Blackberries: useful and healing properties. Video

Outwardly, blackberries are very similar to the familiar raspberries, but in comparison with them they are of much greater value for the body. In their composition, blackberries have a number of life-giving substances, including:

– trace elements (manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, potassium); – vitamins A, B, C, E, P; – sucrose; – glucose; – fructose; – pectins; – tannins.

Due to its rich composition, blackberries are daily used as an antioxidant and wound healing agent. Fresh fruits of this plant help to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and normalize many body functions. The bioflavonoids in blackberries provide antipyretic effects. Because of this, blackberries are often preferred over aspirin.

The use of blackberries is effective in cases of kidney, bladder, joint diseases and diabetes mellitus. It also plays an essential role in stimulating the work of the nervous system and the brain, preventing the development of neuroses and activating the thinking processes.

Blackberries and freshly squeezed juice can often be found in the diet of medical food for intestinal and stomach diseases. The fact is that blackberries have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. Blackberry leaves and roots also have life-giving properties. They can be consumed in the form of a decoction, tincture or tea.

Before flowering, blackberry leaves are used for dysentery, food poisoning, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer. For the treatment of heart disease, an infusion of blackberry leaves is perfect. The beneficial effects of tea and a decoction of the leaves can be traced in the treatment of anemia.

It is a well-known fact that climacteric neurosis in women is easier to overcome with the help of the use of blackberries in any form. In this case, this plant has a general tonic and calming effect on the woman’s body. The use of fresh blackberry leaves is practiced in the fight against lichen and chronic ulcers on the limbs.

Astringent, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties are characteristic of both the leaves and roots of this plant. For the treatment of dropsy, infusion of blackberry root is often used as a strong diuretic.

Due to the life-giving properties and impeccable taste, blackberries are intensively used in cooking. It tastes amazing both as fresh berries and as part of various dishes. It is also customary to make marmalade, juices, liqueurs and wines from blackberries, which delight both connoisseurs of impeccable taste and adherents of healthy food. Blackberry is very convenient to use at home, since all the nutrients in its composition are preserved when frozen.

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