Blackberry Agawam

To date, there are more than 400 varieties of cultivated blackberries. Unlike its wild relative, it has large sweet berries, can be remontant and devoid of thorns. But garden varieties require shelter for the winter and, albeit minimal, but careful care. It is difficult for summer residents who visit their small plot of land from time to time to grow elite blackberries. Therefore, they are looking for an alternative – a variety that is unpretentious in care, resistant to the vagaries of the weather and at the same time gives a good harvest.

Blackberry Agawam

Perhaps gourmets will find Agave blackberries unworthy of their attention. But those gardeners who brought this variety on the site are in no hurry to part with it. Why? The berries are small, the taste cannot be compared with modern cultivars, the spines are large, curved and very sharp. Moreover, the growth gives such that it is almost impossible to cope with it. What is the secret of Agawam blackberries? Let’s take a closer look at this variety.

History of breeding

The blackberry variety Agawam was created in the middle of the 1865th century. Little is known about its origin. We can say for sure that the variety was created in the USA, and wild North American blackberry species were the parent crops. Some sources claim that Agawam has been known since XNUMX.

In 2006, the variety was included in the State Register and recommended for cultivation in all regions of Our Country.

Description of berry culture

Blackberry Agawam at the time of creation was considered tasty and quite large. It was grown as an industrial crop, for more than 80 years this variety held the palm in terms of prevalence in Europe and America.

General idea of ​​the variety

Blackberry Agawam forms a powerful, compact bush. This is a typical bum. Its thick pentagonal shoots with drooping tops are densely strewn with brown thorns bent down. The spines are of medium size, but very sharp and hard. Young shoots are green, darken by the end of the growing season, last year’s lashes are brown.

Blackberry Agawam

The leaves have a shape characteristic of the agave variety – all the plates diverge from one point. They are corrugated, strongly pubescent, with a strongly narrowed tip. The central veins on the reverse side are covered with thorns, however, much smaller than the thorns on the shoots. The size of the leaves is medium, the color is green. They are firmly attached to the lashes. Even in winter, Agawam blackberries often leave leafy.

The ability to form shoots in this variety is average. But Agawam forms a lot of overgrowth, and it is difficult to deal with it – neither digging in a curb, nor covering the soil with slate or metal sheets helps.

The fruiting of this blackberry occurs on last year’s growth.


The fruits of Agawam blackberries are medium in size – from 4 to 5 g, slightly pubescent. They are painted black and have the shape of a truncated cone or oval. The fastening of the berry to the prickly short stalk is medium. Each brush consists of 15-20 fruits of varying degrees of maturity.

Blackberry Agawam

The taste of ripe Agave blackberries is sweet and sour, with a delicate aroma, the fruits are dense and tolerate transportation well. Overripe berries become soft, watery and fresh. At the stage of technical ripeness, their taste and aroma resemble grass, they are not even too sour. So you need to collect Agave blackberries on time.

Perhaps that is why the tasting score of the berries is low – only 3,5 points. Reviews of gardeners about blackberries Agavem vary. Some consider it a garbage variety and advise replacing it with another, with large sweet berries and without thorns. Others, on the contrary, argue that if you pick Agawam blackberries on time, then no capricious thornless novelties are needed.

Blackberry Agawam


Before moving on to the characteristics of Agawam blackberries, we remind you that this is one of the first varieties, bred about 150 years ago. And until now it is planted both on industrial plantations and in private households. If you want to close the tab and move on to other varieties, first watch the video about Agawam blackberries grown without shelter in the south of the Moscow region. Listen to what the hostess says about her, who does not want to mess with thornless novelties:

My favorite BLACKBERRY Indestructible AGAVAM

Blackberry Agawam

Main advantages

Agawam blackberry is one of the most frost-resistant varieties. It can really be grown without shelter in Ukraine, Belarus and Central Our Country. When creating modern varieties, Agavem is used as a donor of frost resistance. It tolerates a short-term drop in temperature to -25-30⁰ C without any problems. Unlike cultivars of Polish selection, the flower buds of the Agawam variety freeze slightly.

