poured on top.

Blackcurrant grows on different soils. The best results are obtained by growing a bush in slightly acidic fertile soil. If the earth is sandy and light, then organic fertilizers must be used. Acidic soil is limed. The optimum pH level is 6,5.

For the Minx variety, a sunny site is chosen, protected from the cold wind. The plant tolerates partial shade. The best places for landing are located on the western or southern side.

Important! The lack of light negatively affects the taste of the berries of the shrub.

Site preparation for blackcurrants begins in the fall. The soil is dug up, cleaned of weeds and plant debris. For 1 sq. m contribute 5 kg of compost or rotted manure, 100 g of superphosphate and 1 liter of wood ash.

Biennial plants with three strong shoots are suitable for planting. There should be no mold, rotten areas, cracks and other defects on the currant. 2 – 3 hours before planting, the roots of the seedling of the Minx variety are kept in a bucket of water.

Blackcurrant Minx: planting and care, cultivation

The order of planting blackcurrant varieties Minx:

  1. Dig a hole 60 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter.
  2. To fill the pit, a substrate is prepared: fertile soil, compost, 50 g of superphosphate, a handful of wood ash.
  3. The pit is filled 2/3 with the resulting mixture, then a bucket of water is poured into it.
  4. After 2 – 3 weeks, when the soil shrinks, fertile soil is poured into the pit.
  5. A currant seedling is placed on top, the roots are straightened and covered with soil.
  6. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly.
  7. The shoots are cut off, 2-3 buds are left on each of them.


By pruning blackcurrants, a healthy bush is formed. In early spring, during the dormant period, dry, old, broken branches are removed. 5-6 strong shoots are left on the bush. Pruning stimulates the emergence of new strong branches that will bring next year’s harvest.

Blackcurrant prefers moderately moist soils. In a drought, the minx variety is watered every 10 days. The bush requires 20 liters of warm settled water. Watering is especially important during flowering and crop formation.

Every year, blackcurrants are fed with mineral complexes. In the spring, before bud break, ammonium sulfate is used. For 1 sq. m requires 30 g of fertilizer. Then the soil under the bush is mulched with compost or manure. When flowering, currants are watered with a solution containing superphosphate and potassium salt. 10 g of each substance is added to 40 liters of water.

Preparing for the winter will help the Naughty blackcurrant survive the cold. In late autumn, before the onset of cold weather, the bush is plentifully watered and spudded with earth. Then a layer of humus or peat 10-15 cm thick is poured. To protect against rodents, a metal mesh is used, which wraps the shoots.

Blackcurrant Minx: planting and care, cultivation

Pests and diseases

Currant variety Shalunya is resistant to fungal diseases. Lesions may appear in cold and rainy summers. The first signs of disease are the appearance of brown or red spots on leaves and shoots. In this case, the bush is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride, solutions of Oxyx or Topaz preparations.

Important! If less than 20 days remain before harvesting, then folk remedies are used: wood ash, tobacco dust, infusions on onion peel.

Variety Minx may be attacked by a spider mite. This is a small pest that is difficult to detect with the naked eye. It is identified by the web that envelops the leaves and berries. The tick feeds on the sap of the leaves. As a result, blackcurrant develops poorly and does not produce a crop. To combat the pest, the bushes are sprayed with Karate, Antiklesch, Fitoverm preparations.


Currant Naughty is an excellent variety for the Black Earth region. It is distinguished by early fruiting, high yield and quality of berries. Care for the minx variety includes watering, fertilizing, pruning the bush. The plant is resistant to drought, diseases and pests.

Planting blackcurrant. When and how. landing errors.


Ermolaeva Marina Petrovna, 36 years old, Moscow
Currant Naughty ripens one of the first on the site. Ripe berries can be picked in early July. At this time, other varieties are just beginning to color. Currant is large, one size. Brushes are small, consist of 6 – 7 berries. The skin is covered with a slight coating. The bush is small, easy to care for. No need to come up with a support and tie branches. Winters well, shoots do not freeze slightly after cold weather.
Maslov Ivan Vladimirovich, Voronezh, 59 years old
Currant Minx has been growing in the country for more than 7 years. Her bush is low, the shoots are thin. The berries are very large, aligned, are in short racemes, sweet in taste, are stored in the refrigerator for a long time, do not crumple and do not secrete juice. During the entire period of cultivation, I did not observe signs of diseases or pests. Variety Minx is well propagated by cuttings. I cut the shoots in late autumn and root in the greenhouse. I recommend this variety for summer cottages.

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