Blackberry juice: with apples, with orange

Chokeberry juice for the winter can be prepared at home. You will get a tasty, natural and very healthy drink that will make up for the lack of vitamins in the winter. Berries have a pleasant sweet-sour taste with a slight astringency. Of these, jam, compote or juice is harvested for the winter.

Blackberry juice: with apples, with orange

What is useful juice from chokeberry

The benefits of black mountain ash juice are due to the high content of vitamins and other valuable trace elements in this berry.

The drink has the following positive effects on the human body:

  1. Slows down the aging process.
  2. Strengthening peristalsis, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Increases the acidity of the stomach.
  3. Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, saturates the blood with oxygen, increases the level of hemoglobin.
  4. It makes the walls of blood vessels elastic, strengthening them.
  5. Stabilizes blood pressure in hypertension.
  6. Increases immunity, protecting the body from colds during the off-season and cold weather.
  7. Beneficial effect on vision. Recommended for use in the treatment of glaucoma.
  8. Due to the high concentration of iodine, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  9. It cleanses the body of radioactive substances, heavy metals and adversely affects pathogenic microorganisms. Perfectly removes the symptoms of intoxication.
  10. Favorably affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  11. Normalizes sleep, eliminates anxiety and increases efficiency.
  12. It is an excellent prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms.

How to make juice from chokeberry

The fastest and easiest way to make blackberry juice for the winter: using special devices. It is enough to prepare the berries and squeeze them with an electric or manual squeezer. To prepare blackberry juice for the winter, it is better to use a screw device that leaves a minimum of cake.

To prepare with the help of a juice cooker, sorted and thoroughly washed mountain ash is placed in a colander of the device and placed in a container to collect liquid. The structure is set on fire. An hour later, open the faucet and drain the drink.

If there are no special devices, the juice can be prepared using the old method: using a sieve or colander. In this case, the prepared berries are kneaded in small portions with a wooden pestle or spoon. To free the cake as much as possible from the juice, it can be put in cheesecloth and squeezed well.

The finished drink is poured into sterilized bottles or jars and hermetically sealed or frozen in cups.

Classic chokeberry juice recipe

The classic recipe for chokeberry juice at home involves making a drink from berries, without adding sugar.

 Ingredients: 2 kg of chokeberry.


  1. Berries cut from the branch. Sort the fruits and cut off the tails. Rinse.
  2. Pass the prepared rowan through a juicer.
  3. Strain the freshly squeezed liquid through a fine sieve into an enameled bowl. Remove foam carefully.
  4. Put the container with the drink on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for a minute.
  5. Wash 250 ml jars with soda. Process over steam. Boil screw caps.
  6. Pour hot juice into the prepared container, filling it up to the shoulders. Screw tightly with lids, turn over, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely.
Important! The juice can be used to make liquor and tincture, or used as a natural dye.

Chokeberry juice in a juicer

Chokeberry in a juicer is an easy and quick way to prepare a natural and healthy drink.


  • 2 cups beet sugar;
  • 2 kg blackberries.


  1. Pour water into the lower container of the pressure cooker, filling it ¾ of the volume. Put on moderate heat.
  2. Place a grid on top to collect juice. Cut aronia berries from the branch, sort well, removing spoiled fruits and cutting off the tails. Rinse the fruits under running water and place in the bowl of the device. Pour in two cups of sugar. Place on top of the juice collection grid. Close the lid. The juice supply hose must be closed.
  3. As soon as the water in the lower container boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. After 45 minutes, open the tap and pour the nectar into sterile bottles. Tighten the filled container tightly with lids, insulate with a blanket and leave for a day.

Blackberry juice through a juicer

Harvesting chokeberry through a juicer for the winter is the most preferred way to get a drink, as it takes a minimum of time and effort.


  • chokeberry;
  • beet sugar.


