Blackberry Auchita is most often found in the middle lane, where it is characterized as an unpretentious and prolific plant. Among the owners of industrial plantations, the variety is valued for its presentation and abundant yield.

History of breeding

Specialists who have achieved success in breeding a new variety are scientists from the University of Arkansas. Positive results of the work were recorded in 1990. The parents of the Auchita variety are the Navajo blackberry and Arc-1506. But the first samples, although fruitful, had a number of shortcomings. As a result of breeding activities, Voshito blackberries received characteristic features: the ripening period was reduced, and the shoots became thornless.

External description of the Auchita blackberry variety

The shoots of the plant are very powerful and smooth. Compared to other varieties, the Auchita blackberry has thick branches that, under the weight of the berries, can tend to the ground and break off. It should be borne in mind that the flexibility of the shoots is enough to easily bend them for shelter from winter frosts.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

The length of the branches of an adult blackberry bush Auchita reaches 1,5 m, but none of them has thorns

The variety is distinguished by vitality and unpretentiousness in care, quickly gaining green mass, which is its undoubted advantage. But horticulturists and industrial growers are drawn to the yields of the Auchita blackberry. The taste of the berries is pronounced, dessert, with a pleasant aftertaste. According to various opinions, it resembles currants or cherries, sweet cherries.

Auchita blackberries have a high sugar content, so the sourness is invisible when tasting. The seeds are small and almost invisible. The pulp inside is juicy and elastic, outside covered with mother-of-pearl black skin.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

According to the tasting assessment, blackberry Auchita is rated at seven points.

Important! The berry has good keeping quality and transportability, so it can be grown both for personal purposes and for further resale, industrial processing. The fruits do not lose their taste and external qualities within seven days after harvest.

Ripe berries are great for jams and compotes, freezing. They can be added to fruit salads and pastries, fruit drinks.

Characteristics of blackberry Auchita

When choosing a variety for a plot, gardeners are guided not only by the appearance of the fruit, but also by the characteristics of the plant. Before purchasing a seedling, you should make sure that it will not only bear fruit, but generally take root and grow on the site.

Ripening time and yield

The variety is usually classified as mid-early: you can harvest from mid-June. It should be borne in mind that in the northern regions a shift in ripening time by 1-2 weeks is not ruled out. The variety continues to bear fruit for two months, which is a record for thornless blackberry hybrids.

The mass of each berry is 4-6 g, individual specimens can grow up to 10 g. It should be borne in mind that the size of the fruit does not shrink by the end of the collection.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

The yield of Auchita blackberry is up to 30 kg per bush

Frost resistance

The variety does not have high winter hardiness. Without shelter, the shrub can withstand up to -17 ° С. In more unfavorable climatic conditions, the plant must be covered for the winter. It should be borne in mind that young seedlings are more sensitive to low temperatures than adult specimens.

Disease and pest resistance

The Auchita variety has a strong immune system and is not afraid of most diseases. In case of violation of the rules of agricultural technology, the development of anthracnose and rust is possible.

Most often, signs of the disease can be noticed if the weather in the region remains wet and cool for a long time. Anthracnose appears on all parts of the plant: the leaves are covered with a gray-purple bloom with cracks. Gradually, the bark flakes off on the branches. Shoots gradually dry out and die. The fruits of the affected shrub also do not ripen and fall off.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

For the treatment of anthracnose, the use of fungicides is recommended: Vectra, Quadris

Another dangerous disease for Auchita blackberries is rust. The fungus infects the shoots and leaves of the shrub. This can be determined by the orange spots on the bush.

As the rust progresses, the plant slows down its growth, the leaves are deformed, the shoots dry out. If no measures are taken, then the yield gradually decreases, and then the berries begin to fall off along with the leaves. Without treatment, the shrub dies within two years. It should be borne in mind that in the early stages of development, the disease is easy to eliminate. In advanced stages, it is difficult to destroy the fungus.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

Rust on Auchita blackberries is helped by drugs such as Bordeaux liquid or Fundazol

Advantages and disadvantages of blackberry Auchita

The variety can be grown by both ordinary gardeners and plantation owners who cultivate the plant in order to sell the crop.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

A characteristic feature of Auchita blackberries is beautiful, appetizing, large berries with excellent taste.


