Blackcurrant Exotica

One of the most controversial blackcurrant varieties is Exotica. This large-fruited and very productive variety was bred by breeders back in 1994. Since then, gardeners’ disputes about the merits and demerits of the variety have not subsided. Everyone likes the size of the berries, the high yield of the crop and its unpretentiousness, but the most picky farmers point to the mediocre taste of Exotica. It cannot be said that this currant is tasteless, it is just ordinary, without a pronounced aroma and spicy notes. Whether the advantages of the Exotica variety overlap its shortcomings – this needs to be dealt with.

Blackcurrant Exotica

A detailed description of the blackcurrant variety Exotica, with photos and reviews of real farmers, is in this article. Here all the pros and cons will be listed, recommendations for growing and propagating the variety will be given.

Characteristics of culture

Blackcurrant Exotica is the brainchild of domestic breeders from the Siberian All- Research Institute. To get a productive and large-fruited culture, scientists crossed the Golubka variety with the pollen of Orlovia and Yershista. The result was a large-fruited variety with good taste characteristics, universal purpose, suitable for industrial cultivation.

Blackcurrant Exotica

The description of the variety Exotica received the following:

  • the culture is early ripe, fast-growing – the berries ripen by the first days of July;
  • the most large-fruited currant of all early varieties of breeding;
  • bushes of medium size, shoots are smooth, straight;
  • the leaves of Exotica are large, wrinkled, dense;
  • petioles of leaves are painted in a lilac shade;
  • brushes are large and loose;
  • the shape of the exotic clusters resemble grapes, each of them contains 8-10 berries;
  • fruits are large, regular round shape, with a shiny surface;
  • the average weight of berries is 3,5-5 grams, sometimes there are specimens larger than cherries;
  • the peel of the fruit is thin, not strong – the berries are prone to cracking and rotting;
  • the pulp is tender, fleshy, sweet and sour, with a delicate aroma;
  • tasting assessment of the variety – 4,4 points;
  • the balance of acids and sugars in the fruits of Exotica may vary depending on the composition of the soil and the weather conditions of a particular year;
  • the separation is not very dry, so the berries often drain, do not tolerate transportation;
  • when overripe, currant fruits can crumble;
  • the culture is self-fertile – about 50%, can be grown without pollinators;
  • the yield of blackcurrant Exotica is high – about 3,5 kg per bush;
  • on an industrial scale, the yield of the variety ranges from 1,5 to 5,1 tons per hectare (depending on growing conditions);
  • the winter hardiness of the plant is good (up to -26 degrees) – the variety is suitable for growing both in the Central and in the Siberian region;
  • Exotica has strong immunity to columnar rust and powdery mildew;
  • the variety has an average resistance to terry, anthracnose, septoria;
  • this culture is rarely affected by a kidney mite.

Blackcurrant Exotica

Attention! Currant Exotica is suitable for mechanized assembly, so it can be grown on the largest industrial scale.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blackcurrant Exotica often becomes a subject of controversy for many gardeners and farmers. This is due to the ambiguity of the variety, approximately the same number of positive and negative qualities of this culture.

So, The advantages of Exotica are obvious:

  • gigantic sizes of berries, which can rightly be called exotic;
  • high productivity, both on a private and industrial scale;
  • good taste and vitamin value of fruits (high content of vitamin C);
  • frost resistance normal for the climate;
  • immunity to dangerous diseases and pests.

Blackcurrant Exotica

Unfortunately, large-fruited Exotics also have disadvantages and are very significant:

  • due to not very dry separation, the berries drain quickly and are not suitable for transportation;
  • in different climatic conditions, the taste characteristics of blackcurrant fruits can vary greatly;
  • overripe fruits fall off the bush, so Exotica requires regular and frequent collection;
  • in conditions of high humidity, the skin on the currant cracks, rot may appear;
  • the variety does not tolerate heat and drought, needs regular watering.
Important! As practice shows, reviews of gardeners about exotic currants can be very different. It depends on the region and growing conditions, the composition of the soil on the site, and care measures.

Blackcurrant Exotica

For many summer residents and farmers, Exotica becomes the most favorite variety of blackcurrant, they have been growing it on their plots for years and are not going to change it for something else. Other agrarians (and there are also many of them) are quickly disappointed in exotic berries, arguing that they are not so large, and besides, they are quite sour.

