Black sultana grapes: description with photo, characteristics

Many people love grapes. The fruits of this crop are among the sweetest in the world, as they contain a lot of glucose and fructose. He is also extremely helpful. This delicious berry helps with coughs, as well as tuberculosis. Pectin, which is part of it, improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Frequent use increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and nourishes the skin. There are many different types of grapes. Kishmish is very popular due to the absence of seeds. Next, we will take a closer look at the Kishmish black grape variety.


The birthplace of seedless grape crops is Central Asia. But for many years, breeders VNIiiV named after V.I. Potapenko Ya.I. The variety Kishmish Black Sultan was bred by crossing Talisman and Glenora. The tests were carried out by specialists from the Potapenko Institute Ya.I. in the south of Belarus. These are table grapes. The leaves of the plant are medium in size, rounded. Flowers do not need dusting, because they are bisexual. The fruits ripen early. The period from the beginning of bud break to the full ripening of the fruit is 115-120 days. The bush develops and grows quite quickly. Clusters of grapes are medium, weighing from 300 to 700 g and cylindrical in shape. Clusters and berries are quite dense. But when eaten, the skin is not felt. Each berry weighs approximately 2,5-3 g. The fruits are round or slightly oval in shape, black in color with a slight wax coating. The pulp of raisin has an amazing fruity aroma, very dense, crispy. The sugar level is about 17-23%.

There is also an oval-shaped Kishmish variety Black Finger. The variety was bred in the USA, so it is also called Blackfinger. Compared to Kishmish Black Sultan, the culture bears fruit in larger clusters up to 2 kg, and the berries are much larger. The weight of a grape can be from 8 to 12 grams. Yields are consistently high. Black finger can be grown in the open spaces of the northern regions, since the species is frost-resistant. The plant requires constant treatment with antifungal agents. It will not be so easy to get this variety for planting, as it is patented, so you must first buy a permit to grow Blackfinger.

Also, US experts brought out another type of black raisins – Black Emerald. A feature is the early ripening of berries. Clusters and berries are small, up to 600 g and up to 5 g, respectively. The grapes are round, very sweet and crunchy in taste. The advantage of the culture is resistance to low temperatures, high stable yields.

Advantages of the variety

The advantage of Kishmish Black Sultan is resistance to mildew, oidium and gray rot. Fruit buds can withstand frosts up to 25 degrees. Thanks to dense clusters, it can be transported without problems without worrying about damage to the fruit. The yield of the variety is quite high: up to 100-250 q/ha.

The bushes develop well and are not very whimsical, so you can buy black Kishmish without hesitation for planting in the country or in the backyard.

It is advised to plant Kishmish grapes in a spacious sunny area without drafts.

Another advantage is the simple care of the bushes, which consists in watering and fertilizing. It is also better to cover the shoots from frost for the winter. It is believed that it is black varieties that are most useful. Eating can lower cholesterol levels and strengthen the cardiovascular system. The peel of the fruit consists of substances that prevent the appearance of blood clots. Berries are rich in antioxidants that prevent aging of the body. Fine red wine is made from black grapes. Kishmish fruits are often used for the production of raisins.

Video “How to grow Kishmish Black grapes”

On the recording, a man who grows grapes talks about the features of this variety and the specifics of cultivation.

@GRAPE JUPITER (raisin from USA)

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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