But this blackberry does not like strong heat – the berries can be baked. In the southern regions, it can be planted in partial shade – this will have little effect on the harvest. Average drought tolerance is a relative term. Any blackberry needs to be watered regularly if you want to achieve a good harvest. On poor soil moisture, the Agawam variety will answer you with a small berry.

This blackberry makes less demands on soils than other varieties – it will grow even on soil with a neutral reaction.

Blackberry Agawam

The transportability of berries is good at the stage of technical and full ripeness. You can’t let it overripe – then the fruits will only be suitable for processing, but their taste will not be the best (just 3,5 points).

All problems in care come down to the inconvenience caused by sharp and curved thorns. This complicates the harvest, and in those regions where the winter is so severe that the lashes still need to be covered, shelter for the winter.

Comment! Otherwise, the Agawam variety is surprisingly unpretentious. Perhaps because he did not go far from his wild relatives, who grow up for themselves without any care.

Blackberry Agawam

Flowering period and ripening period

Agawam blackberries bloom in May. In the southern regions, buds with white petals open 7-10 days earlier than in the north. During flowering, the bush is completely covered with a white veil and looks very elegant.

Berries ripen unevenly. The bulk reaches ripeness by mid-August. For blackberries, this is the average time.

Yield indicators, fruiting terms

The average yield of Agawam blackberries is about 100 q/ha. And this despite the fact that 30 kg / ha is considered a good indicator! Such a yield is achieved due to compacted plantings and the fact that the Agawam variety has good shade tolerance – even those berries that do not have enough light ripen.

Important! This does not mean that blackberries can be planted in deep shade!

Blackberry Agawam

From one bush collect from 5 to 15 kg of berries. Fruiting is extended. It is better to collect blackberries Agavem in the stage of full ripeness, as in the stage of technical maturity or overexposed, they have a mediocre taste.

Scope of berries

Agawam blackberries can be eaten fresh, frozen or processed. They say that the most delicious jam is obtained from this variety.

Blackberry Agawam

Disease and pest resistance

Blackberry Agawam has resistance to pests and diseases at the level of other varieties. If the berries are not picked on time, gray rot may appear on them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the newer varieties are devoid of thorns, sweeter and more aromatic. Yes, and in the photo of the Agawam blackberry you can see that its berries are not as beautiful as those of Black Magic, Triple Crown or Karaka Black. But it has a number of advantages:

  1. High yield.
  2. The bush is growing rapidly.
  3. The Agawam variety is one of the most resistant to cold (including flower buds). Even in the Moscow region, it can not be covered for the winter.
  4. Uncomplicated care.
  5. Wetting resistance.
  6. Shade tolerance (not to be confused with shade-loving).
  7. The Agawam variety is more undemanding to soils than other blackberries.
  8. Resistance to diseases, pests.
  9. The versatility of using berries.
  10. Prolongation of fruiting.
  11. The bush grows in one place and bears fruit for 15 years or more.
  12. The Agawam variety is old and tried. We know exactly what to expect from him.

Blackberry Agawam

The disadvantages include:

  1. Studded shoots and leaves.
  2. Mediocre taste of overripe or unripe berries. You need to get used to picking them up on time.
  3. Huge number of roots. It is very difficult to fight her.
  4. In the northern regions, shelter for the winter is difficult.
  5. The size of the berries is small.

Methods of reproduction

Oddly enough, the unpretentious Agawam variety does not reproduce well by layering and pulping. And the point here is not that thick erect lashes are difficult to bend to the ground. They don’t root well! Only 1 layer out of 10 will take root well.

But the variety will give so much overgrowth that you will not know where to put it.

