Blackberry Brzezina: planting, care, pros and cons of the variety

The value of vitamin blackberries has long been recognized in Europe, although it comes from America. This culture is early-growing, fruitful, gives large tasty berries. It can be grown both on farms and in private backyards. The variety of selection from Poland is especially popular, since the climate in that part of Europe is closest to the specifics of our realities. What is special about this blackberry variety, about its advantages and disadvantages, as well as planting methods and care secrets – read on.


Brzezina is a very early variety of blackberry breeding from the Poles, considered the best novelty of the Polish Institute. It was submitted for official registration in 2012.

The fruiting process begins in the second year after the plant is planted, and it occurs on the shoots of the previous year. The fruits are dessert berries, but at the same time, the harvest can be successfully used for freezing or for any other processing method.

If we make a general description of this variety of blackberries, it should be said that in appearance the berries are large, shiny black, and taste sweet.

Blackberry Brzezina: planting, care, pros and cons of the variety

Brezina – pros and cons

The main advantage of the variety is high transportability.

Another plus is the good yield of blackberries. Brzezina is characterized by stretching in fruiting, so the crop can be harvested several times. Most often, the first berries can be harvested in early June.

Brzezina belongs to the Kumanik group. Plants in this group have the ability to grow up to three meters in height, but experts recommend forming bushes no larger than an outstretched hand for easier maintenance. In addition, these varieties are distinguished by powerful growth force, tough shoots that branch well, and therefore do not require pinching.

The Brzezin variety is thornless. The description often states that it is frost-resistant, so it does not need shelter for the winter. However, based on the experience of cultivating related varieties, in order to bear fruit stably and richly, the plants must still be covered for the cold period.

Blackberry Brzezina: planting, care, pros and cons of the variety

Planting and care

Brezina reproduces in an excellent way with the help of root cuttings and rooted tops of the shoots. Purchased blackberries should be planted in a hole well prepared for this, fertilized with organo-mineral mixtures. This variety prefers slightly acidic soils, does not like infused water. As for the care of such blackberries, there is nothing special or extremely unusual here. Like most berry growers, Brzezina needs regular feeding with complex-type fertilizers, as well as watering (it is recommended to use a drip system). According to the advice of gardeners, in order to protect it from weeds, but at the same time retain moisture, the ground around the bushes needs to be mulched.

Blackberry Brzezina: planting, care, pros and cons of the variety

Interestingly, blackberries are among the varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases, and therefore bring environmentally friendly products, as they do not require processing with the use of chemicals.

Despite the fact that the number of happy owners of this type is not that big, they are already actively sharing their impressions and first results, leaving useful feedback for others. According to the reviews, Brzezina is a noteworthy and very promising blackberry variety, especially if it spreads towards the north. Moreover, if in the middle lane there is a need to cover a productive Polish woman for the winter period, it makes sense to try to grow this particular variety in areas of cold winters, and not varieties of American selection.

Video “Growing blackberries”

In this video, you will get tips on growing blackberries from a specialist with many years of experience.

Growing a blackberry from a specialist with many years of experience

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