Blackberry tincture has a unique aroma and taste of natural berries. This alcoholic drink can be easily made at home. To do this, it is only necessary to procure raw materials and strictly observe the stages of the technological process. Such a tincture can be a great addition to the festive table, reminding you of summer on long winter days. An additional bonus is that this alcoholic drink also has healing properties, therefore, when consumed in doses, it has a beneficial effect on human health.

When used in doses, blackberry tincture helps to strengthen the immune system.
The benefits and harms of blackberry tincture
The chemical composition of blackberries is very diverse. These berries are significantly superior to raspberries in terms of vitamin P content. They are also rich in organic acids and a whole complex of trace elements. Berries also contain vitamins C, K, A.
Homemade blackberry tincture, subject to all the rules of its preparation, retains most of the useful components of natural raw materials. Therefore, it has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times.
Useful properties of this alcoholic drink:
- lowers blood pressure;
- prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
- cleanses blood vessels, increases their elasticity;
- slows the aging process;
- improves blood formation;
- normalizes metabolism in the body;
- favorably affects the functioning of the genitourinary system.
Blackberry alcohol tincture has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, this drink is recommended for colds, pneumonia.
But this alcoholic drink is not able to completely solve health problems. It can only be taken for preventive purposes.
Such a tincture can be harmful if the allowable dosage is exceeded. Also, you can not drink it to people suffering from diabetes, and with the third stage of arterial hypertension.

Blackberry is considered a phytomedicine, it is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Features of the preparation of blackberry tincture
Liqueurs and tinctures became widespread in Our Country in the 18th and 19th centuries. But it is the blackberry alcoholic drink that has gained popularity only now. This is due to the fact that in nature this shrub prefers to grow in wet places, creating thorny thickets. This made picking berries much more difficult. But with the advent of hybrid forms of blackberries, it became possible to grow it on your site. Therefore, now in the season you can buy a sufficient amount of these ripe fragrant berries in stores or markets.
To prepare the tincture, you should use fresh, dried or frozen fruits, as well as plant leaves. The principle of preparation is to infuse natural raw materials in an alcohol solution or in vodka. As a result, all biologically active substances of blackberries dissolve in alcohol. Therefore, the output is a pleasant fortified drink with a unique aroma and taste.
The difference between the liqueur is that only fresh or frozen natural raw materials are used for its preparation. It is poured with alcohol and insisted in a warm place for two months. After that, the drink must be filtered, diluted with water to reduce the strength and slightly sweetened. At the final stage, vodka or moonshine infused with blackberries must be brought to a boil and poured into sterilized bottles.

Blackberry tincture is contraindicated under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women
Selection of berries
To make a blackberry tincture, you need to prepare the ripe berries and leaves of the plant. The fruits should have a uniform dark color. It is allowed to use crumpled fruits, but not rotten ones.
Raw materials must be carefully sorted out and all leaves, sticks and other plant debris removed. But washing blackberries is not recommended, as this will lead to excessive water content and negatively affect the quality of the final product.
How to make tincture (liquor) from blackberries
There are many recipes for making blackberry tincture or liqueur on moonshine, vodka and cognac at home. Therefore, if you wish, you can make an alcoholic drink according to the classic version or with the addition of additional ingredients, which will allow you to get a drink with a more refined taste and aroma.
Classic blackberry tincture on moonshine or alcohol
According to this recipe, it will not be difficult to prepare tincture at home. For a drink, you can use not only fresh, but also frozen berries. Therefore, if you wish, you can prepare blackberry tincture at any time of the year.
Necessary ingredients:
- 1 liter of purified moonshine or 55% alcohol;
- 200 grams of sugar;
- 500 ml of drinking water;
- 1 kg of blackberries.
Algorithm of actions:
- Place whole berries in a glass container.
- Sprinkle with sugar and add alcohol.
- Infuse for four days in a dark place at room temperature, periodically shaking the container.
- After the time has passed, strain the drink through cheesecloth.
- Pour the remaining pulp with water and leave for 2-3 hours.
- Then strain several times to remove impurities.
- Mix alcohol and water infusions.
- Pour into bottles, cork.
In the absence of moonshine, you can use vodka in the same volume. This will not affect the quality of the final product.