Recommendations for gardeners

Despite conflicting reviews, the Exotica variety remains one of the most popular in Our Country, and is most often grown in the center of the country. In order not to be disappointed in this large-fruited currant, you need to follow some tricks in the process of growing it.

Blackcurrant Exotica

Attention! In general, blackcurrant Exotica can be grown in the same way as other similar varieties. To obtain delicious berries of a record size and improve yields, it is recommended to strengthen agricultural technology.

Experienced farmers who have been growing the Exotica variety for more than one year recommend the following:

  1. For planting bushes, choose areas with light fertile soils that contain a sufficient amount of humus. If the soil does not meet these requirements, improve its composition with the help of mineral and organic additives.
  2. The quality of the crop is directly related to the time of planting – the Exotic variety should be planted in the fall (at the end of September – the first half of October).
  3. To create a large supply of basal buds, a currant seedling needs to be deeply buried – the root neck should be at least 10 cm underground.

    Blackcurrant Exotica

  4. After planting, the cutting must be cut, leaving only 2-3 buds – this stimulates the growth of the root system. The soil must be mulched with organic matter.
  5. With the industrial cultivation of Exotics in the southern regions, it is imperative to mulch the ground under the bushes with a thick layer (10-12 cm) of straw, sawdust, peat or humus. This will save the roots from overheating, retain moisture.
  6. Cross-pollination with various varieties of blackcurrant has a very beneficial effect on both the quantity and quality of the Exotica crop. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend planting other high-quality varieties with the same flowering time in the immediate vicinity of this crop.

    Blackcurrant Exotica

  7. It is necessary to cut off the Exotic variety so that most of the berries form on two- and three-year-old shoots (shown in the photo below). With such pruning, the fruits will be large, and flexible shoots will not break off under the weight of the crop. By the fifth or sixth year of life, there should be 7-9 shoots of different ages on the Exotic bush – this is where the currant formation ends. Now every year the bush is simply rejuvenated by cutting out old branches.

    Blackcurrant Exotica

  8. Watering should be regular, but not too plentiful. For the Exotica variety, the drip irrigation method is most suitable. The crop in question will not survive the drought.
  9. Large fruits take a lot of strength from the bush, so this currant needs good nutrition. Once every two years, you need to make organic matter: it can be humus, compost, wood ash, slurry or a solution of bird droppings. In spring, shrubs are recommended to be fed with mineral complexes.
  10. Preventive spraying will protect currants from diseases and pests. It is recommended to carry out processing three times a season: in early spring, before flowering and after harvesting. If traces of damage or the presence of insects are noticed on the leaves, urgent spraying is carried out with special preparations.

    Blackcurrant Exotica

Attention! Currant Exotic must be properly cut. Together with regular watering, this will become the key to a long and productive life of the shrub – for about twenty years the variety can stably bear fruit and develop normally.

It is more convenient to propagate blackcurrant bushes with straight shoots by cuttings or division. If possible, you can bend the lower branch to the ground and dig it in – soon the shoot should take root.

Write Your Review

Stepan Ilyich
My friend and I live in opposite regions of the country, and we both grow Exotica currants. Interestingly, we have completely opposite opinions about this variety! In our warm but humid climate, this currant turns out to be quite sour (although many consider this a plus, because the acid indicates a large amount of vitamin C) and not very large. Compared to Vigorous, the size of Exotica’s berries lose. But my friend claims that at his dacha, exotic currants turn out to be larger than the same Vigorous and, most interestingly, sweeter. So this variety probably depends a lot on climate and weather.


It is impossible to call the blackcurrant of the Exotica variety universal – this culture is not suitable for everyone. You should not plant this variety for those who plan to grow berries for sale – the fresh harvest of Exotica is not stored for long. Probably, it is not necessary to plant this currant, and where there is high humidity, it often rains or, on the contrary, summer is often dry and hot.

Blackcurrant Exotica

But blackcurrant with exotic large fruits will appeal to summer residents and farmers or industrial farmers who grow berries for further processing. From the Exotica crop, excellent jams and fragrant preserves are obtained, it is perfect for freezing.

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