Black tree peonies
When choosing plants for growing, gardeners often stop at these flowers, because their variety is simply amazing: white, pink, yellow and even black peonies. You can create compositions of fabulous beauty from them, and in single plantings they do not lose their charm.
Growing plants: care features
Regardless of the variety, whether it is black and red or white peonies, herbaceous or tree-like, they require almost the same conditions for themselves. Although this plant is unpretentious, caring for it does not take much time, the main thing is to choose the right place and soil for planting it.
Black peonies are varieties of dark shades of purple or burgundy.
The basic rules for growing peonies are as follows:
- These are light-loving plants that feel bad in the shade, which affects their development and the quality of flowering. Therefore, you immediately need to choose a suitable place for it, open to light and sunlight, without shading by trees or buildings.
- Clay or sandy soils will not allow the peony to develop fully, it will not have enough strength for abundant flowering. The soil for it must be fertile, loose. It is best if it is a specially prepared substrate.
- You need to plant or replant the plant in the fall. So he has much more chances to successfully take root and adapt to a new place. The end of August and September are the best times for this.
The best way to plant is by dividing the bush. The rhizome planted in the fall will take root, and in the spring the plant will begin its growth and development in full force.
Treelike and herbaceous black peonies
Black refers to shades of maroon or dark purple. They are found in both herbaceous and tree-like species. In low light, they really look like they are black.
Among them are the following varieties:
- “Sacred Mountain”. It is a herbaceous, rapidly growing shrub. The flowers are crown-shaped, dark purple in color. It looks mysterious and bewitching. Late flowering begins in mid-summer.
- “Black Pearl”. Also blooms from mid-season. The flowers are maroon, close to black.
- “Black Panther”. The tree-like shrub produces flowers of a very dark burgundy color. The petals are semi-double.
Such varieties look harmonious and stylish in joint plantings with peonies that give white flowers. There are a great many of them, and each variety is beautiful in its own way.
Single landings are no less beautiful. Dark flowers do not look gloomy, but rather chic and graceful.