Blackcurrant juice – health-promoting properties and effect

Blackcurrant juice is a real treasury of vitamin C, one of the strongest antioxidants and a factor supporting the immune system. In addition, black currant juice contains a lot of other vitamins and valuable nutrients.

Health-promoting and healing properties of blackcurrant juice

100 g of blackcurrant fruit contains such a huge amount of vitamin C that this dose covers 258% of the body’s daily requirement for this vitamin. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant, it also helps with colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, black currant juice contains flavonoids, which also have antioxidant properties, scavenge free radicals from the body and slow down the aging process. Flavonoids also have proven anti-cancer properties, drinking blackcurrant juice is therefore prophylactic and protects against the development of cancer. Flavonoids also lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and protect against the development of atherosclerosis. They also have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and fungicidal effect.

Blackcurrant also has a positive effect on the skin, so it is worth drinking teas with the addition of juice or fruit. Pukka Blackcurrant Beauty – you can buy currant tea at Medonet Market.

Blackcurrant juice also contains anthocyanins, rutin and quercetin. Anthocyanins act as a natural antibiotic and are helpful in food infections with E-coli. Routine increases the absorption of vitamin C and strengthens blood vessels. Quercetin has a diuretic effect and helps detoxify the body. This substance is also antiallergic and soothes symptoms of allergies. Other nutrients in black currant juice are calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc, and vitamin A, vitamin E, and B vitamins: B6, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine. In black currant juice, we can also find phenolic acids that have antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They also improve the work of the heart and prevent heart attacks.

The health-promoting properties of blackcurrant juice mean that it is treated in folk medicine as a great means to strengthen the body and is used as an auxiliary in the treatment of many diseases. It is administered to patients suffering from arthritis and rheumatism, in the case of excessive hair loss, to relieve migraine headaches and problems with the digestive system, in the case of anemia, poor blood clotting and hemorrhagic diathesis, and to support the work of the kidneys. Blackcurrant juice strengthens the immune system and the body’s vital forces, which is why it is perfect for exhaustion and fatigue. Blackcurrant juice, thanks to the high content of antioxidants, also accelerates the excretion of toxins. Blackcurrant juice also has a high content of pectin, i.e. natural fiber dissolved in it, which prevents hyperglycemia.

Which blackcurrant juice should you choose?

The best blackcurrant juice is not sweetened with sugar. Unfortunately, most blackcurrant juices available in stores contain sugar and even a large amount of it. For this reason, the popular blackcurrant juice from the store shelf is not a low-calorie product – 100 ml of juice has about 45 kcal, which means that a glass of juice (250 ml) contains over 100 kcal. For this reason, it is worth drinking blackcurrant juice or nectar diluted with mineral water. It is best to choose 100% blackcurrant juice, available in health food stores. You can also prepare blackcurrant juice yourself – just pour water over the blackcurrant fruit and boil it in a pot. Drain the stock prepared in this way, add sugar, boil it again and pour it into bottles.

We recommend 100% apple juice with blackcurrant, which combines the best of currants and apples.

You can also buy blackcurrant vinegar, which is a good substitute for regular vinegar used in the kitchen. Blackcurrant 3,3% by Szczepanówka brand is available on Medonet Market.

An interesting product for internal or external use is also Bioherba Black Currant Oil, which has antiallergic, anti-rheumatic, anti-wrinkle and anti-aging properties.

Why is it worth drinking blackcurrant juice regularly?

Blackcurrant is a fruit included in the ORAC list, which contains food products containing large amounts of natural antioxidants. Blackcurrant took third place on this list among berries, after chokeberry and cranberry. Due to these properties, blackcurrant juice should be a permanent part of our diet every day – it is not only very healthy, but also very tasty.

  1. Order today Blackcurrant – 5% anthocyanins – YANGO dietary supplement, which you can find at Medonet Market in packages of 90 capsules.

Blackcurrant extract (juice), due to its health-promoting properties, is also included in some dietary supplements, for example syrups used in low-grade fever and in auxiliary therapy of inflammation of the respiratory tract and general exhaustion of the body. Blackcurrant juice can also be added to tea – it tastes delicious on winter evenings, and at the same time improves the functioning of the immune system and lowers blood pressure.

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