Blackcurrant Gulliver

Blackcurrant Gulliver obtained by breeders. The variety brings large tasty berries rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The culture is resistant to drought and winter frosts, tolerates spring frosts without yield loss.

Characteristics of a variety

Blackcurrant Gulliver is bred in the Bryansk region. Since 2000, the Gulliver variety has been present in the state register. It is grown in the Central and North-West region, as well as in the Volga region.

Description of the variety and photo of currant Gulliver:

  • early maturation;
  • the period from the appearance of inflorescences to harvest is from 55 to 67 days;
  • vigorous bush;
  • powerful curved branches;
  • wrinkled leaf plate;
  • brushes of medium size, contain from 9 to 17 berries.

Characteristics of Gulliver berries:

  • round shape;
  • weight from 1,7 to 6 g;
  • black color;
  • shiny surface;
  • average skin thickness;
  • sweet and sour taste;
  • the content of ascorbic acid – 156 mg;
  • taste rating – 4,4 points.

From a bush of the Gulliver variety, from 2,5 to 3,5 kg of berries are harvested. Due to the strong skin, the currant tolerates transportation well.

Berries of the Gulliver variety are used fresh and for canning. Components for vitamin drinks, fillings for pies are obtained from them. Berries are frozen, jams, jams and compotes are prepared from them. The leaves are steamed to make herbal tea.

The winter hardiness of the variety is -28 ° С. According to reviews, currant Gulliver endures more severe winters under snow cover.

Planting culture

Blackcurrant Gulliver grows well in lighted areas. Before planting, fertilizers are applied to the soil. Seedlings are purchased from trusted nurseries or obtained independently from the main bush.

Blackcurrant Gulliver

Site Selection

In one place, currant Gulliver grows for 12-15 years.

Important! The variety is self-fertile and does not require the planting of a pollinator.

The culture prefers fertile loamy soils. If the soil has a high acidity, then it is reduced by adding lime.

In order for sandy soil to retain moisture longer, peat and humus must be added when digging. The composition of heavy clay soils is improved with coarse river sand.

Currants are planted on the southern or southwestern side of the site. The place is chosen sunny and protected from the wind. Lowlands, where cold air and moisture accumulate, are not suitable for planting a crop.

Seedlings preparation

Gulliver variety currants are purchased from nurseries or from trusted suppliers. Quality seedlings have roots 15-20 cm long without growths and damage. The optimal length of the plant is 30 cm, the number of shoots is from 1 to 3.

If the Gulliver currant is already growing on the site, then the seedlings can be obtained independently. Variety Gulliver is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings or layering.

When transplanting currants, its rhizome is divided into parts with a sharp knife. Each new bush should have several strong roots. Places of cuts are treated with crushed coal.

For propagation of the Gulliver variety, shoots 20 cm long and 5 mm thick are selected with cuttings. In autumn, they are cut off from the bush and placed in a container filled with wet sand. For 3 months, the cuttings are kept at a temperature of +3 ° C, then they are buried in the snow or left in the cellar until spring. After the snow melts, the cuttings are planted in the ground.

To get seedlings of the Gulliver variety by autumn, layering is used. In the spring, biennial branches are bent to the ground and fastened with staples. The shoots are covered with soil, mulched with humus and watered regularly throughout the season. In autumn, the layers are separated from the bush and transferred to the chosen place.

Blackcurrant Gulliver

Sequence of work

Currant Gulliver is planted at the end of September or in April. The preparation of the planting pit begins 2-3 weeks before planting. If you immediately place the currant in the pit, then when the soil settles, the seedling will be damaged.

The order of planting blackcurrant:

  1. Dig up the site, add 7 kg of humus and 1,5 liters of wood ash per 1 sq. m.
  2. Prepare a hole 40 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, plant currants. Deepen the root neck by 4 cm.
  4. Water the plant with warm water.
  5. Cut off the shoots, leave 2-3 healthy buds.

Since the bushes of the Gulliver variety are vigorous, they are planted at a distance of 1,5 m from trees and shrubs.

After planting, the bushes are watered twice a week. The soil is mulched with humus. Bushes spud for the winter. To protect against freezing, young plants are covered with agrofiber.


Although blackcurrant is considered an unpretentious crop, regular care provides it with high yields. During the season, it is enough to water the bushes and feed them with useful substances. Preventive treatments help to avoid the spread of diseases and pests.