  • good transportability and keeping quality;
  • unpretentiousness of the plant;
  • strong immune system;
  • long fruiting period;
  • good drought resistance;
  • thornlessness;
  • mid-term ripening.


  • low winter hardiness;
  • shoots need support.

Rules of landing

All work with Auchita blackberry seedlings should be started in spring or autumn. The further south the area, the later you can plant a shrub on the site. In the spring, it is preferable to work with young plants in the northern regions so that the culture has time to take root over the summer.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

Neither seedlings nor adult Auchita blackberry bushes tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

It is best to place the culture on slopes protected from the wind. On the territory of the garden, it is recommended to find a place for a seedling near the fence.

Unfavorable places for landing are wetlands, hollows. The maximum yields are noted by those gardeners who grow Auchita blackberries in fertile, nutrient-rich areas.

The planting scheme is simple: you need to place shrubs in one or two rows. When placing an Auchita blackberry, keep in mind that it loves sunlight. You can not plant shrubs near large trees. This is due to the fact that plants will compete with each other for nutrients.

Landing methods:

  1. Bush: between rows and seedlings there should be a distance of 1,8 m.
  2. Tape: plant cuttings in a continuous chain, placing 2-3 copies in each hole;
  3. Mother: plants should be placed at a distance of 3 m.

How to care

Immediately after planting, Auchita blackberries need to equip a trellis. Its height should be no more than 3 m. The first row of wire must be placed at a height of 70 cm from the ground, the second at 1,4 m, and the third at 2 m. The distance between the support pillars is 4-7 m.

Blackberry Auchita care consists of watering, loosening, mulching. It is required to remove weeds in a timely manner, remove fallen leaves.

Important! If the shrub does not have enough moisture and sun, then the berries will be small and sour. Perhaps the fall of the ovary, slowing down the growth of the plant.

Do not neglect such a procedure as pruning. Be sure to hold it in the spring and autumn. Most gardeners prefer to move all work to March-April. Pruning should be carried out before the start of sap flow in the shoots. It is necessary to remove frozen, improperly developed shoots. Only strong and fruitful branches should be left.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

When cutting, use only clean, sharp tools

Preparation for winter

Low frost resistance forces gardeners to use various shelter methods. Shoots should be removed from the supports in September, as the fruiting period ends. Branches should be laid on the ground, and then fixed in a horizontal position. On top of them, it is necessary to distribute covering material: straw, needles, fabric.

Methods of reproduction

For the procedure, it is best to use root cuttings. If the shoots are lowered to the ground, they will quickly take root and begin to produce new shoots.

A successful outcome of reproduction is most often in cases where work with the plant is carried out in greenhouse conditions. It is there that you can control the humidity and temperature of the air. The length of each cutting is ideally 10-12 cm. There should be 2-3 buds on their upper part. Before detaching the shoots from the mother bush, it is recommended to make sure that they have developed a root system.

Blackberry variety Auchita (Ouachita, Washito, Ouachita): description, photo, reviews

Auchita blackberry cuttings should be cut in spring


Blackberry Auchita is an unpretentious high-yielding variety. Ripe berries please with a trade dress and bright taste, well transfer transportation, are ideally suited for sale. With proper planting and care, the gardener will regularly enjoy the harvest almost throughout the summer.

AUCHITA, blackberry with cherry flavor!

Reviews of gardeners about blackberry Auchita

Grigorieva Inna, Syzran
The biggest drawback of the variety is poor frost resistance. On her plot, she tried to grow Auchita blackberries for several years, but she was able to get a harvest only after she began to cover the plant in time. Under the shoots, it is imperative to lay straw on the ground, mulch the branches on top with foliage, sawdust, material, and with the onset of winter, also with snow. In the spring, you need to open the blackberries in time, otherwise the shoots will swell and rot.
Melikhova Tatiana, Yeysk
In our climate, growing Auchita blackberries is no problem. The plant is surprisingly unpretentious: it is enough to provide it with fertile soil and support. The bush tolerates drought well, bears fruit all summer. The berries are sweet, large, very fragrant. For the winter, I shoot the shoots and cover them with needles, nothing freezes.

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