Blackberry Jumbo

Any gardener wants to grow tasty and healthy berries in his garden. For these purposes, Jumbo blackberries are ideal, famous for their sweet fruits and unpretentiousness. But, so that there are no surprises in the process of growing this crop, you should carefully read the characteristics of the Jumbo blackberry variety and recommendations for caring for it.

History of breeding

Blackberries came to Europe from America in the XNUMXth century. For a long time, it was a wild forest plant, but breeders could not pass by tasty, juicy, and healthy berries. Within a short time, quite a lot of new varieties were bred with high yields and suitable for planting in various regions.

Jumbo is a modern, high-yielding, thornless blackberry variety, born from the efforts of French breeders. He very quickly won the well-deserved love of gardeners.

Blackberry Jumbo

Description of berry culture

The wide distribution of this variety is due to the high palatability of the fruit and unpretentious care. Reviews about the blackberry variety Jumbo are only positive. Although this is a relatively new variety, it has already become popular.

General idea of ​​the variety

The bushes of the jumbo blackberry variety are quite powerful, but compact, not growing to the sides. The shoots mostly rush upwards, and in a year they add only 45-55 cm in growth. Growing up to a height of 1,5 m, they begin to lean towards the ground. Therefore, for blackberry Jumbo, you need to install supports (trellises) for the garter. Only 2-3 new shoots appear per year.

Jumbo is a thornless blackberry. The leaves of the blackberry of this variety are dark green, carved, with cloves, oval.

Advice! Blackberry Jumbo is perfect not only for growing for personal purposes, but also for sale.


Blackberry fruits resemble raspberries and mulberries at the same time. This variety has multi-berry brushes. The berries of the Jumbo variety are record-breakingly large. In this he is the undisputed leader among other blackberry varieties.

The fruits are black, glossy, weighing up to 30 g. The peel covering the berries is strong, quite resistant to mechanical damage.

The berries are firm but juicy. Very sweet pulp leaves behind a taste of slight sourness. The drupes are small, but not hard.

The transportability of Jumbo berries is excellent. In the refrigerator, berries, without compromising their quality, can be stored for more than a week. At the same time, they do not crumple and do not secrete juice.

Blackberry Jumbo


Before planting Jumbo blackberries in your garden, it is worth weighing the pros and cons to find out the strengths and weaknesses of this variety.

Main advantages

The advantage of the Jumbo variety is not only in high palatability, but also in heat resistance. It tolerates high temperatures very well. At the same time, the quality of the crop does not decrease, the berries do not bake in the sun.

The blackberry Jumbo is undemanding to the soil, it is not afraid of the sun. Insufficient lighting does not affect the growth of the shrub. But blackberry Jumbo does not tolerate cold and dampness well, therefore it needs shelter even in temperate climates.

Important! When planting Jumbo blackberries in shaded areas, it will be necessary to carry out additional feeding of the bushes.

Flowering period and ripening period

Jumbo is a mid-season variety. In the southern regions, blackberries begin to ripen in the second half of July, and in regions with a colder climate, in early or mid-August. Since the fruiting of Jumbo blackberry takes a long period, you can see both flowers and berries on the bush at the same time.

Blackberry Jumbo

Yield indicators, fruiting terms

The first year, while the blackberry bush grows and forms, you should not expect a harvest. But next year, the Jumbo variety will delight with sweet berries.

Fruiting blackberry Jumbo takes a period of up to six weeks. Up to 25-30 kg of berries are harvested from one bush. The unpretentiousness of the variety allows Jumbo to bear fruit in any conditions.

Scope of berries

Blackberries are used fresh, and also as a filling for pies. They can be dried, dried, boiled blackberry jams, preserves, compotes. Excellent blackberry is suitable for making marmalade, jelly. She found her application in winemaking.

Blackberries perfectly retain their excellent taste and do not lose their shape when frozen, which allows housewives to use fresh berries not only in summer, but also in winter.

Blackberry has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Blackberry fruits, leaves and flowers are used in folk medicine. They make tinctures and decoctions. You can learn more about the benefits from the article …. For relinking

Disease and pest resistance

Blackberries have quite a few different diseases, but the Jumbo variety is quite resistant to many of them, which distinguishes it from other varieties.

Jumbo also has few enemies among insects, and timely preventive measures reduce the risk of pest attacks to a minimum.

Blackberry Jumbo

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of blackberry Jumbo are much greater than the disadvantages.

Large fruit size and weightRelatively low winter hardiness
The compactness of the bushes
Excellent berry flavor
High productivity
Good transportability
Long fruiting period
Long periods of storage
Unpretentiousness in care
Resistance to diseases
Lack of thorns
Heat resistance

A video about Jumbo blackberries will allow you to learn a little more about this variety:

Sugar blackberry JAMBO

Methods of reproduction

There are several ways to propagate blackberry Jumbo:

  • apical layers (rooting of shoots without separation from the bush);
  • propagation by cuttings cut from green shoots.

Blackberry Jumbo

Important! When applied to the Jumbo variety by root cuttings, young plants will grow with thorns.

Rules of landing

There is nothing difficult in planting Jumbo blackberries. It is enough to follow simple rules.

Recommended dates

Jumbo planting is carried out in spring or autumn. Bushes with a closed root system are planted from spring to the first frost.