Properly prepared tincture has a uniform dark cherry hue.
Tincture of blackberry leaves and young stems
A drink prepared according to this recipe is ideal for medicinal purposes. In its healing properties, it resembles rosehip tincture. After all, the leaves and young shoots of blackberries contain a large amount of vitamin C, tannins and antioxidants.
For blackberry tincture you will need:
- 100 g of leaves and young shoots;
- 250 g of honey;
- 350 ml of diluted alcohol;
- 80 ml of drinking water;
- ½ cinnamon stick;
- 2 pcs. carnations.
- Wash and lightly dry the leaves, apical young shoots.
- Put them in a glass container.
- Add spices, honey, shake slightly, cork and leave for two to three days.
- When the first signs of the fermentation process appear, it is necessary to fill the raw material with alcohol and add water.
- Re-cork the bottle and put for a month in a cool place for infusion.
- After the expiration date, clean the drink from impurities.
- Re-fill the bottle and leave for one month in a dark, cool place.
- Then drain the top of the tincture through the tube without sediment.
- Pour into bottles and cork.

For a fortified drink, you can also use dried leaves and shoots of a shrub.
Blackberry tincture on cognac
According to this recipe, you need to insist not moonshine on blackberries, but cognac. This will give a special softness and sweetness to the drink.
You will need:
- 1 kg of berries;
- 0,5 kg of sugar;
- 350 ml brandy;
- 100 g of honey;
- 0,5 l of alcohol.
- Put the berries in a glass container, sprinkle them with sugar.
- Keep a few days in a warm place so that the blackberries release their juice.
- Add honey, cognac, alcohol, shake.
- Leave in a bright warm place.
- After a month, strain through several layers of gauze.
- Send to infuse in the dark for two weeks.
- Then drain the upper part of the tincture without sediment, bottle it.

When using dried berries for a drink, their amount should be halved
A simple recipe for spiced blackberry liqueur
You can enrich the taste and aroma of the liqueur with the help of various spices. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. Using this blackberry liqueur recipe, you can get a brandy-like drink.
You will need:
- 450 g fresh or frozen blackberries;
- 0,5 l of cognac;
- 240 grams of sugar;
- 240 ml of drinking water;
- 3-4 pcs. cloves;
- 6 peas of sweet pepper;
- 2 cinnamon sticks;
- 1 tsp. nutmeg
Cooking process:
- Separately prepare sugar syrup, cool it.
- Blend blackberries until smooth.
- Transfer the resulting mass into a glass container.
- Add the rest of the ingredients.
- Insist 30 days in a dark cool place.
- After the time has elapsed, clean the drink and bottle it.

The sweetness of the tincture can be adjusted, focusing on the taste of the liquor.
Moonshine on frozen blackberries
You can make from blackberries not only liqueur or tincture, but also moonshine. Such a fortified drink is obtained with a pleasant aroma and aftertaste.
Cooking procedure.
- Mash blackberries until smooth.
- Add sugar in a ratio of 1 to 5, mix.
- Transfer the mixture to a large enamel bowl.
- Add yeast at the rate of 12 g per kilogram.
- Put the pan in a warm room with a temperature of + 25-28 degrees.
- Withstand 7-10 days until the fermentation process is over.
- Pass the resulting mash along with the pulp through the steam generator.
- Filter and overtake through a moonshine still.

The strength of blackberry moonshine is 35-40 degrees
Blackberry tincture with mint and lemon zest
The addition of mint and lemon zest results in a tincture with a refreshing, pleasant taste. Such a drink in moderation can be drunk to strengthen immunity.
You will need:
- 0,5 kg of berries;
- 120 grams of sugar;
- Xnum l vodka;
- 5 mint leaves;
- 10 g lemon peel.
- Mash the blackberries, transfer it to a glass bottle.
- Add sugar, chopped mint and grated zest.
- Shake the container well to mix the ingredients.
- Fill everything with vodka, cork.
- Infuse for two months in a cool dark room, shaking occasionally.
- At the end of the period, strain, bottle.

Blackberry tincture can be used to soak biscuits
Blackberry alcohol drink
This is a concentrated fortified preparation recipe that can be used for various tinctures and cocktails.
You will need:
- 1 l 70% alcohol;
- 0,7 l 55% alcohol;
- 2 kg of blackberries.
Cooking process:
- Pour whole berries into a bottle and pour 70% alcohol, leave for 8-10 days.
- Then strain without squeezing the pulp.
- Re-fill the remaining pulp with 55% alcohol, leave for 7 days, strain.
- Mix both alcohol solutions, bottle.

In its pure form, alcohol juice cannot be drunk.
Features of storage
Keep blackberry tincture in glass, tightly corked bottles. They must be kept in a dark, cool room. Optimal conditions: temperature: +10-20 degrees, humidity about 85%. The shelf life of the drink is 36 months.
Blackberry tincture is a pleasant fortified drink that can compete with store products. It is quite possible to cook it at home for everyone. To do this, it is only necessary to prepare raw materials and strictly observe all stages of the technological process.