Blackberry wine at home: recipe 

It is quite difficult to find blackberry wine in stores. Therefore, many people make such a drink at home. Those who once made blackberry wine make it every year. It has great taste and color. A translucent, slightly tart drink leaves no one indifferent. Plus, it only gets better with time. Everyone can make such wine. For this, you can use not only homemade blackberries, but also wild berries. The main thing is to follow the cooking technology. Let’s take a look at how homemade blackberry wine is made.

Technology of preparation

If you get acquainted with the process of making blackberry wine, then no oddities should occur. You can make such a drink easily and at the slightest cost. Both wild and cultivated blackberries are suitable for wine. But still it is better to use it grown at home. Such berries will make the taste of the drink more pronounced and bright.

A significant role is played by the place where blackberries are grown. Berries that grow in a sunny area give the wine a sweeter flavor. In addition, they are juicier and larger. Wherever the berry grows, you need to choose only ripe blackberries.

Attention! You can’t pick berries after rain. All living bacteria are washed off from it, and yeast will have to be added so that the drink begins to ferment.

Blackberry wine at home: recipe 

For the same reason, wine berries are never washed. If the reaction is not as violent as we would like, or you need to speed up the fermentation process, you can add regular raisins to the wine during the cooking process. To make wine from washed blackberries, you will have to add special wine yeast. Also for this use self-prepared sourdough for wine.

Sourdough is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of unwashed raspberries (can be replaced with white currants);
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 50 grams of water;

Dilute all the necessary sugar in water. This mixture should be poured over pre-mashed raspberries. The mass is placed for 2 days in a warm place. After that, the raspberries are squeezed out of the juice and the pulp is re-filled with water. Raspberries are again placed for 2 days in a warm place. The berries are re-squeezed and combined with the previous portion of juice. This will be the leaven for our wine.

Important! The most delicious from blackberries is dessert and semi-sweet wine.

Blackberry wine recipe without yeast

To make blackberry wine at home, we need:

  • fresh blackberries (unwashed) – 3 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kilograms;
  • water – 3 liters.

Blackberry wine at home: recipe 

Wine preparation:

  1. First you need to boil the syrup from water (3 liters) and granulated sugar (1 kilogram). The liquid is brought to a boil and cooled to a temperature of about 60°C.
  2. The berries are sorted and thoroughly rubbed with a fork. Then it is poured with syrup and covered with a cloth. The container with wine is placed in a dark, warm place away from direct sunlight. The air temperature must be at least 20°C. Otherwise, the blackberry will not ferment.

    Blackberry wine at home: recipe 

  3. Twice a day, the mass must be mixed with a wooden stick. In this case, you need to lower the pulp to the bottom.
  4. After a week, the juice is poured into a clean bottle. The pulp must be carefully squeezed out, and the resulting liquid is mixed with sugar (500 grams) and also poured into a bottle. This is done so that the berry does not turn sour and moldy.
  5. The filled bottle is covered with a rubber glove. It is necessary to make a hole in it with a needle. It is much more convenient to use a water seal for this.
  6. Four days later, it is necessary to lower the tube into the bottle, and with its help pour about half a liter of wine into a clean container.
  7. All the remaining sugar is poured into this amount of liquid, thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved and poured back into the bottle.
  8. The bottle is again closed with a glove or water seal.
  9. After a week, the wine will stop actively fermenting. The glove will drop slightly, and the water seal will no longer gurgle. At this point, a period of “quiet” fermentation begins. This may take several weeks.

    Blackberry wine at home: recipe 

  10. When the wine brightens, and a decent amount of sediment accumulates at the bottom, then the fermentation process is over. Now you can use a straw to drain pure wine into another container. In this case, you can not move the bottle so that the sediment does not rise up again. Then the wine is filtered and bottled in glass bottles.
  11. The bottles are tightly closed and transferred to a place with a temperature of 16 – 19 ° C.
Attention! Bottles must be stored in a horizontal position.

This wine only gets better with age. It can stand in your cellar for up to 5 years. This drink has a sour-sweet taste and a slight tart aftertaste. Every year the astringency goes away and the wine becomes sweeter. The maximum strength of the drink is about 12 degrees. Probably the easiest recipe to find.

Homemade blackberry and raisin wine recipe

Now consider an equally simple recipe for blackberry wine at home. To prepare a noble drink, we need:

  • 2 kilograms of blackberries;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of raisins.

Blackberry wine at home: recipe 

Wine is prepared at home as follows:

  1. Berries must be sorted and rubbed with a fork or potato crusher. Then the berry mass is covered with sugar (400 grams), all the prepared raisins and a liter of water are added. The container should be covered with gauze.
  2. Twice a day, gauze is lifted and the berry mass is mixed.
  3. When active fermentation begins, which will be accompanied by a sour smell, hiss and foam, you should squeeze out all the juice under pressure.
  4. 300 grams of granulated sugar are added to this juice, and everything is poured into the prepared bottle. Then you can independently make a water seal for the bottle. To do this, the container is covered with a plastic lid. A hole is made in it so that a tube can fit into it. The joints must be sealed, and the other end of the tube should be lowered into a jar of water. Carbon dioxide, which is released during the fermentation process, will exit through this tube. At the same time, the bottle cannot be filled completely so that there is room for fermentation in it.

    Blackberry wine at home: recipe 

  5. After 7 days, you will need to pour a small amount of juice, dilute the remaining sugar in it and pour the mixture back into the bottle. The container is again closed with a water seal.
  6. The wine will be completely ready in a month. By that time, the fermentation process will no longer be active. The drink will noticeably brighten, and all the sediment will sink to the bottom. After that, the wine is drained with a straw, filtered and bottled in glass bottles.
Attention! Wine prepared according to this recipe will be stronger (from 11 to 14 degrees).


Who doesn’t love delicious and fragrant homemade wine?! Now you have the opportunity to make it yourself at home.

Blackberry wine at home. Blackberry wine with their own hands. How to make blackberry wine

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