Blackberry Agawam

Rules of landing

Agaves are planted in the same way as other varieties. Even if you deviate from the generally accepted rules somewhere, it will not be critical, as when placing elite blackberries on plots.

Recommended dates

The Agawam variety in the south is planted in autumn, no later than a month before the onset of frost. In the northern regions, this is best done in the spring, when the soil warms up. Then the blackberry will have time to get used to the site and will winter well.

Choosing the right place

Here we can take more liberties than with other varieties. Blackberry Agawam is not afraid of getting wet, so it can be planted in the lowlands.

Important! This does not apply to wetlands! Even the Agawam variety cannot be planted there.

The soil can be not only slightly acidic, but also neutral. But if it’s not a problem for you to buy some red (horse) peat, it’s better to spend money on it. And then later you will have to purchase chelates – blackberries are prone to chlorosis, and it is the increased acidity of the soil that helps to avoid it.

Blackberry Agawam

Agawam variety can be planted in partial shade. In this, he is similar to his wild relatives, often living in the undergrowth under the canopy of trees with an openwork crown. In the south, such a planting is even preferable – the berry will bake less. In cold regions, choose a location that is well lit and sheltered from the wind.

Soil Preparation

It is better to follow all the rules for planting and preparing the soil, even for the Agawam blackberry variety. Then it will be easier for you to take care of her. So, dig a landing hole with a depth and a diameter of 50 cm. Mix the layer of earth taken out from above with a bucket of humus, 50 g of potash and 120-150 g of phosphorus fertilizers. If soil:

  • dense – add sand;
  • sour – lime;
  • carbonate – organic matter;
  • alkaline or neutral – sour (red, riding) peat.

Mix everything well, fill the planting hole 2/3 and fill it with water.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

With the purchase of Agawam blackberry seedlings, there should be no problems – the variety is quite common. Make sure the root is well developed. Do not be too lazy to smell it – it should smell like fresh earth.

But remember that the Agawam variety is not among the most sought after. Seedlings may be stale. Make sure that the shoots are flexible, without cracks, wrinkles or other damage.

Blackberry Agawam

On the eve of planting, water the plant in a container, and soak the bare root in water.

Algorithm and landing scheme

Single agave blackberry bushes can be placed at a distance of 2 m from each other. For a large number of seedlings, a compact planting of 1,0-1,5 m is possible. The distance between rows is 2-3 m.

Advice! If possible, do not thicken, it will be easier to care for, because the Agawam variety is equipped with very unpleasant thorns.

Form a mound in the center of the planting hole, straighten the roots around it and fill it with nutrient soil. Compact the soil and water with a bucket of water. It remains to mulch the landing site with humus or peat.

Blackberry Agawam

Important! The root neck should be deepened by 1,5-2,0 cm.

Culture aftercare

Agawam blackberries might be easy and enjoyable to grow, but their shoots and even leaves are covered in thorns.

Growing principles

The shoots of the Agawam variety are thick and erect, but reach 3 m. They need to be tied to a trellis. It is best to distribute fruiting lashes evenly on a horizontal support about 25 cm apart on one side. Young growth should be tied up in the same way on the other side. This will make picking berries easier.

Agawam blackberry yields are affected by the following factors:

  1. Regular watering. With a lack of moisture, the berries become smaller.
  2. Pruning. Some gardeners leave dry lashes that finished fruiting last year so as not to injure their hands. Like, anyway, they are dead and do not consume either water or nutrients. But the yield is significantly reduced.
  3. In the northern regions, there will be fewer berries in the shade, in the south – on the contrary, under the scorching sun.
  4. Naturally, if you want to get a good harvest, blackberries will have to be fertilized.

Blackberry Agawam

Necessary activities

Agaves need to be watered regularly. Immediately after planting – twice a week, then – as the soil dries out.