The amount of ovaries and the quality of the blackcurrant crop depend on the intake of moisture. Excess moisture is detrimental to the roots, as it leads to their decay. For irrigation use water that has settled and warmed in barrels.

Intensive watering is provided at the following stages of blackcurrant development:

  • when forming inflorescences in early June;
  • during the ripening of berries in July.

For 1 sq. m contribute 25 liters of water. For irrigation, grooves 30 cm deep are made around the bush at a distance of 10 cm. When moisture is absorbed, loosening is performed to improve air exchange in the soil. Mulching the soil with humus or peat helps to reduce the number of waterings.

Blackcurrant Gulliver


Blackcurrant Gulliver is fed with minerals and organics. When fertilizing the planting pit, the plants are provided with useful substances for a couple of seasons. In the third year, they begin a full-fledged top dressing of currants.

In early spring, urea, ammonium nitrate or other nitrogen fertilizers are applied. The norm for young bushes is 40 g, an adult currant needs 25 g. Fertilizer is planted in the soil to a depth of 30 cm. Nitrogen promotes the emergence of new shoots and leaves. Instead of urea, slurry is also used, which is poured under the bushes.

Advice! In summer, nitrogen fertilizing is abandoned in favor of potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

In a 10-liter bucket of water, dissolve 60 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt. The solution is poured over currants under the root. Processing is carried out after flowering and when the berries ripen.

In autumn, the soil under the bushes of the Gulliver variety is dug up and fertilized with humus. Additionally, wood ash is added, which helps to replenish the supply of nutrients in the soil.


Timely pruning of blackcurrant helps to rejuvenate the bush, eliminate pathogens and pest larvae. Shrubs are pruned in early spring before bud break. Re-pruning is carried out in the fall after leaf fall.

Variety Gulliver brings the main crop on annual shoots. Fruiting branches remain for 4 years. Old and weak shoots are cut off with secateurs.

The shoots inside the bush do not have enough sunlight. As a result, the yield decreases, and the berries do not gain sugar. On average, 15-20 branches are left per bush.

In summer, broken branches and root shoots are removed, which are not planned to be used for reproduction. Blackcurrants are pinched at the top. This is how strong branches are obtained, on which the crop ripens.

Blackcurrant Gulliver

Protection against diseases and pests

According to reviews, currant Gulliver rarely gets sick while observing agricultural technology. The variety retains resistance to powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust. For prevention, the bushes are treated with a solution of the drug Fundazol or Fitosporin. Currants are sprayed in dry cloudy weather.

If a disease is detected during the growing season, additional processing is performed. The use of chemicals is stopped 3 weeks before harvest.

Blackcurrants attract aphids, butterflies, caterpillars, mites and other pests. Preventive treatments help protect bushes from insects. In spring and autumn, currants are sprayed with Karbofos solutions.

Reviews of gardeners

Raisa, 54 years old Samara
For a long time I chose large-fruited blackcurrants for growing on the site. After viewing the descriptions of the varieties, photos and reviews, I settled on the currant Gulliver. The seedlings were purchased from a nursery. I really liked the look of the bushes: the roots are powerful and developed, the shoots are thick. I planted them next to the greenhouse. The variety turned out to be very productive, the berries are large and sweet. I freeze part of the crop and get a source of vitamins for the winter.
Roman, 49 years old, Kaluga
Blackcurrant is very popular in our region. Having studied the description of the variety and photo, I decided to plant Gulliver currants in the country. The variety is large-fruited, therefore it requires special care. In the spring, before flowering, I feed the bushes with mullein. The taste of the berries is excellent, quite sweet, but sourness is felt at the same time. Gulliver is a worthy variety that lives up to its name.
Victoria, 35 years old, Penza
When I studied the descriptions of the varieties, reviews and photos, I immediately drew attention to the Gulliver currant. The berries of this variety are distinguished by a record content of vitamin C – about 157 mg. On the site, the Gulliver variety has been growing for 4 years. The bushes are very powerful and sprawling, they definitely need support. Berries ripen quite early – in July. In the spring I use fresh leaves to make herbal tea.


Blackcurrant Gulliver

Currant Gulliver is a large-fruited variety resistant to frost and drought. It is propagated by cuttings, layering or by dividing the bush. Plant care includes watering and fertilizing. To rejuvenate the bush, pruning is performed. The Gulliver variety is not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks.

Gulliver berries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. A delicious vitamin tea is prepared from blackcurrant leaves.

Varieties of blackcurrant.avi

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