Choosing the right place

Blackberry Jumbo prefers sun and warmth, so it is best planted in areas with good lighting, protected from the wind, and preferably on a slight elevation. Excess moisture is harmful to the plant.

Soil Preparation

When planting seedlings, you need to prepare a fertile mixture, which is laid out at the bottom of the dug pit. In order to make a mixture, the following components are needed:

  • superphosphate – 300g;
  • manure – 4 buckets;
  • garden soil – 8 buckets;
  • wood ash – 700 g.

The soil must be well mixed.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

The best age for planting blackberry seedlings is one and a half years. However, they must have:

  • 1-2 stems;
  • the presence of a root bud;
  • developed root system;
  • 2 or 3 roots longer than 10 cm.

Algorithm and landing scheme

The recommended planting pattern for this variety is 1 m x 2 m. However, dense plantings are allowed for Jumbo blackberry.

Culture aftercare

Blackberry Jumbo care is quite simple, and includes the following activities:

  • watering;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • seasonal and formative pruning;
  • weed removal;
  • top dressing;
  • winter preparation.

Growing principles

Blackberries of the Jumbo variety need trellises for garters, as the grown shoots at a height of one and a half meters begin to lean towards the ground. And to prevent the formation of chaotic thickets, you need to take care of the plant.

Necessary activities

This variety tolerates drought well, but if possible, it is better to water the plant at least once or twice a week. Be sure to water during flowering and fruiting.

To increase the yield of Jumbo, it is necessary to fertilize blackberries in the spring. To do this, 25 g of a nitrogen mixture and a couple of buckets of humus are added under the bushes. In summer, 45-55 g of potash or phosphorus fertilizers are used for top dressing for each bush.

Other agrotechnical measures (loosening and weeding) are carried out as needed.

Blackberry Jumbo

shrub pruning

Proper pruning of blackberries contributes to its growth and fruiting. The purpose of the spring pruning procedure is to rid the plant of frozen shoots. During the autumn, aged, infertile shoots are removed, which only weaken the plant.

Preparation for winter

When preparing Jumbo blackberries for winter, you need to cut off old and weak shoots at the root, leaving 7-9 young and strong ones, which should also be shortened by a quarter (by 20-40 cm).

Having finished pruning, the bush is removed from the trellis, bent to the ground. The soil under the shrub is covered with a layer of mulch of 10-12 cm. For this, you can use sawdust, needles, peat. Top covered with agrofiber, film, or roofing material.

Advice! Experienced gardeners still correctly form a bush in the spring, directing young and fruiting blackberry shoots on a trellis in different directions.

Blackberry Jumbo

Diseases and pests: methods of control and prevention

Blackberries are susceptible to the following types of diseases:

  • non-infectious (excess or lack of trace elements);
  • bacterial (root cancer);
  • viral (curly, mosaic, yellow mesh, rust).

But the Jumbo variety is quite resistant to diseases, and subject to preventive measures and agricultural practices, it will delight with delicious berries for a long time.

The main enemies of blackberries are pests:

verminEvidenceWay to fight
KhrushchevDeals damage to roots. The plant withers and dies1. Sowing near blackberry mustard2. Before planting, soaking the roots in a 0,65% solution of Aktara3. Use during the growing season for tillage around the bushes of preparations Confidor, Antikhrushch
The raspberry beetleDamage to leaves, shoots, inflorescences, roots, berries1. Preventive seasonal digging of the soil under the bushes2. Dusting the dug up earth with ash or tobacco dust3. When buds appear, spray with solutions of Iskra, Fufagon, Kemifos
Raspberry flyDamage to young shootsPruning damaged shoots with their subsequent burning
blackberry miteDeterioration of plant appearance and berry qualitySpring spraying of shoots (before bud break) with Thiovit or Envidor solutions
Tick ​​of the webYellowing and premature leaf dropWhen the first leaves appear, the plants are treated three times with an interval of 7 days with Fitoverm, BI-58, Aktofit


Obviously, the large-fruited blackberry variety Jumbo deserves the attention and love of gardeners. It would seem that a foreign hybrid needs to create maximum comfort, but in fact the variety is unpretentious, high-yielding, and with little effort it will certainly please with a magnificent harvest.


Parkhomenko Marina Alexandrovna, 48 years old, Belgorod
I have been growing blackberries for a long time, but earlier thorny varieties grew on the site. Tired of the endless scratches on my hands, and after reading the reviews of experienced gardeners about the thornless Jumbo variety, I decided to try it. I bought a couple of seedlings, and now I can safely say that the reviews are not exaggerated. The berries are sweet, large, most importantly, they are stored for a long time, and do not crumple during transportation. The last factor is very important for our family, because we breed berries not only for ourselves, but also for sale on the market. I’m thinking of planting a couple more Jumbo bushes this year. What else I like is that you can feast on berries for more than a month. I recommend, try it, you won’t regret it!
Reaper Svetlana Ivanovna, 35 years old, Nakhabino settlement
The non-thorny blackberry was an outlandish novelty to me. At first there was disappointment, the first harvest of Jumbo was weak, but a good friend came to visit and explained that the bush had to be cut in time, otherwise all the forces went to growth. We were just beginning gardeners at the time. Having listened to her advice, and by that time several varieties of blackberries were growing on her site, and by pruning and feeding the bush in time, we got excellent results. The berries are delicious, and the jam is just yummy.

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