In the spring, the Agawam variety is fed with nitrogen, during the opening of the buds – with a complete mineral fertilizer, after harvesting – with potassium monophosphate. During extreme heat, rainy or cool summers, spraying with epin and zircon alternately every 2 weeks is useful. It is good to add chelates to the balloon, especially if the leaves turn yellow and the veins remain green (this is a sign of chlorosis).

Blackberry Agawam

In spring and autumn, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the blackberry. During the period of flowering and fruiting, this procedure can be replaced by mulching – peat, humus, mowed grass. So the root will suffer less from heat, it will become difficult for weeds to germinate, and the soil will retain moisture longer.

shrub pruning

Even if you are not going to cover Agave blackberries for the winter, be sure to cut the shoots that have finished fruiting to the ground level. If you didn’t have enough time in the fall, do it in the spring! So you will significantly increase the yield.

Blackberry Agawam

The first 3 years, the Agawam variety can not be formed. Only in the fourth year of life shoots begin to grow in full force. Only old, frozen, dry and broken branches are removed. Be sure to cut out all the lashes with signs of disease.

On an adult bush, 4-6 strong shoots are left for fruiting. As they grow, tweezing is carried out – 7-10 cm of the tops are cut off from the side shoots. So they will branch better and give more fruit brushes.

Unlike other varieties, Agawam blackberries give a lot of shoots. It cannot be limited by digging in a curb or laying around bushes of slate, iron sheets or other material. Agawam variety is ubiquitous! He will cope with any obstacle and still sprout. If you do not need seedlings, you will have to regularly cut the growth at ground level.

Comment! If you’re hoping to just walk the lawnmower and be done with it, don’t flatter yourself. The remaining small column will perceive this as a pinch and will continue to grow. Then you have to cut it with secateurs.

So pruning Agawam blackberries is a mandatory and troublesome procedure.

Preparation for winter

In the southern regions and most of Central Our Country, Agave blackberries can not be covered for the winter. Where insulation is still needed, it is better to pay attention to other varieties. If there was a thornless blackberry Agawam, it would be difficult to cover it, although it would be difficult because of the powerful erect shoots, but it is possible. But bending prickly, poorly bending whips is problematic. And why, if there are more than 400 varieties, many of which either do not have thorns or have pliable shoots.

Blackberry Agawam

You can try to cover Agawam blackberries right on the trellis. To do this, the root is sprinkled with soil, and the shoots are hung directly on the support with burlap and agrofibre. It is important to firmly fix the covering material and prevent it from icing.

Diseases and pests: methods of control and prevention

If you do not plant raspberries, nightshade crops or strawberries next to the blackberry, it will rarely get sick. The recommended distance is 50 m.

In order to prevent in spring and autumn, shoots are treated with preparations containing copper.


Of course, Agawam is an old variety. But it can be left uncovered in most regions, and in general it is considered one of the healthiest due to its close relationship with the wild-growing blackberry species. And its taste is not so bad if you pick the berries on time. That is why many experienced gardeners are in no hurry to part with the old tried and tested Agawam blackberry variety.

Blackberry Agawam


Lyudmila Igorevna Velichko, 52 years old, Kherson
I do not recommend growing Agawam blackberries on an industrial scale with us. And it’s not even about the thorns, because of which it is difficult to harvest. Just in open spaces, the berry is baked. This is a small area you can plant a few bushes so that the sun illuminates them part of the day. On large areas, you have to buy a shading net, stretch and fix it. And this is additional funds and labor costs. So the berry will turn out in the truest sense of the word golden.
Zhanna Valerievna Kucherevskaya, 39 years old, Stupino
Blackberry Agawam grows well with us. I chose this prickly variety only because I do not need to cover for the winter. I planted two bushes, I thought we would cook jam, add to baking. But the fruit was very tasty. I don’t know, maybe there are better ones, but we like it. So now we have not two, but ten bushes growing. We eat ourselves, we treat our friends. We also prepare juice, wine, jam. Well, we are fighting with the undergrowth, where can you get away from it.

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