  1. The berries are removed from the bunches and be sure to remove all the branches. Rowan is washed under running water.
  2. The prepared fruits are laid out in a juicer and the juice is squeezed out.
  3. The drink is poured into an enamel pan. For each liter of juice, add 100 g of granulated sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Small jars are washed with soda, rinsed and sterilized in the oven or over steam. The drink is poured into prepared glass containers. The bottom of a wide pan is covered with a towel. They put jars of nectar into it and pour in hot water so that its level reaches the shoulders. Put on low heat and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  5. Banks are hermetically sealed with lids, covered with a warm blanket and left until the next day.
Important! The cake left from the berries should not be thrown away. You can make delicious jam from it by adding other fruits.

Blackberry juice: with apples, with orange

Juice from chokeberry through a meat grinder

Obtaining juice from black mountain ash by hand is quite laborious. A meat grinder will greatly facilitate this task.


  • chokeberry;
  • beet sugar.


  1. Cut aronia berries from the branches. Sort through the fruits and cut off all the tails. Rinse thoroughly and rinse with boiling water.
  2. Twist the prepared rowan through a meat grinder. Put the resulting mass in small portions on cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly.
  3. Place the liquid in an enamel pan, add sugar to taste and put on moderate heat. Bring to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Pour hot drink into sterile bottles or jars. Tighten tightly with boiled lids and leave until morning, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Chokeberry juice with cherry leaf

Citric acid and cherry leaves will give the drink even more flavor and freshness.


  • 1 kg blackberry;
  • 2 liter of spring water;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 300 g of beet sugar;
  • 30 pcs. fresh cherry leaves.


  1. Sort the rowan, cut off the petioles and rinse under running cold water.
  2. Put the berries in a saucepan, pour in water and put 15 cherry leaves. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for three minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to infuse for two days.
  3. After the allotted time, strain the broth. Add citric acid, sugar to it and mix. Put in the remaining cherry leaves. Boil and cook for five minutes.
  4. Strain the hot drink, pour into a sterile container. Cool by covering with a warm cloth.

Blackberry juice for the winter with orange

Orange will give the drink a pleasant freshness and an incredible citrus aroma.


  • 2 kg of chokeberry;
  • 2 orange.


  1. Pick aronia berries from the branch. Go through, removing the tails. Rinse thoroughly to remove wax deposits.
  2. Squeeze the fruits with a juicer. Pour the liquid into an enamel pan.
  3. Wash oranges and pour over boiling water. Cut the fruit into slices along with the peel. Add to drink. Put the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil five minutes.
  4. Strain the finished drink and pour into small bottles or jars, after sterilizing them. Tighten the lids tightly and cool, wrapped in a warm cloth.

Apple juice from chokeberry

Blackberry juice: with apples, with orange

Apples most favorably set off the taste of mountain ash, so these two ingredients make delicious and fragrant nectar.


  • 400 g of beet sugar;
  • 1 kg 800 g fresh sweet and sour apples;
  • 700 g blackberries.


  1. Sort the berries and wash thoroughly. Throw on a sieve. Wash the apples and cut into eight slices. Remove core.
  2. Squeeze juice from fruits and berries with a juicer and combine them in a saucepan. Add sugar to taste.
  3. Place the container on the stove and heat over moderate heat until boiling.
  4. Pour hot drink into sterile glass containers. Seal tightly and cool, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Rules for taking juice from chokeberry

With hypertension and to strengthen immunity, take juice three times a day, 50 ml, adding a little honey.

With diabetes, they drink 70 ml of pure juice in the morning and evening. To remove intoxication, drink 50 ml of the drink five times a day. Honey can be added for sweetness.


In addition to the above methods of harvesting chokeberry juice for the winter, it is worth noting that the most useful and fastest is freezing in cups. The only downside is that it takes up a lot of space in the freezer. Knowing about the benefits and dangers of chokeberry juice, you can get the maximum benefit and minimize the negative consequences of its use. The drink is not recommended for people with high acidity, with an allergy to this berry, and it is also worth refraining from lactating women.

How to cook chokeberry syrup in a juicer. Episode number 7.

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